# frozen_string_literal: true class EmailsOnPushService < Service boolean_accessor :send_from_committer_email boolean_accessor :disable_diffs prop_accessor :recipients validates :recipients, presence: true, if: :valid_recipients? def title s_('EmailsOnPushService|Emails on push') end def description s_('EmailsOnPushService|Email the commits and diff of each push to a list of recipients.') end def self.to_param 'emails_on_push' end def self.supported_events %w(push tag_push) end def execute(push_data) return unless supported_events.include?(push_data[:object_kind]) return if project.emails_disabled? EmailsOnPushWorker.perform_async( project_id, recipients, push_data, send_from_committer_email: send_from_committer_email?, disable_diffs: disable_diffs? ) end def send_from_committer_email? Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(self.send_from_committer_email) end def disable_diffs? Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(self.disable_diffs) end def fields domains = Notify.allowed_email_domains.map { |domain| "user@#{domain}" }.join(", ") [ { type: 'checkbox', name: 'send_from_committer_email', title: s_("EmailsOnPushService|Send from committer"), help: s_("EmailsOnPushService|Send notifications from the committer's email address if the domain is part of the domain GitLab is running on (e.g. %{domains}).") % { domains: domains } }, { type: 'checkbox', name: 'disable_diffs', title: s_("EmailsOnPushService|Disable code diffs"), help: s_("EmailsOnPushService|Don't include possibly sensitive code diffs in notification body.") }, { type: 'textarea', name: 'recipients', placeholder: s_('EmailsOnPushService|Emails separated by whitespace') } ] end end