# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe MarkupHelper do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:user) do user = create(:user, username: 'gfm') project.add_maintainer(user) user end let_it_be(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let_it_be(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) } let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet, project: project) } let(:commit) { project.commit } before do # Helper expects a @project instance variable helper.instance_variable_set(:@project, project) # Stub the `current_user` helper allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end describe "#markdown" do describe "referencing multiple objects" do let(:actual) { "#{merge_request.to_reference} -> #{commit.to_reference} -> #{issue.to_reference}" } it "links to the merge request" do expected = urls.project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) expect(helper.markdown(actual)).to match(expected) end it "links to the commit" do expected = urls.project_commit_path(project, commit) expect(helper.markdown(actual)).to match(expected) end it "links to the issue" do expected = urls.project_issue_path(project, issue) expect(helper.markdown(actual)).to match(expected) end end describe "override default project" do let(:actual) { issue.to_reference } let_it_be(:second_project) { create(:project, :public) } let_it_be(:second_issue) { create(:issue, project: second_project) } it 'links to the issue' do expected = urls.project_issue_path(second_project, second_issue) expect(markdown(actual, project: second_project)).to match(expected) end end describe 'uploads' do let(:text) { "" } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } subject { helper.markdown(text) } describe 'inside a project' do it 'renders uploads relative to project' do expect(subject).to include("#{project.full_path}/uploads/test.png") end end describe 'inside a group' do before do helper.instance_variable_set(:@group, group) helper.instance_variable_set(:@project, nil) end it 'renders uploads relative to the group' do expect(subject).to include("#{group.full_path}/-/uploads/test.png") end end describe "with a group in the context" do let_it_be(:project_in_group) { create(:project, group: group) } before do helper.instance_variable_set(:@group, group) helper.instance_variable_set(:@project, project_in_group) end it 'renders uploads relative to project' do expect(subject).to include("#{project_in_group.path_with_namespace}/uploads/test.png") end end end context 'when text contains a relative link to an image in the repository' do let(:image_file) { "logo-white.png" } let(:text_with_relative_path) { "\n" } let(:generated_html) { helper.markdown(text_with_relative_path, requested_path: requested_path) } subject { Nokogiri::HTML.parse(generated_html) } context 'when requested_path is provided in the context' do let(:requested_path) { 'files/images/README.md' } it 'returns the correct HTML for the image' do expanded_path = "/#{project.full_path}/-/raw/master/files/images/#{image_file}" expect(subject.css('a')[0].attr('href')).to eq(expanded_path) expect(subject.css('img')[0].attr('data-src')).to eq(expanded_path) end end context 'when requested_path parameter is not provided' do let(:requested_path) { nil } it 'returns the link to the image path as a relative path' do expanded_path = "/#{project.full_path}/-/blob/master/./#{image_file}" expect(subject.css('a')[0].attr('href')).to eq(expanded_path) end end end end describe '#markdown_field' do let(:attribute) { :title } describe 'with already redacted attribute' do it 'returns the redacted attribute' do commit.redacted_title_html = 'commit title' expect(Banzai).not_to receive(:render_field) expect(helper.markdown_field(commit, attribute)).to eq('commit title') end end describe 'without redacted attribute' do it 'renders the markdown value' do expect(Banzai).to receive(:render_field).with(commit, attribute, {}).and_call_original expect(Banzai).to receive(:post_process) helper.markdown_field(commit, attribute) end end context 'when post_process is false' do it 'does not run Markdown post processing' do expect(Banzai).to receive(:render_field).with(commit, attribute, {}).and_call_original expect(Banzai).not_to receive(:post_process) helper.markdown_field(commit, attribute, post_process: false) end end end describe '#link_to_markdown_field' do let(:link) { '/commits/0a1b2c3d' } let(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project) } # Clean the cache to make sure the title is re-rendered from the stubbed one it 'handles references nested in links with all the text', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do allow(commit).to receive(:title).and_return("This should finally fix #{issues[0].to_reference} and #{issues[1].to_reference} for real") actual = helper.link_to_markdown_field(commit, :title, link) doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(actual) # Make sure we didn't create invalid markup expect(doc.errors).to be_empty # Leading commit link expect(doc.css('a')[0].attr('href')).to eq link expect(doc.css('a')[0].text).to eq 'This should finally fix ' # First issue link expect(doc.css('a')[1].attr('href')) .to eq urls.project_issue_path(project, issues[0]) expect(doc.css('a')[1].text).to eq issues[0].to_reference # Internal commit link expect(doc.css('a')[2].attr('href')).to eq link expect(doc.css('a')[2].text).to eq ' and ' # Second issue link expect(doc.css('a')[3].attr('href')) .to eq urls.project_issue_path(project, issues[1]) expect(doc.css('a')[3].text).to eq issues[1].to_reference # Trailing commit link expect(doc.css('a')[4].attr('href')).to eq link expect(doc.css('a')[4].text).to eq ' for real' end end describe '#link_to_markdown' do let(:link) { '/commits/0a1b2c3d' } let(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project) } it 'handles references nested in links with all the text' do actual = helper.link_to_markdown("This should finally fix #{issues[0].to_reference} and #{issues[1].to_reference} for real", link) doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(actual) # Make sure we didn't create invalid markup expect(doc.errors).to be_empty # Leading commit link expect(doc.css('a')[0].attr('href')).to eq link expect(doc.css('a')[0].text).to eq 'This should finally fix ' # First issue link expect(doc.css('a')[1].attr('href')) .to eq urls.project_issue_path(project, issues[0]) expect(doc.css('a')[1].text).to eq issues[0].to_reference # Internal commit link expect(doc.css('a')[2].attr('href')).to eq link expect(doc.css('a')[2].text).to eq ' and ' # Second issue link expect(doc.css('a')[3].attr('href')) .to eq urls.project_issue_path(project, issues[1]) expect(doc.css('a')[3].text).to eq issues[1].to_reference # Trailing commit link expect(doc.css('a')[4].attr('href')).to eq link expect(doc.css('a')[4].text).to eq ' for real' end it 'forwards HTML options' do actual = helper.link_to_markdown("Fixed in #{commit.id}", link, class: 'foo') doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(actual) expect(doc.css('a')).to satisfy do |v| # 'foo' gets added to all links v.all? { |a| a.attr('class').match(/foo$/) } end end it "escapes HTML passed in as the body" do actual = "This is a
')).to eq('NOEL
') end it 'defaults to CommonMark' do expect(helper.markup('foo.md', 'x^2')).to include('x^2') end end describe '#markup_unsafe' do subject { helper.markup_unsafe(file_name, text, context) } let_it_be(:project_base) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:context) { { project: project_base } } let(:file_name) { 'foo.bar' } let(:text) { 'Noël' } context 'when text is missing' do let(:text) { nil } it 'returns an empty string' do is_expected.to eq('') end end context 'when file is a markdown file' do let(:file_name) { 'foo.md' } it 'returns html (rendered by Banzai)' do expected_html = 'Noël
' expect(Banzai).to receive(:render).with(text, context) { expected_html } is_expected.to eq(expected_html) end context 'when renderer returns an error' do before do allow(Banzai).to receive(:render).and_raise(StandardError, "An error") end it 'returns html (rendered by ActionView:TextHelper)' do is_expected.to eq('Noël
') end it 'logs the error' do expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception).with( instance_of(StandardError), project_id: project.id, file_name: 'foo.md' ) subject end end end context 'when file is asciidoc file' do let(:file_name) { 'foo.adoc' } it 'returns html (rendered by Gitlab::Asciidoc)' do expected_html = "Noël
\nNoël') end end context 'when file has an unknown type' do let(:file_name) { 'foo.tex' } it 'returns html (rendered by Gitlab::OtherMarkup)' do expected_html = 'Noël' expect(Gitlab::OtherMarkup).to receive(:render).with(file_name, text, context) { expected_html } is_expected.to eq(expected_html) end end end describe '#first_line_in_markdown' do shared_examples_for 'common markdown examples' do let(:project_base) { build(:project, :repository) } it 'displays inline code' do object = create_object('Text with `inline code`') expected = 'Text with
inline code
expect(first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 100, project: project)).to match(expected)
it 'truncates the text with multiple paragraphs' do
object = create_object("Paragraph 1\n\nParagraph 2")
expected = 'Paragraph 1...'
expect(first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 100, project: project)).to match(expected)
it 'displays the first line of a code block' do
object = create_object("```\nCode block\nwith two lines\n```")
expected = %r{Code block\.\.\.\n
expect(first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 100, project: project)).to match(expected)
it 'truncates a single long line of text' do
text = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog twice' # 50 chars
object = create_object(text * 4)
expected = (text * 2).sub(/.{3}/, '...')
expect(first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 150, project: project)).to match(expected)
it 'preserves a link href when link text is truncated' do
text = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' # 44 chars
link_url = 'http://example.com/foo/bar/baz' # 30 chars
input = "#{text}#{text}#{text} #{link_url}" # 163 chars
expected_link_text = 'http://example...'
object = create_object(input)
expect(first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 150, project: project)).to match(link_url)
expect(first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 150, project: project)).to match(expected_link_text)
it 'preserves code color scheme' do
object = create_object("```ruby\ndef test\n 'hello world'\nend\n```")
expected = "" \
"def test...\n" \
expect(first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 150, project: project)).to eq(expected)
context 'when images are allowed' do
it 'preserves data-src for lazy images' do
object = create_object("")
image_url = "data-src=\".*/uploads/test.png\""
text = first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, 150, project: project, allow_images: true)
expect(text).to match(image_url)
expect(text).to match('