/* eslint-disable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */ import { createTwoFilesPatch } from 'diff'; import { commitActionTypes } from '~/ide/constants'; const DEV_NULL = '/dev/null'; const DEFAULT_MODE = '100644'; const NO_NEW_LINE = '\\ No newline at end of file'; const NEW_LINE = '\n'; /** * Cleans patch generated by `diff` package. * * - Removes "=======" separator added at the beginning */ const cleanTwoFilesPatch = text => text.replace(/^(=+\s*)/, ''); const endsWithNewLine = val => !val || val[val.length - 1] === NEW_LINE; const addEndingNewLine = val => (endsWithNewLine(val) ? val : val + NEW_LINE); const removeEndingNewLine = val => (endsWithNewLine(val) ? val.substr(0, val.length - 1) : val); const diffHead = (prevPath, newPath = '') => `diff --git "a/${prevPath}" "b/${newPath || prevPath}"`; const createDiffBody = (path, content, isCreate) => { if (!content) { return ''; } const prefix = isCreate ? '+' : '-'; const fromPath = isCreate ? DEV_NULL : `a/${path}`; const toPath = isCreate ? `b/${path}` : DEV_NULL; const hasNewLine = endsWithNewLine(content); const lines = removeEndingNewLine(content).split(NEW_LINE); const chunkHead = isCreate ? `@@ -0,0 +1,${lines.length} @@` : `@@ -1,${lines.length} +0,0 @@`; const chunk = lines .map(line => `${prefix}${line}`) .concat(!hasNewLine ? [NO_NEW_LINE] : []) .join(NEW_LINE); return `--- ${fromPath} +++ ${toPath} ${chunkHead} ${chunk}`; }; const createMoveFileDiff = (prevPath, newPath) => `${diffHead(prevPath, newPath)} rename from ${prevPath} rename to ${newPath}`; const createNewFileDiff = (path, content) => { const diff = createDiffBody(path, content, true); return `${diffHead(path)} new file mode ${DEFAULT_MODE} ${diff}`; }; const createDeleteFileDiff = (path, content) => { const diff = createDiffBody(path, content, false); return `${diffHead(path)} deleted file mode ${DEFAULT_MODE} ${diff}`; }; const createUpdateFileDiff = (path, oldContent, newContent) => { const patch = createTwoFilesPatch(`a/${path}`, `b/${path}`, oldContent, newContent); return `${diffHead(path)} ${cleanTwoFilesPatch(patch)}`; }; const createFileDiffRaw = (file, action) => { switch (action) { case commitActionTypes.move: return createMoveFileDiff(file.prevPath, file.path); case commitActionTypes.create: return createNewFileDiff(file.path, file.content); case commitActionTypes.delete: return createDeleteFileDiff(file.path, file.content); case commitActionTypes.update: return createUpdateFileDiff(file.path, file.raw || '', file.content); default: return ''; } }; /** * Create a git diff for a single IDE file. * * ## Notes: * When called with `commitActionType.move`, it assumes that the move * is a 100% similarity move. No diff will be generated. This is because * generating a move with changes is not support by the current IDE, since * the source file might not have it's content loaded yet. * * When called with `commitActionType.delete`, it does not support * deleting files with a mode different than 100644. For the IDE mirror, this * isn't needed because deleting is handled outside the unified patch. * * ## References: * - https://git-scm.com/docs/git-diff#_generating_patches_with_p */ const createFileDiff = (file, action) => // It's important that the file diff ends in a new line - git expects this. addEndingNewLine(createFileDiffRaw(file, action)); export default createFileDiff;