#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true

  # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/issues/760

  # Needed to handle repositories that are not in any storage

  # Needed to avoid using the git binary to validate a branch name

  # Reverted Rugged calls due to Gitaly atop NFS performance
  # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/gitaly.html#legacy-rugged-code.

  # Needed to detect Rugged enabled: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/35371

  # Needed for GPG/X509 commit signature API

  # Needed for logging

rugged_lines = IO.popen(%w[git grep -i -n rugged -- app config lib], &:read).lines
rugged_lines = rugged_lines.select { |l| /^[^:]*\.rb:/ =~ l }
rugged_lines = rugged_lines.reject { |l| l.start_with?(*ALLOWED) }
rugged_lines = rugged_lines.reject { |l| /(include|prepend) Gitlab::Git::RuggedImpl/ =~ l }
rugged_lines = rugged_lines.reject { |l| l.include?('Gitlab::ConfigChecker::PumaRuggedChecker.check') }
rugged_lines = rugged_lines.reject do |line|
  code, _comment = line.split('# ', 2)
  code !~ /rugged/i

exit if rugged_lines.empty?

puts "Using Rugged is only allowed in test and #{ALLOWED}\n\n"

puts rugged_lines
