import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import ObservabilityApp from '~/observability/components/observability_app.vue'; import ObservabilitySkeleton from '~/observability/components/skeleton/index.vue'; import { MESSAGE_EVENT_TYPE, INLINE_EMBED_DIMENSIONS, FULL_APP_DIMENSIONS, SKELETON_VARIANT_EMBED, } from '~/observability/constants'; import { darkModeEnabled } from '~/lib/utils/color_utils'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/color_utils'); describe('ObservabilityApp', () => { let wrapper; const $route = { pathname: '', path: '', query: { otherQuery: 100 }, }; const mockHandleSkeleton = jest.fn(); const findIframe = () => wrapper.findByTestId('observability-ui-iframe'); const TEST_IFRAME_SRC = ''; const TEST_USERNAME = 'test-user'; const mountComponent = (props) => { wrapper = shallowMountExtended(ObservabilityApp, { propsData: { observabilityIframeSrc: TEST_IFRAME_SRC, ...props, }, stubs: { 'observability-skeleton': ObservabilitySkeleton, }, mocks: { $route, }, }); }; const dispatchMessageEvent = (message) => window.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent('message', message)); beforeEach(() => { gon.current_username = TEST_USERNAME; }); describe('iframe src', () => { it('should render an iframe with observabilityIframeSrc, decorated with light theme and username', () => { darkModeEnabled.mockReturnValueOnce(false); mountComponent(); const iframe = findIframe(); expect(iframe.exists()).toBe(true); expect(iframe.attributes('src')).toBe( `${TEST_IFRAME_SRC}&theme=light&username=${TEST_USERNAME}`, ); }); it('should render an iframe with observabilityIframeSrc decorated with dark theme and username', () => { darkModeEnabled.mockReturnValueOnce(true); mountComponent(); const iframe = findIframe(); expect(iframe.exists()).toBe(true); expect(iframe.attributes('src')).toBe( `${TEST_IFRAME_SRC}&theme=dark&username=${TEST_USERNAME}`, ); }); }); describe('iframe sandbox', () => { it('should render an iframe with sandbox attributes', () => { mountComponent(); const iframe = findIframe(); expect(iframe.exists()).toBe(true); expect(iframe.attributes('sandbox')).toBe('allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts'); }); }); describe('iframe kiosk query param', () => { it('when inlineEmbed, it should set the proper kiosk query parameter', () => { mountComponent({ inlineEmbed: true, }); const iframe = findIframe(); expect(iframe.attributes('src')).toBe( `${TEST_IFRAME_SRC}&theme=light&username=${TEST_USERNAME}&kiosk=inline-embed`, ); }); }); describe('iframe size', () => { it('should set the specified size', () => { mountComponent({ height: INLINE_EMBED_DIMENSIONS.HEIGHT, width: INLINE_EMBED_DIMENSIONS.WIDTH, }); const iframe = findIframe(); expect(iframe.attributes('width')).toBe(INLINE_EMBED_DIMENSIONS.WIDTH); expect(iframe.attributes('height')).toBe(INLINE_EMBED_DIMENSIONS.HEIGHT); }); it('should fallback to default size', () => { mountComponent({}); const iframe = findIframe(); expect(iframe.attributes('width')).toBe(FULL_APP_DIMENSIONS.WIDTH); expect(iframe.attributes('height')).toBe(FULL_APP_DIMENSIONS.HEIGHT); }); }); describe('skeleton variant', () => { it('sets the specified skeleton variant', () => { mountComponent({ skeletonVariant: SKELETON_VARIANT_EMBED }); const props = wrapper.findComponent(ObservabilitySkeleton).props(); expect(props.variant).toBe(SKELETON_VARIANT_EMBED); }); it('should have a default skeleton variant', () => { mountComponent(); const props = wrapper.findComponent(ObservabilitySkeleton).props(); expect(props.variant).toBe('dashboards'); }); }); describe('on GOUI_ROUTE_UPDATE', () => { it('should emit a route-update event', () => { mountComponent(); const payload = { url: '/explore' }; dispatchMessageEvent({ data: { type: MESSAGE_EVENT_TYPE.GOUI_ROUTE_UPDATE, payload }, origin: '', }); expect(wrapper.emitted('route-update')[0]).toEqual([payload]); }); }); describe('on GOUI_LOADED', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent(); wrapper.vm.$refs.observabilitySkeleton.onContentLoaded = mockHandleSkeleton; }); it('should call onContentLoaded method', () => { dispatchMessageEvent({ data: { type: MESSAGE_EVENT_TYPE.GOUI_LOADED }, origin: '', }); expect(mockHandleSkeleton).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should not call onContentLoaded method if origin is different', () => { dispatchMessageEvent({ data: { type: MESSAGE_EVENT_TYPE.GOUI_LOADED }, origin: '', }); expect(mockHandleSkeleton).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should not call onContentLoaded method if event type is different', () => { dispatchMessageEvent({ data: { type: 'UNKNOWN_EVENT' }, origin: '', }); expect(mockHandleSkeleton).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('on unmount', () => { it('should not emit any even on route update', () => { mountComponent(); wrapper.destroy(); dispatchMessageEvent({ data: { type: MESSAGE_EVENT_TYPE.GOUI_ROUTE_UPDATE, payload: { url: '/explore' } }, origin: '', }); expect(wrapper.emitted('route-update')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); });