import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { setHTMLFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; import createEventHub from '~/helpers/event_hub_factory'; import * as utils from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import eventHub from '~/notes/event_hub'; import discussionNavigation from '~/notes/mixins/discussion_navigation'; import notesModule from '~/notes/stores/modules'; const discussion = (id, index) => ({ id, resolvable: index % 2 === 0, active: true, notes: [{}], diff_discussion: true, }); const createDiscussions = () => [...'abcde'].map(discussion); const createComponent = () => ({ mixins: [discussionNavigation], render() { return this.$slots.default; }, }); describe('Discussion navigation mixin', () => { const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(Vuex); let wrapper; let store; let expandDiscussion; beforeEach(() => { setHTMLFixture( [...'abcde'] .map( (id) => `
`, ) .join(''), ); jest.spyOn(utils, 'scrollToElementWithContext'); jest.spyOn(utils, 'scrollToElement'); expandDiscussion = jest.fn(); const { actions, ...notesRest } = notesModule(); store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { notes: { ...notesRest, actions: { ...actions, expandDiscussion }, }, }, }); store.state.notes.discussions = createDiscussions(); wrapper = shallowMount(createComponent(), { store, localVue }); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.vm.$destroy(); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); const findDiscussion = (selector, id) => document.querySelector(`${selector}[data-discussion-id="${id}"]`); describe('jumpToFirstUnresolvedDiscussion method', () => { let vm; beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); ({ vm } = wrapper); jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch'); jest.spyOn(vm, 'jumpToNextDiscussion'); }); it('triggers the setCurrentDiscussionId action with null as the value', () => { vm.jumpToFirstUnresolvedDiscussion(); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setCurrentDiscussionId', null); }); it('triggers the jumpToNextDiscussion action when the previous store action succeeds', () => { store.dispatch.mockResolvedValue(); vm.jumpToFirstUnresolvedDiscussion(); return vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(vm.jumpToNextDiscussion).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('cycle through discussions', () => { beforeEach(() => { window.mrTabs = { eventHub: createEventHub(), tabShown: jest.fn() }; }); describe.each` fn | args | currentId | expected ${'jumpToNextDiscussion'} | ${[]} | ${null} | ${'a'} ${'jumpToNextDiscussion'} | ${[]} | ${'a'} | ${'c'} ${'jumpToNextDiscussion'} | ${[]} | ${'e'} | ${'a'} ${'jumpToPreviousDiscussion'} | ${[]} | ${null} | ${'e'} ${'jumpToPreviousDiscussion'} | ${[]} | ${'e'} | ${'c'} ${'jumpToPreviousDiscussion'} | ${[]} | ${'c'} | ${'a'} ${'jumpToNextRelativeDiscussion'} | ${[null]} | ${null} | ${'a'} ${'jumpToNextRelativeDiscussion'} | ${['a']} | ${null} | ${'c'} ${'jumpToNextRelativeDiscussion'} | ${['e']} | ${'c'} | ${'a'} `('$fn (args = $args, currentId = $currentId)', ({ fn, args, currentId, expected }) => { beforeEach(() => { store.state.notes.currentDiscussionId = currentId; }); describe('on `show` active tab', () => { beforeEach(() => { window.mrTabs.currentAction = 'show'; wrapper.vm[fn](...args); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('sets current discussion', () => { expect(store.state.notes.currentDiscussionId).toEqual(expected); }); it('expands discussion', () => { expect(expandDiscussion).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('scrolls to element', () => { expect(utils.scrollToElement).toHaveBeenCalledWith( findDiscussion('div.discussion', expected), ); }); }); describe('on `diffs` active tab', () => { beforeEach(() => { window.mrTabs.currentAction = 'diffs'; wrapper.vm[fn](...args); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('sets current discussion', () => { expect(store.state.notes.currentDiscussionId).toEqual(expected); }); it('expands discussion', () => { expect(expandDiscussion).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('scrolls when scrollToDiscussion is emitted', () => { expect(utils.scrollToElementWithContext).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); eventHub.$emit('scrollToDiscussion'); expect(utils.scrollToElementWithContext).toHaveBeenCalledWith( findDiscussion('ul.notes', expected), ); }); }); describe('on `other` active tab', () => { beforeEach(() => { window.mrTabs.currentAction = 'other'; wrapper.vm[fn](...args); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('sets current discussion', () => { expect(store.state.notes.currentDiscussionId).toEqual(expected); }); it('does not expand discussion yet', () => { expect(expandDiscussion).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('shows mrTabs', () => { expect(window.mrTabs.tabShown).toHaveBeenCalledWith('show'); }); describe('when tab is changed', () => { beforeEach(() => { window.mrTabs.eventHub.$emit('MergeRequestTabChange'); jest.runAllTimers(); }); it('expands discussion', () => { expect(expandDiscussion).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.anything(), { discussionId: expected, }); }); it('scrolls to discussion', () => { expect(utils.scrollToElement).toHaveBeenCalledWith( findDiscussion('div.discussion', expected), ); }); }); }); }); }); });