# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::RequestContext do let(:request) { double('request', params: params) } describe '#page' do subject { described_class.new(request).page } context 'with only order_by given' do let(:params) { { order_by: :id } } it 'extracts order_by/sorting information' do page = subject expect(page.order_by).to eq(id: :desc) end end context 'with order_by and sort given' do let(:params) { { order_by: :created_at, sort: :desc } } it 'extracts order_by/sorting information and adds tie breaker' do page = subject expect(page.order_by).to eq(created_at: :desc, id: :desc) end end context 'with no order_by information given' do let(:params) { {} } it 'defaults to tie breaker' do page = subject expect(page.order_by).to eq({ id: :desc }) end end context 'with per_page params given' do let(:params) { { per_page: 10 } } it 'extracts per_page information' do page = subject expect(page.per_page).to eq(params[:per_page]) end end end describe '#apply_headers' do let(:request) { double('request', url: "http://#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.host}/api/v4/projects?foo=bar") } let(:params) { { foo: 'bar' } } let(:request_context) { double('request context', params: params, request: request) } let(:next_page) { double('next page', order_by: { id: :asc }, lower_bounds: { id: 42 }) } subject { described_class.new(request_context).apply_headers(next_page) } it 'sets Link header with same host/path as the original request' do orig_uri = URI.parse(request_context.request.url) expect(request_context).to receive(:header).once do |name, header| first_link, _ = /<([^>]+)>; rel="next"/.match(header).captures uri = URI.parse(first_link) expect(name).to eq('Link') expect(uri.host).to eq(orig_uri.host) expect(uri.path).to eq(orig_uri.path) end subject end it 'sets Link header with a link to the next page' do orig_uri = URI.parse(request_context.request.url) expect(request_context).to receive(:header).once do |name, header| first_link, _ = /<([^>]+)>; rel="next"/.match(header).captures query = CGI.parse(URI.parse(first_link).query) expect(name).to eq('Link') expect(query.except('id_after')).to eq(CGI.parse(orig_uri.query).except('id_after')) expect(query['id_after']).to eq(['42']) end subject end context 'with descending order' do let(:next_page) { double('next page', order_by: { id: :desc }, lower_bounds: { id: 42 }) } it 'sets Link header with a link to the next page' do orig_uri = URI.parse(request_context.request.url) expect(request_context).to receive(:header).once do |name, header| first_link, _ = /<([^>]+)>; rel="next"/.match(header).captures query = CGI.parse(URI.parse(first_link).query) expect(name).to eq('Link') expect(query.except('id_before')).to eq(CGI.parse(orig_uri.query).except('id_before')) expect(query['id_before']).to eq(['42']) end subject end end end end