# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'User page' do include ExternalAuthorizationServiceHelpers let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, bio: '**Lorem** _ipsum_ dolor sit [amet](https://example.com)') } subject(:visit_profile) { visit(user_path(user)) } context 'with public profile' do it 'shows all the tabs' do subject page.within '.nav-links' do expect(page).to have_link('Overview') expect(page).to have_link('Activity') expect(page).to have_link('Groups') expect(page).to have_link('Contributed projects') expect(page).to have_link('Personal projects') expect(page).to have_link('Snippets') expect(page).to have_link('Followers') expect(page).to have_link('Following') end end it 'does not show private profile message' do subject expect(page).not_to have_content("This user has a private profile") end context 'work information' do it 'shows job title and organization details' do user.update!(organization: 'GitLab - work info test', job_title: 'Frontend Engineer') subject expect(page).to have_content('Frontend Engineer at GitLab - work info test') end it 'shows job title' do user.update!(organization: nil, job_title: 'Frontend Engineer - work info test') subject expect(page).to have_content('Frontend Engineer - work info test') end it 'shows organization details' do user.update!(organization: 'GitLab - work info test', job_title: '') subject expect(page).to have_content('GitLab - work info test') end end context 'location' do let_it_be(:location) { 'San Francisco, CA' } context 'when location is set' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, location: location) } it 'shows location' do subject expect(page).to have_content(location) end end context 'when location is not set' do it 'does not show location' do subject expect(page).not_to have_content(location) end end end context 'timezone' do let_it_be(:timezone) { 'America/Los_Angeles' } before do travel_to Time.find_zone(timezone).local(2021, 7, 20, 15, 30, 45) end context 'when timezone is set' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, timezone: timezone) } it 'shows local time' do subject expect(page).to have_content('3:30 PM') end end context 'when timezone is invalid' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, timezone: 'Foo/Bar') } it 'shows local time using the configured default timezone (UTC in this case)' do subject expect(page).to have_content('10:30 PM') end end end context 'follow/unfollow and followers/following' do let_it_be(:followee) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:follower) { create(:user) } it 'does not show link to follow' do subject expect(page).not_to have_link(text: 'Follow', class: 'gl-button') end it 'shows 0 followers and 0 following' do subject expect(page).to have_content('0 followers') expect(page).to have_content('0 following') end it 'shows 1 followers and 1 following' do follower.follow(user) user.follow(followee) subject expect(page).to have_content('1 follower') expect(page).to have_content('1 following') end it 'does show link to follow' do sign_in(user) visit user_path(followee) expect(page).to have_link(text: 'Follow', class: 'gl-button') end it 'does show link to unfollow' do sign_in(user) user.follow(followee) visit user_path(followee) expect(page).to have_link(text: 'Unfollow', class: 'gl-button') end end end context 'with private profile' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, private_profile: true) } it 'shows no tab' do subject expect(page).to have_css("div.profile-header") expect(page).not_to have_css("ul.nav-links") end it 'shows private profile message' do subject expect(page).to have_content("This user has a private profile") end it 'shows own tabs' do sign_in(user) subject page.within '.nav-links' do expect(page).to have_link('Overview') expect(page).to have_link('Activity') expect(page).to have_link('Groups') expect(page).to have_link('Contributed projects') expect(page).to have_link('Personal projects') expect(page).to have_link('Snippets') expect(page).to have_link('Followers') expect(page).to have_link('Following') end end end context 'with blocked profile' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, state: :blocked) } it 'shows no tab' do subject expect(page).to have_css("div.profile-header") expect(page).not_to have_css("ul.nav-links") end it 'shows blocked message' do subject expect(page).to have_content("This user is blocked") end it 'shows user name as blocked' do subject expect(page).to have_css(".cover-title", text: 'Blocked user') end it 'shows no additional fields' do subject expect(page).not_to have_css(".profile-user-bio") expect(page).not_to have_css(".profile-link-holder") end it 'shows username' do subject expect(page).to have_content("@#{user.username}") end end context 'with unconfirmed user' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, :unconfirmed) } shared_examples 'unconfirmed user profile' do before do visit_profile end it 'shows user name as unconfirmed' do expect(page).to have_css(".cover-title", text: 'Unconfirmed user') end it 'shows no tab' do expect(page).to have_css("div.profile-header") expect(page).not_to have_css("ul.nav-links") end it 'shows no additional fields' do expect(page).not_to have_css(".profile-user-bio") expect(page).not_to have_css(".profile-link-holder") end it 'shows private profile message' do expect(page).to have_content("This user has a private profile") end end context 'when visited by an authenticated user' do before do authenticated_user = create(:user) sign_in(authenticated_user) end it_behaves_like 'unconfirmed user profile' end context 'when visited by an unauthenticated user' do it_behaves_like 'unconfirmed user profile' end end it 'shows the status if there was one' do create(:user_status, user: user, message: "Working hard!") subject expect(page).to have_content("Working hard!") end it 'shows the pronouns of the user if there was one' do user.user_detail.update_column(:pronouns, 'they/them') subject expect(page).to have_content("(they/them)") end it 'shows the pronunctiation of the user if there was one' do user.user_detail.update_column(:pronunciation, 'pruh-nuhn-see-ay-shn') subject expect(page).to have_content("Pronounced as: pruh-nuhn-see-ay-shn") end context 'signup disabled' do it 'shows the sign in link' do stub_application_setting(signup_enabled: false) subject page.within '.navbar-nav' do expect(page).to have_link('Sign in') end end end context 'signup enabled' do it 'shows the sign in and register link' do stub_application_setting(signup_enabled: true) subject page.within '.navbar-nav' do expect(page).to have_link('Sign in / Register') end end end context 'most recent activity' do it 'shows the most recent activity' do subject expect(page).to have_content('Most Recent Activity') end context 'when external authorization is enabled' do before do enable_external_authorization_service_check end it 'hides the most recent activity' do subject expect(page).not_to have_content('Most Recent Activity') end end end context 'page description' do before do subject end it_behaves_like 'page meta description', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' end context 'with a bot user' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, user_type: :security_bot) } describe 'feature flag enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(security_auto_fix: true) end it 'only shows Overview and Activity tabs' do subject page.within '.nav-links' do expect(page).to have_link('Overview') expect(page).to have_link('Activity') expect(page).not_to have_link('Groups') expect(page).not_to have_link('Contributed projects') expect(page).not_to have_link('Personal projects') expect(page).not_to have_link('Snippets') expect(page).not_to have_link('Followers') expect(page).not_to have_link('Following') end end end describe 'feature flag disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(security_auto_fix: false) end it 'only shows Overview and Activity tabs' do subject page.within '.nav-links' do expect(page).to have_link('Overview') expect(page).to have_link('Activity') expect(page).to have_link('Groups') expect(page).to have_link('Contributed projects') expect(page).to have_link('Personal projects') expect(page).to have_link('Snippets') expect(page).to have_link('Followers') expect(page).to have_link('Following') end end end end context 'structured markup' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user, website_url: 'https://gitlab.com', organization: 'GitLab', job_title: 'Frontend Engineer', email: 'public@example.com', public_email: 'public@example.com', location: 'Country', created_at: Time.now, updated_at: Time.now) } it 'shows Person structured markup' do subject aggregate_failures do expect(page).to have_selector('[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/Person"]') expect(page).to have_selector('img[itemprop="image"]') expect(page).to have_selector('[itemprop="name"]') expect(page).to have_selector('[itemprop="address"][itemscope][itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress"]') expect(page).to have_selector('[itemprop="addressLocality"]') expect(page).to have_selector('[itemprop="url"]') expect(page).to have_selector('[itemprop="email"]') expect(page).to have_selector('span[itemprop="jobTitle"]') expect(page).to have_selector('span[itemprop="worksFor"]') end end end end