--- stage: Monitor group: Monitor info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Status Page **(ULTIMATE)** > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/2479) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 12.10. With a GitLab Status Page, you can create and deploy a static website to communicate efficiently to users during an incident. The Status Page landing page displays an overview of recent incidents: ![Status Page landing page](img/status_page_incidents_v12_10.png) Clicking an incident displays a detail page with more information about a particular incident: ![Status Page detail](img/status_page_detail_v12_10.png) - Status on the incident, including when the incident was last updated. - The incident title, including any emojis. - The description of the incident, including emojis. - Any file attachments provided in the incident description, or comments with a valid image extension. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/205166) in GitLab 13.1. - A chronological ordered list of updates to the incident. ## Set up a Status Page To configure a GitLab Status Page you must: 1. [Configure GitLab](#configure-gitlab-with-cloud-provider-information) with your cloud provider information. 1. [Configure your AWS account](#configure-your-aws-account). 1. [Create a Status Page project](#create-a-status-page-project) on GitLab. 1. [Sync incidents to the Status Page](#sync-incidents-to-the-status-page). ### Configure GitLab with cloud provider information Only AWS S3 is supported as a deploy target. Prerequisite: - You must have at least the Maintainer [role](../../user/permissions.md). To provide GitLab with the AWS account information needed to push content to your Status Page: 1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Projects** and find your project. 1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings > Monitor**. 1. Expand **Status Page**. 1. Select the **Active** checkbox. 1. In the **Status Page URL** box, provide the URL for your external status page. 1. In the **S3 Bucket name** box, type the name of your S3 bucket. For more information, see [Bucket configuration documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/HostingWebsiteOnS3Setup.html). 1. In the **AWS region** box, type the region for your bucket. For more information, see the [AWS documentation](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby#configuration). 1. Enter your **AWS access key ID** and **AWS Secret access key**. 1. Select **Save changes**. ### Configure your AWS account 1. Within your AWS account, create two new IAM policies, using the following files as examples: - [Create bucket](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/status-page/-/blob/master/deploy/etc/s3_create_policy.json). - [Update bucket contents](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/status-page/-/blob/master/deploy/etc/s3_update_bucket_policy.json) (Remember replace `S3_BUCKET_NAME` with your bucket name). 1. Create a new AWS access key with the permissions policies created in the first step. ### Create a status page project After configuring your AWS account, you must add the Status Page project and configure the necessary CI/CD variables to deploy the Status Page to AWS S3: 1. Fork the [Status Page](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/status-page) project. You can do this through [Repository Mirroring](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/status-page#repository-mirroring), which ensures you get the up-to-date Status Page features. 1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings > CI/CD**. 1. Expand **Variables**. 1. Add the following variables from your Amazon Console: - `S3_BUCKET_NAME` - The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. If no bucket with the provided name exists, the first pipeline run creates one and configures it for [static website hosting](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/HostingWebsiteOnS3Setup.html). - `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` - The AWS region. - `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` - The AWS access key ID. - `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` - The AWS secret. 1. On the left sidebar, select **CI/CD > Pipelines**. 1. To deploy the Status Page to S3, select **Run pipeline**. WARNING: Consider limiting who can access issues in this project, as any user who can view the issue can potentially [publish comments to your GitLab Status Page](#publish-comments-on-incidents). ### Sync incidents to the Status Page After creating the CI/CD variables, configure the Project you want to use for Incident issues: 1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Projects** and find your project. 1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings > Monitor**. 1. Expand **Status page**. 1. Fill in your cloud provider's credentials and make sure to select the **Active** checkbox. 1. Select **Save changes**. ## How to use your GitLab Status Page After configuring your GitLab instance, relevant updates trigger a background job that pushes JSON-formatted data about the incident to your external cloud provider. Your status page website periodically fetches this JSON-formatted data. It formats and displays it to users, providing information about ongoing incidents without extra effort from your team: ```mermaid graph TB subgraph GitLab Instance issues(issue updates) -- trigger --> middleware(Background job: JSON generation) end subgraph Cloud Provider middleware --saves data --> c1(Cloud Bucket stores JSON file) end subgraph Status Page d(Static Site on CDN) -- fetches data --> c1 end ``` ### Publish an incident To publish an incident: 1. Create an issue in the project you enabled the GitLab Status Page settings in. 1. A [project or group owner](../../user/permissions.md) must use the `/publish` [quick action](../../user/project/quick_actions.md) to publish the issue to the GitLab Status Page. [Confidential issues](../../user/project/issues/confidential_issues.md) can't be published. A background worker publishes the issue onto the Status Page using the credentials you provided during setup. As part of publication, GitLab: - Anonymizes user and group mentions with `Incident Responder`. - Removes titles of non-public [GitLab references](../../user/markdown.md#gitlab-specific-references). - Publishes any files attached to incident issue descriptions, up to 5000 per issue. ([Introduced in GitLab 13.1](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/205166).) After publication, you can access the incident's details page by clicking the **Published on status page** button displayed under the Incident's title. ![Status Page detail link](img/status_page_detail_link_v13_1.png) ### Update an incident To publish an update to the Incident, update the incident issue's description. WARNING: When referenced issues are changed (such as title or confidentiality) the incident they were referenced in is not updated. ### Publish comments on incidents To publish comments to the Status Page Incident: - Create a comment on the incident issue. - When you're ready to publish the comment, mark the comment for publication by adding a microphone [award emoji](../../user/award_emojis.md) reaction (`:microphone:` 🎤) to the comment. - Any files attached to the comment (up to 5000 per issue) are also published. ([Introduced in GitLab 13.1](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/205166).) WARNING: Anyone with access to view the Issue can add an emoji award to a comment, so consider limiting access to issues to team members only. ### Update the incident status To change the incident status from `open` to `closed`, close the incident issue within GitLab. Closing the issue triggers a background worker to update the GitLab Status Page website. If you [make a published issue confidential](../../user/project/issues/confidential_issues.md#making-an-issue-confidential), GitLab unpublishes it from your GitLab Status Page website.