import { s__, __ } from '~/locale'; export const PROVIDE_SERIALIZER_OR_RENDERER_ERROR = s__( 'ContentEditor|You have to provide a renderMarkdown function or a custom serializer', ); export const CONTENT_EDITOR_TRACKING_LABEL = 'content_editor'; export const TOOLBAR_CONTROL_TRACKING_ACTION = 'execute_toolbar_control'; export const BUBBLE_MENU_TRACKING_ACTION = 'execute_bubble_menu_control'; export const KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_TRACKING_ACTION = 'execute_keyboard_shortcut'; export const INPUT_RULE_TRACKING_ACTION = 'execute_input_rule'; export const TEXT_STYLE_DROPDOWN_ITEMS = [ { contentType: 'heading', commandParams: { level: 1 }, editorCommand: 'setHeading', label: __('Heading 1'), }, { contentType: 'heading', editorCommand: 'setHeading', commandParams: { level: 2 }, label: __('Heading 2'), }, { contentType: 'heading', editorCommand: 'setHeading', commandParams: { level: 3 }, label: __('Heading 3'), }, { contentType: 'heading', editorCommand: 'setHeading', commandParams: { level: 4 }, label: __('Heading 4'), }, { contentType: 'paragraph', editorCommand: 'setParagraph', label: __('Normal text'), }, ]; export const LOADING_CONTENT_EVENT = 'loadingContent'; export const LOADING_SUCCESS_EVENT = 'loadingSuccess'; export const LOADING_ERROR_EVENT = 'loadingError';