require 'spec_helper' describe Issuable do let(:issuable_class) { Issue } let(:issue) { create(:issue, title: 'An issue', description: 'A description') } let(:user) { create(:user) } describe "Associations" do subject { build(:issue) } it { belong_to(:project) } it { belong_to(:author) } it { have_many(:notes).dependent(:destroy) } it { have_many(:todos).dependent(:destroy) } it { have_many(:labels) } context 'Notes' do let!(:note) { create(:note, noteable: issue, project: issue.project) } let(:scoped_issue) { Issue.includes(notes: :author).find( } it 'indicates if the notes have their authors loaded' do expect(issue.notes).not_to be_authors_loaded expect(scoped_issue.notes).to be_authors_loaded end end end describe 'Included modules' do let(:described_class) { issuable_class } it { include_module(Awardable) } end describe "Validation" do subject { build(:issue) } before do allow(InternalId).to receive(:generate_next).and_return(nil) end it { validate_presence_of(:project) } it { validate_presence_of(:iid) } it { validate_presence_of(:author) } it { validate_presence_of(:title) } it { validate_length_of(:title).is_at_most(255) } end describe "Scope" do subject { build(:issue) } it { expect(issuable_class).to respond_to(:opened) } it { expect(issuable_class).to respond_to(:closed) } it { expect(issuable_class).to respond_to(:assigned) } end describe 'author_name' do it 'is delegated to author' do expect(issue.author_name).to eq end it 'returns nil when author is nil' do issue.author_id = nil false) expect(issue.author_name).to eq nil end end describe ".search" do let!(:searchable_issue) { create(:issue, title: "Searchable awesome issue") } let!(:searchable_issue2) { create(:issue, title: 'Aw') } it 'returns issues with a matching title' do expect( .to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a partially matching title' do expect('able')).to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a matching title regardless of the casing' do expect( .to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a fuzzy matching title' do expect('searchable issue')).to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a matching title for a query shorter than 3 chars' do expect( eq([searchable_issue2]) end end describe ".full_search" do let!(:searchable_issue) do create(:issue, title: "Searchable awesome issue", description: 'Many cute kittens') end let!(:searchable_issue2) { create(:issue, title: "Aw", description: "Cu") } it 'returns issues with a matching title' do expect(issuable_class.full_search(searchable_issue.title)) .to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a partially matching title' do expect(issuable_class.full_search('able')).to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a matching title regardless of the casing' do expect(issuable_class.full_search(searchable_issue.title.upcase)) .to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a fuzzy matching title' do expect(issuable_class.full_search('searchable issue')).to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a matching description' do expect(issuable_class.full_search(searchable_issue.description)) .to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a partially matching description' do expect(issuable_class.full_search(searchable_issue.description)) .to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a matching description regardless of the casing' do expect(issuable_class.full_search(searchable_issue.description.upcase)) .to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a fuzzy matching description' do expect(issuable_class.full_search('many kittens')).to eq([searchable_issue]) end it 'returns issues with a matching description for a query shorter than 3 chars' do expect(issuable_class.full_search(searchable_issue2.description.downcase)).to eq([searchable_issue2]) end end describe '.to_ability_name' do it { expect(Issue.to_ability_name).to eq("issue") } it { expect(MergeRequest.to_ability_name).to eq("merge_request") } end describe "#today?" do it "returns true when created today" do # Avoid timezone differences and just return exactly what we want allow(Date).to receive(:today).and_return(issue.created_at.to_date) expect( be_truthy end it "returns false when not created today" do allow(Date).to receive(:today).and_return(Date.yesterday) expect( be_falsey end end describe "#new?" do it "returns true when created today and record hasn't been updated" do allow(issue).to receive(:today?).and_return(true) expect( be_truthy end it "returns false when not created today" do allow(issue).to receive(:today?).and_return(false) expect( be_falsey end it "returns false when record has been updated" do allow(issue).to receive(:today?).and_return(true) issue.update_attribute(:updated_at, 1.hour.ago) expect( be_falsey end end describe "#sort_by_attribute" do let(:project) { create(:project) } context "by milestone due date" do # Correct order is: # Issues/MRs with milestones ordered by date # Issues/MRs with milestones without dates # Issues/MRs without milestones let!(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let!(:early_milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project, due_date: 10.days.from_now) } let!(:late_milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project, due_date: 30.days.from_now) } let!(:issue1) { create(:issue, project: project, milestone: early_milestone) } let!(:issue2) { create(:issue, project: project, milestone: late_milestone) } let!(:issue3) { create(:issue, project: project) } it "sorts desc" do issues = project.issues.sort_by_attribute('milestone_due_desc') expect(issues).to match_array([issue2, issue1, issue, issue3]) end it "sorts asc" do issues = project.issues.sort_by_attribute('milestone_due_asc') expect(issues).to match_array([issue1, issue2, issue, issue3]) end end context 'when all of the results are level on the sort key' do let!(:issues) do 10.times { create(:issue, project: project) } end it 'has no duplicates across pages' do sorted_issue_ids = 1.upto(10).map do |i| project.issues.sort_by_attribute('milestone_due_desc').page(i).per(1) end expect(sorted_issue_ids).to eq(sorted_issue_ids.uniq) end end end describe '#subscribed?' do let(:project) { issue.project } context 'user is not a participant in the issue' do before do allow(issue).to receive(:participants).with(user).and_return([]) end it 'returns false when no subcription exists' do expect(issue.subscribed?(user, project)).to be_falsey end it 'returns true when a subcription exists and subscribed is true' do issue.subscriptions.create(user: user, project: project, subscribed: true) expect(issue.subscribed?(user, project)).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when a subcription exists and subscribed is false' do issue.subscriptions.create(user: user, project: project, subscribed: false) expect(issue.subscribed?(user, project)).to be_falsey end end context 'user is a participant in the issue' do before do allow(issue).to receive(:participants).with(user).and_return([user]) end it 'returns false when no subcription exists' do expect(issue.subscribed?(user, project)).to be_truthy end it 'returns true when a subcription exists and subscribed is true' do issue.subscriptions.create(user: user, project: project, subscribed: true) expect(issue.subscribed?(user, project)).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when a subcription exists and subscribed is false' do issue.subscriptions.create(user: user, project: project, subscribed: false) expect(issue.subscribed?(user, project)).to be_falsey end end end describe '#time_estimate=' do it 'coerces the value below Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE' do expect { issue.time_estimate = 100 }.to change { issue.time_estimate }.to(100) expect { issue.time_estimate = Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE + 100 }.to change { issue.time_estimate }.to(Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE) end it 'skips coercion for not Integer values' do expect { issue.time_estimate = nil }.to change { issue.time_estimate }.to(nil) expect { issue.time_estimate = 'invalid time' }.not_to raise_error expect { issue.time_estimate = 22.33 }.not_to raise_error end end describe '#to_hook_data' do let(:builder) { double } context 'labels are updated' do let(:labels) { create_list(:label, 2) } before do issue.update(labels: [labels[1]]) expect(Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder) .to receive(:new).with(issue).and_return(builder) end it 'delegates to Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder#build' do expect(builder).to receive(:build).with( user: user, changes: hash_including( 'labels' => [[labels[0].hook_attrs], [labels[1].hook_attrs]] )) issue.to_hook_data(user, old_associations: { labels: [labels[0]] }) end end context 'total_time_spent is updated' do before do issue.spend_time(duration: 2, user_id:, spent_at: expect(Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder) .to receive(:new).with(issue).and_return(builder) end it 'delegates to Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder#build' do expect(builder).to receive(:build).with( user: user, changes: hash_including( 'total_time_spent' => [1, 2] )) issue.to_hook_data(user, old_associations: { total_time_spent: 1 }) end end context 'issue is assigned' do let(:user2) { create(:user) } before do issue.assignees << user << user2 expect(Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder) .to receive(:new).with(issue).and_return(builder) end it 'delegates to Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder#build' do expect(builder).to receive(:build).with( user: user, changes: hash_including( 'assignees' => [[user.hook_attrs], [user.hook_attrs, user2.hook_attrs]] )) issue.to_hook_data(user, old_associations: { assignees: [user] }) end end context 'merge_request is assigned' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } let(:user2) { create(:user) } before do merge_request.update(assignee: user) merge_request.update(assignee: user2) expect(Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder) .to receive(:new).with(merge_request).and_return(builder) end it 'delegates to Gitlab::HookData::IssuableBuilder#build' do expect(builder).to receive(:build).with( user: user, changes: hash_including( 'assignee_id' => [,], 'assignee' => [user.hook_attrs, user2.hook_attrs] )) merge_request.to_hook_data(user, old_associations: { assignees: [user] }) end end end describe '#labels_array' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:bug) { create(:label, project: project, title: 'bug') } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } before do issue.labels << bug end it 'loads the association and returns it as an array' do expect(issue.reload.labels_array).to eq([bug]) end end describe '#user_notes_count' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:issue1) { create(:issue, project: project) } let(:issue2) { create(:issue, project: project) } before do create_list(:note, 3, noteable: issue1, project: project) create_list(:note, 6, noteable: issue2, project: project) end it 'counts the user notes' do expect(issue1.user_notes_count).to be(3) expect(issue2.user_notes_count).to be(6) end end describe "votes" do let(:project) { issue.project } before do create(:award_emoji, :upvote, awardable: issue) create(:award_emoji, :downvote, awardable: issue) end it "returns correct values" do expect(issue.upvotes).to eq(1) expect(issue.downvotes).to eq(1) end end describe '.order_due_date_and_labels_priority' do let(:project) { create(:project) } def create_issue(milestone, labels) create(:labeled_issue, milestone: milestone, labels: labels, project: project) end it 'sorts issues in order of milestone due date, then label priority' do first_priority = create(:label, project: project, priority: 1) second_priority = create(:label, project: project, priority: 2) no_priority = create(:label, project: project) first_milestone = create(:milestone, project: project, due_date: second_milestone = create(:milestone, project: project, due_date: + 1.month) third_milestone = create(:milestone, project: project) # The issues here are ordered by label priority, to ensure that we don't # accidentally just sort by creation date. second_milestone_first_priority = create_issue(second_milestone, [first_priority, second_priority, no_priority]) third_milestone_first_priority = create_issue(third_milestone, [first_priority, second_priority, no_priority]) first_milestone_second_priority = create_issue(first_milestone, [second_priority, no_priority]) second_milestone_second_priority = create_issue(second_milestone, [second_priority, no_priority]) no_milestone_second_priority = create_issue(nil, [second_priority, no_priority]) first_milestone_no_priority = create_issue(first_milestone, [no_priority]) second_milestone_no_labels = create_issue(second_milestone, []) third_milestone_no_priority = create_issue(third_milestone, [no_priority]) result = Issue.order_due_date_and_labels_priority expect(result).to eq([first_milestone_second_priority, first_milestone_no_priority, second_milestone_first_priority, second_milestone_second_priority, second_milestone_no_labels, third_milestone_first_priority, no_milestone_second_priority, third_milestone_no_priority]) end end describe '.order_labels_priority' do let(:label_1) { create(:label, title: 'label_1', project: issue.project, priority: 1) } let(:label_2) { create(:label, title: 'label_2', project: issue.project, priority: 2) } subject { Issue.order_labels_priority(excluded_labels: ['label_1']).first.highest_priority } before do issue.labels << label_1 issue.labels << label_2 end it { eq(2) } end describe ".with_label" do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } let(:bug) { create(:label, project: project, title: 'bug') } let(:feature) { create(:label, project: project, title: 'feature') } let(:enhancement) { create(:label, project: project, title: 'enhancement') } let(:issue1) { create(:issue, title: "Bugfix1", project: project) } let(:issue2) { create(:issue, title: "Bugfix2", project: project) } let(:issue3) { create(:issue, title: "Feature1", project: project) } before do issue1.labels << bug issue1.labels << feature issue2.labels << bug issue2.labels << enhancement issue3.labels << feature end it 'finds the correct issue containing just enhancement label' do expect(Issue.with_label(enhancement.title)).to match_array([issue2]) end it 'finds the correct issues containing the same label' do expect(Issue.with_label(bug.title)).to match_array([issue1, issue2]) end it 'finds the correct issues containing only both labels' do expect(Issue.with_label([bug.title, enhancement.title])).to match_array([issue2]) end end describe '#spend_time' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:issue) { create(:issue) } def spend_time(seconds) issue.spend_time(duration: seconds, user_id:! end context 'adding time' do it 'should update the total time spent' do spend_time(1800) expect(issue.total_time_spent).to eq(1800) end it 'updates issues updated_at' do issue do expect { spend_time(1800) }.to change { issue.updated_at } end end end context 'substracting time' do before do spend_time(1800) end it 'should update the total time spent' do spend_time(-900) expect(issue.total_time_spent).to eq(900) end context 'when time to substract exceeds the total time spent' do it 'raise a validation error' do do expect do expect do spend_time(-3600) raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end.not_to change { issue.updated_at } end end end end end describe '#first_contribution?' do let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: group) } let(:other_project) { create(:project) } let(:owner) { create(:owner) } let(:master) { create(:user) } let(:reporter) { create(:user) } let(:guest) { create(:user) } let(:contributor) { create(:user) } let(:first_time_contributor) { create(:user) } before do group.add_owner(owner) project.add_master(master) project.add_reporter(reporter) project.add_guest(guest) project.add_guest(contributor) project.add_guest(first_time_contributor) end let(:merged_mr) { create(:merge_request, :merged, author: contributor, target_project: project, source_project: project) } let(:open_mr) { create(:merge_request, author: first_time_contributor, target_project: project, source_project: project) } let(:merged_mr_other_project) { create(:merge_request, :merged, author: first_time_contributor, target_project: other_project, source_project: other_project) } context "for merge requests" do it "is false for MASTER" do mr = create(:merge_request, author: master, target_project: project, source_project: project) expect(mr).not_to be_first_contribution end it "is false for OWNER" do mr = create(:merge_request, author: owner, target_project: project, source_project: project) expect(mr).not_to be_first_contribution end it "is false for REPORTER" do mr = create(:merge_request, author: reporter, target_project: project, source_project: project) expect(mr).not_to be_first_contribution end it "is true when you don't have any merged MR" do expect(open_mr).to be_first_contribution expect(merged_mr).not_to be_first_contribution end it "handles multiple projects separately" do expect(open_mr).to be_first_contribution expect(merged_mr_other_project).not_to be_first_contribution end end context "for issues" do let(:contributor_issue) { create(:issue, author: contributor, project: project) } let(:first_time_contributor_issue) { create(:issue, author: first_time_contributor, project: project) } it "is false even without merged MR" do expect(merged_mr).to be expect(first_time_contributor_issue).not_to be_first_contribution expect(contributor_issue).not_to be_first_contribution end end end end