# `CommonMark` markdown engine for GitLab's Banzai markdown filter. # This module is used in Banzai::Filter::MarkdownFilter. # Used gem is `commonmarker` which is a ruby wrapper for libcmark (CommonMark parser) # including GitHub's GFM extensions. # Homepage: https://github.com/gjtorikian/commonmarker module Banzai module Filter module MarkdownEngines class CommonMark EXTENSIONS = [ :autolink, # provides support for automatically converting URLs to anchor tags. :strikethrough, # provides support for strikethroughs. :table, # provides support for tables. :tagfilter # strips out several "unsafe" HTML tags from being used: https://github.github.com/gfm/#disallowed-raw-html-extension- ].freeze PARSE_OPTIONS = [ :FOOTNOTES, # parse footnotes. :STRIKETHROUGH_DOUBLE_TILDE, # parse strikethroughs by double tildes (as redcarpet does). :VALIDATE_UTF8 # replace illegal sequences with the replacement character U+FFFD. ].freeze # The `:GITHUB_PRE_LANG` option is not used intentionally because # it renders a fence block with language as `
some code\n
` # while GitLab's syntax is `
some code\n
`. # If in the future the syntax is about to be made GitHub-compatible, please, add `:GITHUB_PRE_LANG` render option below # and remove `code_block` method from `lib/banzai/renderer/common_mark/html.rb`. RENDER_OPTIONS = [ :DEFAULT # default rendering system. Nothing special. ].freeze def initialize @renderer = Banzai::Renderer::CommonMark::HTML.new(options: RENDER_OPTIONS) end def render(text) doc = CommonMarker.render_doc(text, PARSE_OPTIONS, EXTENSIONS) @renderer.render(doc) end end end end end