module ProtectedRef extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do belongs_to :project validates :name, presence: true validates :project, presence: true delegate :matching, :matches?, :wildcard?, to: :ref_matcher end def commit project.commit( end class_methods do def protected_ref_access_levels(*types) types.each do |type| # We need to set `inverse_of` to make sure the `belongs_to`-object is set # when creating children using `accepts_nested_attributes_for`. # # If we don't `protected_branch` or `protected_tag` would be empty and # `project` cannot be delegated to it, which in turn would cause validations # to fail. has_many :"#{type}_access_levels", inverse_of: self.model_name.singular # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent validates :"#{type}_access_levels", length: { is: 1, message: "are restricted to a single instance per #{self.model_name.human}." } accepts_nested_attributes_for :"#{type}_access_levels", allow_destroy: true end end def protected_ref_accessible_to?(ref, user, project:, action:, protected_refs: nil) access_levels_for_ref(ref, action: action, protected_refs: protected_refs).any? do |access_level| access_level.check_access(user) end end def developers_can?(action, ref) access_levels_for_ref(ref, action: action).any? do |access_level| access_level.access_level == Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER end end def access_levels_for_ref(ref, action:, protected_refs: nil) self.matching(ref, protected_refs: protected_refs) .map(&:"#{action}_access_levels").flatten end def matching(ref_name, protected_refs: nil) ProtectedRefMatcher.matching(self, ref_name, protected_refs: protected_refs) end end private def ref_matcher @ref_matcher ||= end end