import { findAllByText, fireEvent, getByLabelText, findByTestId, getByText, screen, findByText, } from '@testing-library/dom'; import { editor as monacoEditor } from 'monaco-editor'; const isFolderRowOpen = (row) => row.matches(''); const getLeftSidebar = () => screen.getByTestId('left-sidebar'); export const switchLeftSidebarTab = (name) => { const sidebar = getLeftSidebar(); const button = getByLabelText(sidebar, name);; }; export const getStatusBar = () => document.querySelector('.ide-status-bar'); export const waitForMonacoEditor = () => new Promise((resolve) => monacoEditor.onDidCreateEditor(resolve)); export const waitForEditorDispose = (instance) => new Promise((resolve) => instance.onDidDispose(resolve)); export const waitForEditorModelChange = (instance) => new Promise((resolve) => instance.onDidChangeModel(resolve)); export const findMonacoEditor = () => screen.findAllByLabelText(/Editor content;/).then(([x]) => x.closest('.monaco-editor')); export const findMonacoDiffEditor = () => screen.findAllByLabelText(/Editor content;/).then(([x]) => x.closest('.monaco-diff-editor')); export const findAndSetEditorValue = async (value) => { const editor = await findMonacoEditor(); const uri = editor.getAttribute('data-uri'); monacoEditor.getModel(uri).setValue(value); }; export const getEditorValue = async () => { const editor = await findMonacoEditor(); const uri = editor.getAttribute('data-uri'); return monacoEditor.getModel(uri).getValue(); }; const findTreeBody = () => screen.findByTestId('ide-tree-body'); const findRootActions = () => screen.findByTestId('ide-root-actions'); const findFileRowContainer = (row = null) => row ? Promise.resolve(row.parentElement) : findTreeBody(); const findFileChild = async (row, name, index = 0) => { const container = await findFileRowContainer(row); const children = await findAllByText(container, name, { selector: '.file-row-name' }); return children .map((x) => x.closest('.file-row')) .find((x) => x.dataset.level === index.toString()); }; const openFileRow = (row) => { if (!row || isFolderRowOpen(row)) { return; }; }; export const findAndTraverseToPath = async (path, index = 0, row = null) => { if (!path) { return row; } const [name, ...restOfPath] = path.split('/'); openFileRow(row); const child = await findFileChild(row, name, index); return findAndTraverseToPath(restOfPath.join('/'), index + 1, child); }; const clickFileRowAction = (row, name) => { fireEvent.mouseOver(row); const dropdownButton = getByLabelText(row, 'Create new file or directory');; const dropdownAction = getByLabelText(dropdownButton.parentNode, name);; }; const fillFileNameModal = async (value, submitText = 'Create file') => { const modal = await screen.findByTestId('ide-new-entry'); const nameField = await findByTestId(modal, 'file-name-field'); fireEvent.input(nameField, { target: { value } }); const createButton = getByText(modal, submitText, { selector: 'button' });; }; const findAndClickRootAction = async (name) => { const container = await findRootActions(); const button = getByLabelText(container, name);; }; /** * Drop leading "/-/ide" and file path from the current URL */ export const getBaseRoute = (url = window.location.pathname) => url.replace(/^\/-\/ide/, '').replace(/\/-\/.*$/, ''); export const clickPreviewMarkdown = () => { screen.getByText('Preview Markdown').click(); }; export const openFile = async (path) => { const row = await findAndTraverseToPath(path); openFileRow(row); }; export const waitForTabToOpen = (fileName) => findByText(document.querySelector('.multi-file-edit-pane'), fileName); export const createFile = async (path, content) => { const parentPath = path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'); const parentRow = await findAndTraverseToPath(parentPath); if (parentRow) { clickFileRowAction(parentRow, 'New file'); } else { await findAndClickRootAction('New file'); } await fillFileNameModal(path); await findAndSetEditorValue(content); }; export const updateFile = async (path, content) => { await openFile(path); await findAndSetEditorValue(content); }; export const getFilesList = () => { return screen.getAllByTestId('file-row-name-container').map((e) => e.textContent.trim()); }; export const deleteFile = async (path) => { const row = await findAndTraverseToPath(path); clickFileRowAction(row, 'Delete'); }; export const renameFile = async (path, newPath) => { const row = await findAndTraverseToPath(path); clickFileRowAction(row, 'Rename/Move'); await fillFileNameModal(newPath, 'Rename file'); }; export const closeFile = async (path) => { const button = await screen.getByLabelText(`Close ${path}`, { selector: '.multi-file-tabs button', });; }; /** * Fill out and submit the commit form in the Web IDE * * @param {Object} options - Used to fill out the commit form in the IDE * @param {Boolean} options.newBranch - Flag for the "Create a new branch" radio. * @param {Boolean} options.newMR - Flag for the "Start a new merge request" checkbox. * @param {String} options.newBranchName - Value to put in the new branch name input field. The Web IDE supports leaving this field blank. */ export const commit = async ({ newBranch = false, newMR = false, newBranchName = '' } = {}) => { switchLeftSidebarTab('Commit'); screen.getByTestId('begin-commit-button').click(); if (!newBranch) { const option = await screen.findByLabelText(/Commit to .+ branch/);; } else { const option = await screen.findByLabelText('Create a new branch');; const branchNameInput = await screen.findByTestId('ide-new-branch-name'); fireEvent.input(branchNameInput, { target: { value: newBranchName } }); const mrCheck = await screen.findByLabelText('Start a new merge request'); if (Boolean(mrCheck.checked) !== newMR) {; } } screen.getByText('Commit').click(); };