= form_for @project, url: project_pages_path(@project), html: { class: 'inline', title: pages_https_only_title } do |f| - if can?(current_user, :update_max_pages_size) = render_if_exists 'shared/pages/max_pages_size_input', form: f .gl-mt-3 = f.submit s_('GitLabPages|Save changes'), class: 'btn btn-confirm gl-button' - if Gitlab.config.pages.external_http || Gitlab.config.pages.external_https .form-group .form-check = f.check_box :pages_https_only, class: 'form-check-input', disabled: pages_https_only_disabled? = f.label :pages_https_only, class: pages_https_only_label_class do %strong = s_('GitLabPages|Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)') - docs_link_start = "".html_safe - link_end = ''.html_safe %p = s_("GitLabPages|When enabled, all attempts to visit your website through HTTP are automatically redirected to HTTPS using a response with status code 301. Requires a valid certificate for all domains. %{docs_link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}").html_safe % { docs_link_start: docs_link_start, link_end: link_end } .gl-mt-3 = f.submit s_('GitLabPages|Save changes'), class: 'btn btn-confirm gl-button'