stage: Manage
group: Authentication and Authorization
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments
type: howto

# Reset a user's password **(FREE SELF)**

You can reset user passwords by using the UI, a Rake task, a Rails console, or the
[Users API](../api/users.md#user-modification).

## Prerequisites

To reset a user password, you must be an administrator of a self-managed GitLab instance.

The user's new password must meet all [password requirements](../user/profile/user_passwords.md#password-requirements).

## Use the UI

To reset a user's password in the UI:

1. On the top bar, select **Main menu > Admin**.
1. On the left sidebar, select **Overview > Users**.
1. For the user whose password you want to update, select **Edit** (**{pencil-square}**).
1. In the **Password** area, type a password and password confirmation.
1. Select **Save changes**.

A confirmation is displayed.

## Use a Rake task

> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/52347) in GitLab 13.9.

Use the following Rake task to reset a user's password:

- **For Omnibus installations**

  sudo gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset"

- **For installations from source**

  bundle exec rake "gitlab:password:reset"

GitLab requests a username, a password, and confirmation of the password. When complete, the user's password is updated.

The Rake task can take a username as an argument. For example, to reset the password for the user with username

- **For Omnibus installations**

  sudo gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[sidneyjones]"

- **For installations from source**

  bundle exec rake "gitlab:password:reset[sidneyjones]"

## Use a Rails console

If you know the username, user ID, or email address, you can use the Rails console to reset their password:

1. Open a [Rails console](../administration/operations/rails_console.md).
1. Find the user:

   - By username:

     user = User.find_by_username 'exampleuser'

   - By user ID:

     user = User.find(123)

   - By email address:

     user = User.find_by(email: 'user@example.com')

1. Reset the password by setting a value for `user.password` and `user.password_confirmation`. For example, to set a new random

   new_password = ::User.random_password
   user.password = new_password
   user.password_confirmation = new_password
   To set a specific value for the new password:

   new_password = 'examplepassword'
   user.password = new_password
   user.password_confirmation = new_password

1. Optional. Notify the user that an administrator changed their password:


1. Save the changes:


1. Exit the console:


## Reset the root password

To reset the root password, follow the steps listed previously.

- If the root account name hasn't changed, use the username `root`.
- If the root account name has changed and you don't know the new username,
  you might be able to use a Rails console with user ID `1`. In almost all
  cases, the first user is the default administrator account.

## Troubleshooting

Use the following information to troubleshoot issues when resetting a
user's password.

### Email confirmation issues

If the new password doesn't work, it might be [an email confirmation issue](../user/upgrade_email_bypass.md). You can
attempt to fix this issue in a Rails console. For example, if a new `root` password isn't working:

1. Start a [Rails console](../administration/operations/rails_console.md).
1. Find the user and skip reconfirmation:

    user = User.find(1)

1. Attempt to sign in again.

### Unmet password requirements

The password might be too short, too weak, or not meet complexity
requirements. Ensure the password you are attempting to set meets all
[password requirements](../user/profile/user_passwords.md#password-requirements).