# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Resolvers::Ci::JobsResolver do include GraphqlHelpers let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) } before_all do create(:ci_build, name: 'Normal job', pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :sast, name: 'DAST job', pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :dast, name: 'SAST job', pipeline: pipeline) create(:ci_build, :container_scanning, name: 'Container scanning job', pipeline: pipeline) end describe '#resolve' do context 'when security_report_types is empty' do it "returns all of the pipeline's jobs" do jobs = resolve(described_class, obj: pipeline, args: {}, ctx: {}) job_names = jobs.map(&:name) expect(job_names).to contain_exactly('Normal job', 'DAST job', 'SAST job', 'Container scanning job') end end context 'when security_report_types is present' do it "returns the pipeline's jobs with the given security report types" do report_types = [ ::Types::Security::ReportTypeEnum.values['SAST'].value, ::Types::Security::ReportTypeEnum.values['DAST'].value ] jobs = resolve(described_class, obj: pipeline, args: { security_report_types: report_types }, ctx: {}) job_names = jobs.map(&:name) expect(job_names).to contain_exactly('DAST job', 'SAST job') end end end end