/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this, one-var, camelcase, no-new, comma-dangle, no-param-reassign, max-len */ /* global Flash */ /* global CommentsStore */ import Vue from 'vue'; import VueResource from 'vue-resource'; require('../../vue_shared/vue_resource_interceptor'); Vue.use(VueResource); window.gl = window.gl || {}; class ResolveServiceClass { constructor(root) { this.noteResource = Vue.resource(`${root}/notes{/noteId}/resolve`); this.discussionResource = Vue.resource(`${root}/merge_requests{/mergeRequestId}/discussions{/discussionId}/resolve`); } resolve(noteId) { return this.noteResource.save({ noteId }, {}); } unresolve(noteId) { return this.noteResource.delete({ noteId }, {}); } toggleResolveForDiscussion(mergeRequestId, discussionId) { const discussion = CommentsStore.state[discussionId]; const isResolved = discussion.isResolved(); let promise; if (isResolved) { promise = this.unResolveAll(mergeRequestId, discussionId); } else { promise = this.resolveAll(mergeRequestId, discussionId); } promise.then((response) => { discussion.loading = false; if (response.status === 200) { const data = response.json(); const resolved_by = data ? data.resolved_by : null; if (isResolved) { discussion.unResolveAllNotes(); } else { discussion.resolveAllNotes(resolved_by); } gl.mrWidget.checkStatus(); discussion.updateHeadline(data); } else { throw new Error('An error occurred when trying to resolve discussion.'); } }).catch(() => { new Flash('An error occurred when trying to resolve a discussion. Please try again.'); }); } resolveAll(mergeRequestId, discussionId) { const discussion = CommentsStore.state[discussionId]; discussion.loading = true; return this.discussionResource.save({ mergeRequestId, discussionId }, {}); } unResolveAll(mergeRequestId, discussionId) { const discussion = CommentsStore.state[discussionId]; discussion.loading = true; return this.discussionResource.delete({ mergeRequestId, discussionId }, {}); } } gl.DiffNotesResolveServiceClass = ResolveServiceClass;