require 'fast_spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Ci::Config::Extendable do subject { } describe '#each' do context 'when there is extendable entry in the hash' do let(:test) do { extends: 'something', only: %w[master] } end let(:hash) do { something: { script: 'ls' }, test: test } end it 'yields control' do expect { |b| subject.each(&b) }.to yield_control end end end describe '#to_hash' do context 'when hash does not contain extensions' do let(:hash) do { test: { script: 'test' }, production: { script: 'deploy', only: { variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } } } end it 'does not modify the hash' do expect(subject.to_hash).to eq hash end end context 'when hash has a single simple extension' do let(:hash) do { something: { script: 'deploy', only: { variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } }, test: { extends: 'something', script: 'ls', only: { refs: %w[master] } } } end it 'extends a hash with a deep reverse merge' do expect(subject.to_hash).to eq( something: { script: 'deploy', only: { variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } }, test: { extends: 'something', script: 'ls', only: { refs: %w[master], variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } } ) end end context 'when a hash uses recursive extensions' do let(:hash) do { test: { extends: 'something', script: 'ls', only: { refs: %w[master] } }, build: { extends: 'something', stage: 'build' }, deploy: { stage: 'deploy', extends: '.first' }, something: { extends: '.first', script: 'exec', only: { variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } }, '.first': { script: 'run', only: { kubernetes: 'active' } } } end it 'extends a hash with a deep reverse merge' do expect(subject.to_hash).to eq( '.first': { script: 'run', only: { kubernetes: 'active' } }, something: { extends: '.first', script: 'exec', only: { kubernetes: 'active', variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } }, deploy: { script: 'run', stage: 'deploy', only: { kubernetes: 'active' }, extends: '.first' }, build: { extends: 'something', script: 'exec', stage: 'build', only: { kubernetes: 'active', variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } }, test: { extends: 'something', script: 'ls', only: { refs: %w[master], variables: %w[$SOMETHING], kubernetes: 'active' } } ) end end context 'when nested circular dependecy has been detected' do let(:hash) do { test: { extends: 'something', script: 'ls', only: { refs: %w[master] } }, something: { extends: '.first', script: 'deploy', only: { variables: %w[$SOMETHING] } }, '.first': { extends: 'something', script: 'run', only: { kubernetes: 'active' } } } end it 'raises an error about circular dependency' do expect { subject.to_hash } .to raise_error(described_class::Entry::CircularDependencyError) end end context 'when circular dependecy to self has been detected' do let(:hash) do { test: { extends: 'test', script: 'ls', only: { refs: %w[master] } } } end it 'raises an error about circular dependency' do expect { subject.to_hash } .to raise_error(described_class::Entry::CircularDependencyError) end end context 'when invalid extends value is specified' do let(:hash) do { something: { extends: 1, script: 'ls' } } end it 'raises an error about invalid extension' do expect { subject.to_hash } .to raise_error(described_class::Entry::InvalidExtensionError) end end context 'when extensible entry has non-hash inheritance defined' do let(:hash) do { test: { extends: 'something', script: 'ls', only: { refs: %w[master] } }, something: 'some text' } end it 'raises an error about invalid base' do expect { subject.to_hash } .to raise_error(described_class::Entry::InvalidExtensionError) end end end end