# frozen_string_literal: true class Projects::JobsController < Projects::ApplicationController include SendFileUpload include ContinueParams before_action :build, except: [:index] before_action :authorize_read_build! before_action :authorize_update_build!, except: [:index, :show, :status, :raw, :trace, :erase] before_action :authorize_erase_build!, only: [:erase] before_action :authorize_use_build_terminal!, only: [:terminal, :terminal_websocket_authorize] before_action :verify_api_request!, only: :terminal_websocket_authorize layout 'project' # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def index @scope = params[:scope] @all_builds = project.builds.relevant @builds = @all_builds.order('ci_builds.id DESC') @builds = case @scope when 'pending' @builds.pending.reverse_order when 'running' @builds.running.reverse_order when 'finished' @builds.finished else @builds end @builds = @builds.includes([ { pipeline: [:project, :user] }, :job_artifacts_archive, :metadata, :trigger_request, :project, :user, :tags ]) @builds = @builds.page(params[:page]).per(30).without_count end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def show @pipeline = @build.pipeline @builds = @pipeline.builds .order('id DESC') .present(current_user: current_user) respond_to do |format| format.html format.json do Gitlab::PollingInterval.set_header(response, interval: 10_000) render json: BuildSerializer .new(project: @project, current_user: @current_user) .represent(@build, {}, BuildDetailsEntity) end end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def trace build.trace.read do |stream| respond_to do |format| format.json do result = { id: @build.id, status: @build.status, complete: @build.complete? } if stream.valid? stream.limit state = params[:state].presence trace = stream.html_with_state(state) result.merge!(trace.to_h) end render json: result end end end end def retry return respond_422 unless @build.retryable? build = Ci::Build.retry(@build, current_user) redirect_to build_path(build) end def play return respond_422 unless @build.playable? build = @build.play(current_user) redirect_to build_path(build) end def cancel return respond_422 unless @build.cancelable? @build.cancel if continue_params[:to] redirect_to continue_params[:to] else redirect_to builds_project_pipeline_path(@project, @build.pipeline.id) end end def unschedule return respond_422 unless @build.scheduled? @build.unschedule! redirect_to build_path(@build) end def status render json: BuildSerializer .new(project: @project, current_user: @current_user) .represent_status(@build) end def erase if @build.erase(erased_by: current_user) redirect_to project_job_path(project, @build), notice: _("Job has been successfully erased!") else respond_422 end end def raw if trace_artifact_file workhorse_set_content_type! send_upload(trace_artifact_file, send_params: raw_send_params, redirect_params: raw_redirect_params) else build.trace.read do |stream| if stream.file? workhorse_set_content_type! send_file stream.path, type: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', disposition: 'inline' else # In this case we can't use workhorse_set_content_type! and let # Workhorse handle the response because the data is streamed directly # to the user but, because we have the trace content, we can calculate # the proper content type and disposition here. raw_data = stream.raw send_data raw_data, type: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', disposition: raw_trace_content_disposition(raw_data), filename: 'job.log' end end end end def terminal end # GET .../terminal.ws : implemented in gitlab-workhorse def terminal_websocket_authorize set_workhorse_internal_api_content_type render json: Gitlab::Workhorse.channel_websocket(@build.terminal_specification) end private def authorize_update_build! return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :update_build, build) end def authorize_erase_build! return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :erase_build, build) end def authorize_use_build_terminal! return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :create_build_terminal, build) end def verify_api_request! Gitlab::Workhorse.verify_api_request!(request.headers) end def raw_send_params { type: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', disposition: 'inline' } end def raw_redirect_params { query: { 'response-content-type' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'response-content-disposition' => 'inline' } } end def trace_artifact_file @trace_artifact_file ||= build.job_artifacts_trace&.file end def build @build ||= project.builds.find(params[:id]) .present(current_user: current_user) end def build_path(build) project_job_path(build.project, build) end def raw_trace_content_disposition(raw_data) mime_type = MimeMagic.by_magic(raw_data) # if mime_type is nil can also represent 'text/plain' return 'inline' if mime_type.nil? || mime_type.type == 'text/plain' 'attachment' end end