import { BLACK, COMMENT_BOX, MUTED, LOGOUT } from './constants'; import { clearNote, postError } from './note'; import { buttonClearStyles, selectCommentBox, selectCommentButton, selectNote, selectNoteContainer, } from './utils'; const comment = `

Additional metadata will be included: browser, OS, current page, user agent, and viewport dimensions.

`; const resetCommentButton = () => { const commentButton = selectCommentButton(); /* eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/i18n/no-non-i18n-strings */ commentButton.innerText = 'Send feedback'; commentButton.classList.replace('gitlab-button-secondary', 'gitlab-button-success'); = 1; }; const resetCommentBox = () => { const commentBox = selectCommentBox(); = 'auto'; = BLACK; }; const resetCommentText = () => { const commentBox = selectCommentBox(); commentBox.value = ''; }; const resetComment = () => { resetCommentButton(); resetCommentBox(); resetCommentText(); }; const confirmAndClear = feedbackInfo => { const commentButton = selectCommentButton(); const currentNote = selectNote(); const noteContainer = selectNoteContainer(); /* eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/i18n/no-non-i18n-strings */ commentButton.innerText = 'Feedback sent'; = 'visible'; currentNote.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', feedbackInfo); setTimeout(resetComment, 1000); setTimeout(clearNote, 6000); }; const setInProgressState = () => { const commentButton = selectCommentButton(); const commentBox = selectCommentBox(); /* eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/i18n/no-non-i18n-strings */ commentButton.innerText = 'Sending feedback'; commentButton.classList.replace('gitlab-button-success', 'gitlab-button-secondary'); = 0.5; = MUTED; = 'none'; }; const postComment = ({ href, platform, browser, userAgent, innerWidth, innerHeight, projectId, projectPath, mergeRequestId, mrUrl, token, }) => { // Clear any old errors clearNote(COMMENT_BOX); setInProgressState(); const commentText = selectCommentBox().value.trim(); if (!commentText) { /* eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/i18n/no-non-i18n-strings */ postError('Your comment appears to be empty.', COMMENT_BOX); resetCommentBox(); resetCommentButton(); return; } const detailText = ` \n
Metadata Posted from ${href} | ${platform} | ${browser} | ${innerWidth} x ${innerHeight}.

User agent: ${userAgent}
`; const url = ` ${mrUrl}/api/v4/projects/${projectId}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}/discussions`; const body = `${commentText} ${detailText}`; fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ body }), }) .then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.json(); } throw new Error(`${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); }) .then(data => { const commentId = data.notes[0].id; const feedbackLink = `${mrUrl}/${projectPath}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}#note_${commentId}`; const feedbackInfo = `Feedback sent. View at ${projectPath} #${mergeRequestId} (comment ${commentId})`; confirmAndClear(feedbackInfo); }) .catch(err => { postError( `Your comment could not be sent. Please try again. Error: ${err.message}`, COMMENT_BOX, ); resetCommentBox(); resetCommentButton(); }); }; export { comment, postComment };