# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate', '20190325080727_truncate_user_fullname.rb') describe TruncateUserFullname, :migration do let(:users) { table(:users) } let(:user_short) { create_user(name: 'abc', email: 'test_short@example.com') } let(:user_long) { create_user(name: 'a' * 200 + 'z', email: 'test_long@example.com') } def create_user(params) users.create!(params.merge(projects_limit: 0)) end it 'truncates user full name to the first 128 characters' do expect { migrate! }.to change { user_long.reload.name }.to('a' * 128) end it 'does not truncate short names' do expect { migrate! }.not_to change { user_short.reload.name.length } end end