import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import Anomaly from '~/monitoring/components/charts/anomaly.vue'; import { colorValues } from '~/monitoring/constants'; import { anomalyDeploymentData, mockProjectDir, anomalyMockGraphData, anomalyMockResultValues, } from '../../mock_data'; import MonitorTimeSeriesChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/time_series.vue'; const mockWidgets = 'mockWidgets'; const mockProjectPath = `${TEST_HOST}${mockProjectDir}`; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/icon_utils'); // mock getSvgIconPathContent const makeAnomalyGraphData = (datasetName, template = anomalyMockGraphData) => { const metrics = anomalyMockResultValues[datasetName].map((values, index) => ({ ...template.metrics[index], result: [ { metrics: {}, values, }, ], })); return { ...template, metrics }; }; describe('Anomaly chart component', () => { let wrapper; const setupAnomalyChart = props => { wrapper = shallowMount(Anomaly, { propsData: { ...props }, slots: { default: mockWidgets, }, sync: false, }); }; const findTimeSeries = () => wrapper.find(MonitorTimeSeriesChart); const getTimeSeriesProps = () => findTimeSeries().props(); describe('wrapped monitor-time-series-chart component', () => { const dataSetName = 'noAnomaly'; const dataSet = anomalyMockResultValues[dataSetName]; const inputThresholds = ['some threshold']; beforeEach(() => { setupAnomalyChart({ graphData: makeAnomalyGraphData(dataSetName), deploymentData: anomalyDeploymentData, thresholds: inputThresholds, projectPath: mockProjectPath, }); }); it('is a Vue instance', () => { expect(findTimeSeries().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findTimeSeries().isVueInstance()).toBe(true); }); describe('receives props correctly', () => { describe('graph-data', () => { it('receives a single "metric" series', () => { const { graphData } = getTimeSeriesProps(); expect(graphData.metrics.length).toBe(1); }); it('receives "metric" with all data', () => { const { graphData } = getTimeSeriesProps(); const query = graphData.metrics[0]; const expectedQuery = makeAnomalyGraphData(dataSetName).metrics[0]; expect(query).toEqual(expectedQuery); }); it('receives the "metric" results', () => { const { graphData } = getTimeSeriesProps(); const { result } = graphData.metrics[0]; const { values } = result[0]; const [metricDataset] = dataSet; expect(values).toEqual(expect.any(Array)); values.forEach(([, y], index) => { expect(y).toBeCloseTo(metricDataset[index][1]); }); }); }); describe('option', () => { let option; let series; beforeEach(() => { ({ option } = getTimeSeriesProps()); ({ series } = option); }); it('contains a boundary band', () => { expect(series).toEqual(expect.any(Array)); expect(series.length).toEqual(2); // 1 upper + 1 lower boundaries expect(series[0].stack).toEqual(series[1].stack); series.forEach(s => { expect(s.type).toBe('line'); expect(s.lineStyle.width).toBe(0); expect(s.lineStyle.color).toMatch(/rgba\(.+\)/); expect(s.lineStyle.color).toMatch(s.color); expect(s.symbol).toEqual('none'); }); }); it('upper boundary values are stacked on top of lower boundary', () => { const [lowerSeries, upperSeries] = series; const [, upperDataset, lowerDataset] = dataSet;[, y], i) => { expect(y).toBeCloseTo(lowerDataset[i][1]); });[, y], i) => { expect(y).toBeCloseTo(upperDataset[i][1] - lowerDataset[i][1]); }); }); }); describe('series-config', () => { let seriesConfig; beforeEach(() => { ({ seriesConfig } = getTimeSeriesProps()); }); it('display symbols is enabled', () => { expect(seriesConfig).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ type: 'line', symbol: 'circle', showSymbol: true, symbolSize: expect.any(Function), itemStyle: { color: expect.any(Function), }, }), ); }); it('does not display anomalies', () => { const { symbolSize, itemStyle } = seriesConfig; const [metricDataset] = dataSet; metricDataset.forEach((v, dataIndex) => { const size = symbolSize(null, { dataIndex }); const color = itemStyle.color({ dataIndex }); // normal color and small size expect(size).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(color).toBe(colorValues.primaryColor); }); }); it('can format y values (to use in tooltips)', () => { expect(parseFloat(wrapper.vm.yValueFormatted(0, 0))).toEqual(dataSet[0][0][1]); expect(parseFloat(wrapper.vm.yValueFormatted(1, 0))).toEqual(dataSet[1][0][1]); expect(parseFloat(wrapper.vm.yValueFormatted(2, 0))).toEqual(dataSet[2][0][1]); }); }); describe('inherited properties', () => { it('"deployment-data" keeps the same value', () => { const { deploymentData } = getTimeSeriesProps(); expect(deploymentData).toEqual(anomalyDeploymentData); }); it('"thresholds" keeps the same value', () => { const { thresholds } = getTimeSeriesProps(); expect(thresholds).toEqual(inputThresholds); }); it('"projectPath" keeps the same value', () => { const { projectPath } = getTimeSeriesProps(); expect(projectPath).toEqual(mockProjectPath); }); }); }); }); describe('with no boundary data', () => { const dataSetName = 'noBoundary'; const dataSet = anomalyMockResultValues[dataSetName]; beforeEach(() => { setupAnomalyChart({ graphData: makeAnomalyGraphData(dataSetName), deploymentData: anomalyDeploymentData, }); }); describe('option', () => { let option; let series; beforeEach(() => { ({ option } = getTimeSeriesProps()); ({ series } = option); }); it('does not display a boundary band', () => { expect(series).toEqual(expect.any(Array)); expect(series.length).toEqual(0); // no boundaries }); it('can format y values (to use in tooltips)', () => { expect(parseFloat(wrapper.vm.yValueFormatted(0, 0))).toEqual(dataSet[0][0][1]); expect(wrapper.vm.yValueFormatted(1, 0)).toBe(''); // missing boundary expect(wrapper.vm.yValueFormatted(2, 0)).toBe(''); // missing boundary }); }); }); describe('with one anomaly', () => { const dataSetName = 'oneAnomaly'; const dataSet = anomalyMockResultValues[dataSetName]; beforeEach(() => { setupAnomalyChart({ graphData: makeAnomalyGraphData(dataSetName), deploymentData: anomalyDeploymentData, }); }); describe('series-config', () => { it('displays one anomaly', () => { const { seriesConfig } = getTimeSeriesProps(); const { symbolSize, itemStyle } = seriesConfig; const [metricDataset] = dataSet; const bigDots = metricDataset.filter((v, dataIndex) => { const size = symbolSize(null, { dataIndex }); return size > 0.1; }); const redDots = metricDataset.filter((v, dataIndex) => { const color = itemStyle.color({ dataIndex }); return color === colorValues.anomalySymbol; }); expect(bigDots.length).toBe(1); expect(redDots.length).toBe(1); }); }); }); describe('with offset', () => { const dataSetName = 'negativeBoundary'; const dataSet = anomalyMockResultValues[dataSetName]; const expectedOffset = 4; // Lowst point in mock data is -3.70, it gets rounded beforeEach(() => { setupAnomalyChart({ graphData: makeAnomalyGraphData(dataSetName), deploymentData: anomalyDeploymentData, }); }); describe('receives props correctly', () => { describe('graph-data', () => { it('receives a single "metric" series', () => { const { graphData } = getTimeSeriesProps(); expect(graphData.metrics.length).toBe(1); }); it('receives "metric" results and applies the offset to them', () => { const { graphData } = getTimeSeriesProps(); const { result } = graphData.metrics[0]; const { values } = result[0]; const [metricDataset] = dataSet; expect(values).toEqual(expect.any(Array)); values.forEach(([, y], index) => { expect(y).toBeCloseTo(metricDataset[index][1] + expectedOffset); }); }); }); }); describe('option', () => { it('upper boundary values are stacked on top of lower boundary, plus the offset', () => { const { option } = getTimeSeriesProps(); const { series } = option; const [lowerSeries, upperSeries] = series; const [, upperDataset, lowerDataset] = dataSet;[, y], i) => { expect(y).toBeCloseTo(lowerDataset[i][1] + expectedOffset); });[, y], i) => { expect(y).toBeCloseTo(upperDataset[i][1] - lowerDataset[i][1]); }); }); }); }); });