# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'tempfile' describe 'Jobs', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do include Gitlab::Routing include ProjectForksHelper let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:user_access_level) { :developer } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit('HEAD').sha) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:job2) { create(:ci_build) } let(:artifacts_file) do fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/banana_sample.gif', 'image/gif') end before do project.add_role(user, user_access_level) sign_in(user) end describe "GET /:project/jobs" do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } context "Pending scope" do before do visit project_jobs_path(project, scope: :pending) end it "shows Pending tab jobs" do expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links li.active', text: 'Pending') expect(page).to have_content job.short_sha expect(page).to have_content job.ref expect(page).to have_content job.name end end context "Running scope" do before do job.run! visit project_jobs_path(project, scope: :running) end it "shows Running tab jobs" do expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links li.active', text: 'Running') expect(page).to have_content job.short_sha expect(page).to have_content job.ref expect(page).to have_content job.name end end context "Finished scope" do before do job.run! visit project_jobs_path(project, scope: :finished) end it "shows Finished tab jobs" do expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links li.active', text: 'Finished') expect(page).to have_content 'No jobs to show' end end context "All jobs" do before do project.builds.running_or_pending.each(&:success) visit project_jobs_path(project) end it "shows All tab jobs" do expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links li.active', text: 'All') expect(page).to have_content job.short_sha expect(page).to have_content job.ref expect(page).to have_content job.name end end context "when visiting old URL" do let(:jobs_url) do project_jobs_path(project) end before do visit jobs_url.sub('/-/jobs', '/builds') end it "redirects to new URL" do expect(page.current_path).to eq(jobs_url) end end end describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id" do context "Job from project" do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'shows status name', :js do visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_css('.ci-status.ci-success', text: 'passed') end it 'shows commit`s data', :js do requests = inspect_requests do visit project_job_path(project, job) end wait_for_requests expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(200) expect(page).to have_content pipeline.sha[0..7] expect(page).to have_content pipeline.commit.title end it 'shows active job', :js do visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_selector('.build-job.active') end end context 'pipeline info block', :js do it 'shows pipeline id and source branch' do visit project_job_path(project, job) within '.js-pipeline-info' do expect(page).to have_content("Pipeline ##{pipeline.id} for #{pipeline.ref}") end end context 'when pipeline is detached merge request pipeline' do let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, :with_detached_merge_request_pipeline, target_project: target_project, source_project: source_project) end let(:source_project) { project } let(:target_project) { project } let(:pipeline) { merge_request.all_pipelines.last } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'shows merge request iid and source branch' do visit project_job_path(project, job) within '.js-pipeline-info' do expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \ "with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch}") expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}", href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request)) expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch, href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.source_branch)) end end context 'when source project is a forked project' do let(:source_project) { fork_project(project, user, repository: true) } let(:target_project) { project } it 'shows merge request iid and source branch', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do visit project_job_path(source_project, job) within '.js-pipeline-info' do expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \ "with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch}") expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}", href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request)) expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch, href: project_commits_path(source_project, merge_request.source_branch)) end end end end context 'when pipeline is merge request pipeline' do let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, :with_merge_request_pipeline, target_project: target_project, source_project: source_project) end let(:source_project) { project } let(:target_project) { project } let(:pipeline) { merge_request.all_pipelines.last } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'shows merge request iid and source branch' do visit project_job_path(project, job) within '.js-pipeline-info' do expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \ "with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch} " \ "into #{pipeline.merge_request.target_branch}") expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}", href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request)) expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch, href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.source_branch)) expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.target_branch, href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.target_branch)) end end context 'when source project is a forked project' do let(:source_project) { fork_project(project, user, repository: true) } let(:target_project) { project } it 'shows merge request iid and source branch', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do visit project_job_path(source_project, job) within '.js-pipeline-info' do expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \ "with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch} " \ "into #{pipeline.merge_request.target_branch}") expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}", href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request)) expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch, href: project_commits_path(source_project, merge_request.source_branch)) expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.target_branch, href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.target_branch)) end end end end end context 'sidebar', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline, name: '') } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests end it 'renders escaped tooltip name' do page.find('.active.build-job a').hover expect(page).to have_content(' - passed') end end context 'when job is not running', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'shows retry button' do expect(page).to have_link('Retry') end context 'if job passed' do it 'does not show New issue button' do expect(page).not_to have_link('New issue') end end context 'if job failed' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'shows New issue button' do expect(page).to have_link('New issue') end it 'links to issues/new with the title and description filled in' do button_title = "Job Failed ##{job.id}" job_url = project_job_url(project, job, host: page.server.host, port: page.server.port) options = { issue: { title: button_title, description: "Job [##{job.id}](#{job_url}) failed for #{job.sha}:\n" } } href = new_project_issue_path(project, options) page.within('.build-sidebar') do expect(find('.js-new-issue')['href']).to include(href) end end end end context 'when job is running', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) } let(:job_url) { project_job_path(project, job) } before do visit job_url wait_for_requests end context 'job is cancelable' do it 'shows cancel button' do click_link 'Cancel' expect(page.current_path).to eq(job_url) end end end context "Job from other project" do before do visit project_job_path(project, job2) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end context "Download artifacts", :js do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, job: job) visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'has button to download artifacts' do expect(page).to have_content 'Download' end it 'downloads the zip file when user clicks the download button' do requests = inspect_requests do click_link 'Download' end artifact_request = requests.find { |req| req.url.match(%r{artifacts/download}) } expect(artifact_request.response_headers["Content-Disposition"]).to eq(%Q{attachment; filename*=UTF-8''#{job.artifacts_file.filename}; filename="#{job.artifacts_file.filename}"}) expect(artifact_request.response_headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding']).to eq("binary") expect(artifact_request.response_headers['Content-Type']).to eq("image/gif") expect(artifact_request.body).to eq(job.artifacts_file.file.read.b) end end context 'Artifacts expire date', :js do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, expire_at: expire_at, job: job) job.update!(artifacts_expire_at: expire_at) visit project_job_path(project, job) end context 'no expire date defined' do let(:expire_at) { nil } it 'does not have the Keep button' do expect(page).not_to have_content 'Keep' end end context 'when expire date is defined' do let(:expire_at) { Time.now + 7.days } context 'when user has ability to update job' do it 'keeps artifacts when keep button is clicked' do expect(page).to have_content 'The artifacts will be removed in' click_link 'Keep' expect(page).to have_no_link 'Keep' expect(page).to have_no_content 'The artifacts will be removed in' end end context 'when user does not have ability to update job' do let(:user_access_level) { :guest } it 'does not have keep button' do expect(page).to have_no_link 'Keep' end end end context 'when artifacts expired' do let(:expire_at) { Time.now - 7.days } it 'does not have the Keep button' do expect(page).to have_content 'The artifacts were removed' expect(page).not_to have_link 'Keep' end end end context "when visiting old URL" do let(:job_url) do project_job_path(project, job) end before do visit job_url.sub('/-/jobs', '/builds') end it "redirects to new URL" do expect(page.current_path).to eq(job_url) end end describe 'Raw trace', :js do before do job.run! visit project_job_path(project, job) end it do wait_for_all_requests expect(page).to have_css('.js-raw-link-controller') end end describe 'HTML trace', :js do before do job.run! visit project_job_path(project, job) end context 'when job has an initial trace' do it 'loads job trace' do expect(page).to have_content 'BUILD TRACE' job.trace.write(+'a+b') do |stream| stream.append(+' and more trace', 11) end expect(page).to have_content 'BUILD TRACE and more trace' end end end describe 'Variables' do let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, trigger_request: trigger_request) } context 'when user is a maintainer' do shared_examples 'no reveal button variables behavior' do it 'renders a hidden value with no reveal values button', :js do expect(page).to have_content('Trigger token') expect(page).to have_content('Trigger variables') expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-reveal-variables') expect(page).to have_selector('.js-build-variable', text: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1') expect(page).to have_selector('.js-build-value', text: '••••••') end end context 'when variables are stored in trigger_request' do before do trigger_request.update_attribute(:variables, { 'TRIGGER_KEY_1' => 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1' } ) visit project_job_path(project, job) end it_behaves_like 'no reveal button variables behavior' end context 'when variables are stored in pipeline_variables' do before do create(:ci_pipeline_variable, pipeline: pipeline, key: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1', value: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1') visit project_job_path(project, job) end it_behaves_like 'no reveal button variables behavior' end end context 'when user is a maintainer' do before do project.add_maintainer(user) end shared_examples 'reveal button variables behavior' do it 'renders a hidden value with a reveal values button', :js do expect(page).to have_content('Trigger token') expect(page).to have_content('Trigger variables') expect(page).to have_css('.js-reveal-variables') expect(page).to have_selector('.js-build-variable', text: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1') expect(page).to have_selector('.js-build-value', text: '••••••') end it 'reveals values on button click', :js do click_button 'Reveal values' expect(page).to have_selector('.js-build-variable', text: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1') expect(page).to have_selector('.js-build-value', text: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1') end end context 'when variables are stored in trigger_request' do before do trigger_request.update_attribute(:variables, { 'TRIGGER_KEY_1' => 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1' } ) visit project_job_path(project, job) end it_behaves_like 'reveal button variables behavior' end context 'when variables are stored in pipeline_variables' do before do create(:ci_pipeline_variable, pipeline: pipeline, key: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1', value: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1') visit project_job_path(project, job) end it_behaves_like 'reveal button variables behavior' end end end context 'when job starts environment', :js do let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: project) } before do visit project_job_path(project, build) wait_for_requests end context 'job is successful and has deployment' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, environment: environment.name, pipeline: pipeline, deployment: deployment) } let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: environment.project) } it 'shows a link for the job' do expect(page).to have_link environment.name end it 'shows deployment message' do expect(page).to have_content 'This job is deployed to production' expect(find('.js-environment-link')['href']).to match("environments/#{environment.id}") end context 'when there is a cluster used for the deployment' do let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, name: 'the-cluster') } let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, cluster: cluster, environment: environment, project: environment.project) } let(:user_access_level) { :maintainer } it 'shows a link to the cluster' do expect(page).to have_link 'the-cluster' end it 'shows the name of the cluster' do expect(page).to have_content 'using cluster the-cluster' end context 'when the user is not able to view the cluster' do let(:user_access_level) { :developer } it 'includes only the name of the cluster without a link' do expect(page).to have_content 'using cluster the-cluster' expect(page).not_to have_link 'the-cluster' end end end end context 'job is complete and not successful' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, environment: environment.name, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'shows a link for the job' do expect(page).to have_link environment.name expect(find('.js-environment-link')['href']).to match("environments/#{environment.id}") end end context 'deployment still not finished' do let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :running, environment: environment.name, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'shows a link to latest deployment' do expect(page).to have_link environment.name expect(page).to have_content 'This job is creating a deployment' expect(find('.js-environment-link')['href']).to match("environments/#{environment.id}") end end end context 'when job stops environment', :js do let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: project) } let(:build) do create( :ci_build, :success, :trace_live, environment: environment.name, pipeline: pipeline, options: { environment: { action: 'stop' } } ) end before do visit project_job_path(project, build) wait_for_requests end it 'does not show environment information banner' do expect(page).not_to have_selector('.js-environment-container') expect(page).not_to have_selector('.environment-information') expect(page).not_to have_text(environment.name) end end describe 'environment info in job view', :js do before do allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Build).to receive(:create_deployment) visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests end context 'job with outdated deployment' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:second_build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) } let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) } let!(:first_deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, deployable: job) } let!(:second_deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, deployable: second_build) } it 'shows deployment message' do expected_text = 'This job is an out-of-date deployment to staging. View the most recent deployment.' expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text) end it 'renders a link to the most recent deployment' do expect(find('.js-environment-link')['href']).to match("environments/#{environment.id}") expect(find('.js-job-deployment-link')['href']).to include(second_deployment.deployable.project.path, second_deployment.deployable_id.to_s) end context 'when deployment does not have a deployable' do let!(:second_deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, deployable: nil) } it 'has an empty href' do expect(find('.js-job-deployment-link')['href']).to be_empty end end end context 'job failed to deploy' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) } it 'shows deployment message' do expected_text = 'The deployment of this job to staging did not succeed.' expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text) end end context 'job will deploy' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :running, :trace_live, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) } context 'when environment exists' do let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) } it 'shows deployment message' do expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging' expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text) expect(find('.js-environment-link')['href']).to match("environments/#{environment.id}") end context 'when it has deployment' do let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment) } it 'shows that deployment will be overwritten' do expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging' expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text) expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: 'latest deployment') expect(find('.js-environment-link')['href']).to match("environments/#{environment.id}") end end end context 'when environment does not exist' do let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) } it 'shows deployment message' do expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging' expect(page).to have_css( '.environment-information', text: expected_text) expect(page).not_to have_css( '.environment-information', text: 'latest deployment') expect(find('.js-environment-link')['href']).to match("environments/#{environment.id}") end end end context 'job that failed to deploy and environment has not been created' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) } it 'shows deployment message' do expected_text = 'The deployment of this job to staging did not succeed' expect(page).to have_css( '.environment-information', text: expected_text) end end context 'job that will deploy and environment has not been created' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :running, :trace_live, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) } it 'shows deployment message' do expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging' expect(page).to have_css( '.environment-information', text: expected_text) expect(page).not_to have_css( '.environment-information', text: 'latest deployment') end end end context 'Playable manual action' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :playable, pipeline: pipeline) } before do project.add_developer(user) visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'shows manual action empty state', :js do expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title]) expect(page).to have_content('This job requires a manual action') expect(page).to have_content('This job requires manual intervention to start. Before starting this job, you can add variables below for last-minute configuration changes.') expect(page).to have_button('Trigger this manual action') end it 'plays manual action and shows pending status', :js do click_button 'Trigger this manual action' wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_content('This job has not started yet') expect(page).to have_content('This job is in pending state and is waiting to be picked by a runner') expect(page).to have_content('pending') end end context 'Delayed job' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :scheduled, pipeline: pipeline) } before do project.add_developer(user) visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'shows delayed job', :js do expect(page).to have_content('This is a delayed job to run in') expect(page).to have_content("This job will automatically run after its timer finishes.") expect(page).to have_link('Unschedule job') end it 'unschedules delayed job and shows manual action', :js do click_link 'Unschedule job' wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_content('This job requires a manual action') expect(page).to have_content('This job requires manual intervention to start. Before starting this job, you can add variables below for last-minute configuration changes.') expect(page).to have_button('Trigger this manual action') end end context 'Non triggered job' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'shows empty state', :js do expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title]) expect(page).to have_content('This job has not been triggered yet') expect(page).to have_content('This job depends on upstream jobs that need to succeed in order for this job to be triggered') end end context 'Pending job', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'shows pending empty state' do expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title]) expect(page).to have_content('This job has not started yet') expect(page).to have_content('This job is in pending state and is waiting to be picked by a runner') end end context 'Canceled job', :js do context 'with log' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :canceled, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'renders job log' do wait_for_all_requests expect(page).to have_selector('.job-log') end end context 'without log', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :canceled, pipeline: pipeline) } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'renders empty state' do expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title]) expect(page).not_to have_selector('.js-build-trace') expect(page).to have_content('This job has been canceled') end end end context 'Skipped job', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :skipped, pipeline: pipeline) } before do visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'renders empty state' do expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title]) expect(page).not_to have_selector('.js-build-trace') expect(page).to have_content('This job has been skipped') end end context 'when job is failed but has no trace', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'renders empty state' do visit project_job_path(project, job) expect(job).not_to have_trace expect(page).to have_content('This job does not have a trace.') end end context 'with erased job', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :erased, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'renders erased job warning' do visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests page.within('.js-job-erased-block') do expect(page).to have_content('Job has been erased') end end end context 'without erased job', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'does not render erased job warning' do visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-job-erased-block') end end context 'on mobile', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'renders collapsed sidebar' do page.current_window.resize_to(600, 800) visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_css('.js-job-sidebar.right-sidebar-collapsed', visible: false) expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-job-sidebar.right-sidebar-expanded', visible: false) end end context 'on desktop', :js do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'renders expanded sidebar' do visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_css('.js-job-sidebar.right-sidebar-expanded') expect(page).not_to have_css('.js-job-sidebar.right-sidebar-collapsed') end end context 'stuck', :js do before do visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests end context 'without active runners available' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: false) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner) } it 'renders message about job being stuck because no runners are active' do expect(page).to have_css('.js-stuck-no-active-runner') expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners that can run this job.") end end context 'when available runners can not run specified tag' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: false) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner, tag_list: %w(docker linux)) } it 'renders message about job being stuck because of no runners with the specified tags' do expect(page).to have_css('.js-stuck-with-tags') expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners online with any of these tags assigned to them:") end end context 'when runners are offline and build has tags' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: true) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner, tag_list: %w(docker linux)) } it 'renders message about job being stuck because of no runners with the specified tags' do expect(page).to have_css('.js-stuck-with-tags') expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners online with any of these tags assigned to them:") end end context 'without any runners available' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'renders message about job being stuck because not runners are available' do expect(page).to have_css('.js-stuck-no-active-runner') expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners that can run this job.") end end context 'without available runners online' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: true) } let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner) } it 'renders message about job being stuck because runners are offline' do expect(page).to have_css('.js-stuck-no-runners') expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because the project doesn't have any runners online assigned to it.") end end end end describe "POST /:project/jobs/:id/cancel", :js do context "Job from project" do before do job.run! visit project_job_path(project, job) find('.js-cancel-job').click end it 'loads the page and shows all needed controls' do expect(page).to have_content 'Retry' end end end describe "POST /:project/jobs/:id/retry", :js do context "Job from project", :js do before do job.run! job.cancel! visit project_job_path(project, job) wait_for_requests find('.js-retry-button').click end it 'shows the right status and buttons' do page.within('aside.right-sidebar') do expect(page).to have_content 'Cancel' end end end context "Job that current user is not allowed to retry" do before do job.run! job.cancel! project.update(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC) sign_out(:user) sign_in(create(:user)) visit project_job_path(project, job) end it 'does not show the Retry button' do page.within('aside.right-sidebar') do expect(page).not_to have_content 'Retry' end end end end describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id/download", :js do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, job: job) visit project_job_path(project, job) click_link 'Download' end context "Build from other project" do before do create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, job: job2) end it do requests = inspect_requests do visit download_project_job_artifacts_path(project, job2) end expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(404) end end end describe 'GET /:project/jobs/:id/raw', :js do context 'access source' do context 'job from project' do context 'when job is running' do before do job.run! end it 'sends the right headers' do requests = inspect_requests(inject_headers: { 'X-Sendfile-Type' => 'X-Sendfile' }) do visit raw_project_job_path(project, job) end expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(200) expect(requests.first.response_headers['Content-Type']).to eq('text/plain; charset=utf-8') expect(requests.first.response_headers['X-Sendfile']).to eq(job.trace.send(:current_path)) end end context 'when job is complete' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) } it 'sends the right headers' do requests = inspect_requests(inject_headers: { 'X-Sendfile-Type' => 'X-Sendfile' }) do visit raw_project_job_path(project, job) end expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(200) expect(requests.first.response_headers['Content-Type']).to eq('text/plain; charset=utf-8') expect(requests.first.response_headers['X-Sendfile']).to eq(job.job_artifacts_trace.file.path) end end end context 'job from other project' do before do job2.run! end it 'sends the right headers' do requests = inspect_requests(inject_headers: { 'X-Sendfile-Type' => 'X-Sendfile' }) do visit raw_project_job_path(project, job2) end expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(404) end end end context "when visiting old URL" do let(:raw_job_url) do raw_project_job_path(project, job) end before do visit raw_job_url.sub('/-/jobs', '/builds') end it "redirects to new URL" do expect(page.current_path).to eq(raw_job_url) end end end describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id/trace.json" do context "Job from project" do before do visit trace_project_job_path(project, job, format: :json) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) } end context "Job from other project" do before do visit trace_project_job_path(project, job2, format: :json) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end end describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id/status" do context "Job from project" do before do visit status_project_job_path(project, job) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) } end context "Job from other project" do before do visit status_project_job_path(project, job2) end it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) } end end end