import Vue from 'vue'; import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; import { join as joinPath } from 'path'; import flash from '~/flash'; import store from './stores'; Vue.use(VueRouter); /** * Routes below /-/ide/: /project/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master /project/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/app/js/test.js /project/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/mr/123 /project/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/mr/123/app/js/test.js /workspace/123 /workspace/project/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/my-special-branch /workspace/project/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/mr/123 / = /workspace /settings */ // Unfortunately Vue Router doesn't work without at least a fake component // If you do only data handling const EmptyRouterComponent = { render(createElement) { return createElement('div'); }, }; const router = new VueRouter({ mode: 'history', base: `${gon.relative_url_root}/-/ide/`, routes: [ { path: '/project/:namespace+/:project', component: EmptyRouterComponent, children: [ { path: ':targetmode(edit|tree|blob)/:branchid+/-/*', component: EmptyRouterComponent, }, { path: ':targetmode(edit|tree|blob)/:branchid+/', redirect: to => joinPath(to.path, '/-/'), }, { path: ':targetmode(edit|tree|blob)', redirect: to => joinPath(to.path, '/master/-/'), }, { path: 'merge_requests/:mrid', component: EmptyRouterComponent, }, { path: '', redirect: to => joinPath(to.path, '/edit/master/-/'), }, ], }, ], }); router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if (to.params.namespace && to.params.project) { store .dispatch('getProjectData', { namespace: to.params.namespace, projectId: to.params.project, }) .then(() => { const basePath = to.params.pathMatch || ''; const projectId = `${to.params.namespace}/${to.params.project}`; const branchId = to.params.branchid; const mergeRequestId = to.params.mrid; if (branchId) { store.dispatch('openBranch', { projectId, branchId, basePath, }); } else if (mergeRequestId) { store.dispatch('openMergeRequest', { projectId, mergeRequestId, targetProjectId: to.query.target_project, }); } }) .catch(e => { flash( 'Error while loading the project data. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true, ); throw e; }); } next(); }); export default router;