# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe BulkImports::FileDecompressionService, feature_category: :importers do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:tmpdir) { Dir.mktmpdir } let_it_be(:ndjson_filename) { 'labels.ndjson' } let_it_be(:ndjson_filepath) { File.join(tmpdir, ndjson_filename) } let_it_be(:gz_filename) { "#{ndjson_filename}.gz" } let_it_be(:gz_filepath) { "spec/fixtures/bulk_imports/gz/#{gz_filename}" } before do FileUtils.copy_file(gz_filepath, File.join(tmpdir, gz_filename)) FileUtils.remove_entry(ndjson_filepath) if File.exist?(ndjson_filepath) end after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_entry(tmpdir) end subject { described_class.new(tmpdir: tmpdir, filename: gz_filename) } describe '#execute' do it 'decompresses specified file' do subject.execute expect(File.exist?(File.join(tmpdir, ndjson_filename))).to eq(true) expect(File.open(ndjson_filepath, &:readline)).to include('title', 'description') end context 'when validate_import_decompressed_archive_size feature flag is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(validate_import_decompressed_archive_size: true) end it 'performs decompressed file size validation' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::ImportExport::DecompressedArchiveSizeValidator) do |validator| expect(validator).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) end subject.execute end end context 'when validate_import_decompressed_archive_size feature flag is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(validate_import_decompressed_archive_size: false) end it 'does not perform decompressed file size validation' do expect(Gitlab::ImportExport::DecompressedArchiveSizeValidator).not_to receive(:new) subject.execute end end context 'when dir is not in tmpdir' do subject { described_class.new(tmpdir: '/etc', filename: 'filename') } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(StandardError, 'path /etc is not allowed') end end context 'when path is being traversed' do subject { described_class.new(tmpdir: File.join(Dir.mktmpdir, 'test', '..'), filename: 'filename') } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Utils::PathTraversalAttackError, 'Invalid path') end end shared_examples 'raises an error and removes the file' do |error_message:| specify do expect { subject.execute } .to raise_error(BulkImports::FileDecompressionService::ServiceError, error_message) expect(File).not_to exist(file) end end shared_context 'when compressed file' do let_it_be(:file) { File.join(tmpdir, 'file.gz') } subject { described_class.new(tmpdir: tmpdir, filename: 'file.gz') } before do FileUtils.send(link_method, File.join(tmpdir, gz_filename), file) end end shared_context 'when decompressed file' do let_it_be(:file) { File.join(tmpdir, 'file.txt') } subject { described_class.new(tmpdir: tmpdir, filename: gz_filename) } before do original_file = File.join(tmpdir, 'original_file.txt') FileUtils.touch(original_file) FileUtils.send(link_method, original_file, file) subject.instance_variable_set(:@decompressed_filepath, file) end end context 'when compressed file is a symlink' do let(:link_method) { :symlink } include_context 'when compressed file' include_examples 'raises an error and removes the file', error_message: 'File decompression error' end context 'when compressed file shares multiple hard links' do let(:link_method) { :link } include_context 'when compressed file' include_examples 'raises an error and removes the file', error_message: 'File decompression error' end context 'when decompressed file is a symlink' do let(:link_method) { :symlink } include_context 'when decompressed file' include_examples 'raises an error and removes the file', error_message: 'Invalid file' end context 'when decompressed file shares multiple hard links' do let(:link_method) { :link } include_context 'when decompressed file' include_examples 'raises an error and removes the file', error_message: 'Invalid file' end end end