# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Packages::Npm::CreatePackageService, feature_category: :package_registry do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: namespace) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:version) { '1.0.1' } let(:params) do Gitlab::Json.parse(fixture_file('packages/npm/payload.json') .gsub('@root/npm-test', package_name) .gsub('1.0.1', version)).with_indifferent_access end let(:package_name) { "@#{namespace.path}/my-app" } let(:version_data) { params.dig('versions', '1.0.1') } subject { described_class.new(project, user, params).execute } shared_examples 'valid package' do it 'creates a package' do expect { subject } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Package.npm.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Tag.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Npm::Metadatum.count }.by(1) end it_behaves_like 'assigns the package creator' do let(:package) { subject } end it { is_expected.to be_valid } it 'creates a package with name and version' do package = subject expect(package.name).to eq(package_name) expect(package.version).to eq(version) end it { expect(subject.npm_metadatum.package_json).to eq(version_data) } it { expect(subject.name).to eq(package_name) } it { expect(subject.version).to eq(version) } context 'with build info' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, user: user) } let(:params) { super().merge(build: job) } it_behaves_like 'assigns build to package' it_behaves_like 'assigns status to package' it 'creates a package file build info' do expect { subject }.to change { Packages::PackageFileBuildInfo.count }.by(1) end end context 'with a too large metadata structure' do before do params[:versions][version][:test] = 'test' * 10000 end it 'does not create the package' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, 'Validation failed: Package json structure is too large') .and not_change { Packages::Package.count } .and not_change { Packages::Package.npm.count } .and not_change { Packages::Tag.count } .and not_change { Packages::Npm::Metadatum.count } end end described_class::PACKAGE_JSON_NOT_ALLOWED_FIELDS.each do |field| context "with not allowed #{field} field" do before do params[:versions][version][field] = 'test' end it 'is persisted without the field' do expect { subject } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Package.npm.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Tag.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Npm::Metadatum.count }.by(1) expect(subject.npm_metadatum.package_json[field]).to be_blank end end end end describe '#execute' do context 'scoped package' do it_behaves_like 'valid package' end context 'scoped package not following the naming convention' do let(:package_name) { '@any-scope/package' } it_behaves_like 'valid package' end context 'unscoped package' do let(:package_name) { 'unscoped-package' } it_behaves_like 'valid package' end context 'package already exists' do let(:package_name) { "@#{namespace.path}/my_package" } let!(:existing_package) { create(:npm_package, project: project, name: package_name, version: '1.0.1') } it { expect(subject[:http_status]).to eq 403 } it { expect(subject[:message]).to be 'Package already exists.' } context 'marked as pending_destruction' do before do existing_package.pending_destruction! end it 'creates a new package' do expect { subject } .to change { Packages::Package.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Package.npm.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Tag.count }.by(1) .and change { Packages::Npm::Metadatum.count }.by(1) end end end describe 'max file size validation' do let(:max_file_size) { 5.bytes } shared_examples_for 'max file size validation failure' do it 'returns a 400 error', :aggregate_failures do expect(subject[:http_status]).to eq 400 expect(subject[:message]).to be 'File is too large.' end end before do project.actual_limits.update!(npm_max_file_size: max_file_size) end context 'when max file size is exceeded' do # NOTE: The base64 encoded package data in the fixture file is the "hello\n" string, whose byte size is 6. it_behaves_like 'max file size validation failure' end context 'when file size is faked by setting the attachment length param to a lower size' do let(:params) { super().deep_merge!({ _attachments: { "#{package_name}-#{version}.tgz" => { data: encoded_package_data, length: 1 } } }) } # TODO (technical debt): Extract the package size calculation outside the service and add separate specs for it. # Right now we have several contexts here to test the calculation's different scenarios. context "when encoded package data is not padded" do # 'Hello!' (size = 6 bytes) => 'SGVsbG8h' let(:encoded_package_data) { 'SGVsbG8h' } it_behaves_like 'max file size validation failure' end context "when encoded package data is padded with '='" do let(:max_file_size) { 4.bytes } # 'Hello' (size = 5 bytes) => 'SGVsbG8=' let(:encoded_package_data) { 'SGVsbG8=' } it_behaves_like 'max file size validation failure' end context "when encoded package data is padded with '=='" do let(:max_file_size) { 3.bytes } # 'Hell' (size = 4 bytes) => 'SGVsbA==' let(:encoded_package_data) { 'SGVsbA==' } it_behaves_like 'max file size validation failure' end end end [ '@inv@lid_scope/package', '@scope/sub/group', '@scope/../../package', '@scope%2e%2e%2fpackage' ].each do |invalid_package_name| context "with invalid name #{invalid_package_name}" do let(:package_name) { invalid_package_name } it 'raises a RecordInvalid error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end end end context 'with empty versions' do let(:params) { super().merge!({ versions: {} }) } it { expect(subject[:http_status]).to eq 400 } it { expect(subject[:message]).to eq 'Version is empty.' } end context 'with invalid versions' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:version) do [ '1', '1.2', '1./2.3', '../../../../../1.2.3', '%2e%2e%2f1.2.3' ] end with_them do it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, 'Validation failed: Version is invalid') } end end end end