import { groupBy, mapValues } from 'lodash'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import ContentTransition from '~/vue_shared/components/content_transition.vue'; const TEST_CURRENT_SLOT = 'default'; const TEST_TRANSITION_NAME = 'test_transition_name'; const TEST_SLOTS = [ { key: 'default', attributes: { 'data-testval': 'default' } }, { key: 'foo', attributes: { 'data-testval': 'foo' } }, { key: 'bar', attributes: { 'data-testval': 'bar' } }, ]; describe('~/vue_shared/components/content_transition.vue', () => { let wrapper; const createComponent = (props = {}, slots = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(ContentTransition, { propsData: { transitionName: TEST_TRANSITION_NAME, currentSlot: TEST_CURRENT_SLOT, slots: TEST_SLOTS, ...props, }, slots: { default: '
', foo: 'Foo
', bar: 'Bar
', ...slots, }, }); }; const findTransitionsData = () => wrapper.findAll('transition-stub') => { const child = transition.find('[data-testval]'); const { style, ...attributes } = child.attributes(); return { transitionName: transition.attributes('name'), isVisible: child.isVisible(), attributes, text: transition.text(), }; }); const findVisibleData = () => { const group = groupBy(findTransitionsData(), (x) => x.attributes['data-testval']); return mapValues(group, (x) => x[0].isVisible); }; describe('default', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); it('shows all transitions and only default is visible', () => { expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('render transitions for each slot', () => { expect(findTransitionsData()).toEqual([ { attributes: { 'data-testval': 'default', }, isVisible: true, text: 'Default', transitionName: 'test_transition_name', }, { attributes: { 'data-testval': 'foo', }, isVisible: false, text: 'Foo', transitionName: 'test_transition_name', }, { attributes: { 'data-testval': 'bar', }, isVisible: false, text: 'Bar', transitionName: 'test_transition_name', }, ]); }); }); describe('with currentSlot=foo', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ currentSlot: 'foo' }); }); it('should only show the foo slot', () => { expect(findVisibleData()).toEqual({ default: false, foo: true, bar: false, }); }); }); });