import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { last } from 'lodash'; import Default from '~/feature_flags/components/strategies/default.vue'; import GitlabUserList from '~/feature_flags/components/strategies/gitlab_user_list.vue'; import PercentRollout from '~/feature_flags/components/strategies/percent_rollout.vue'; import UsersWithId from '~/feature_flags/components/strategies/users_with_id.vue'; import StrategyParameters from '~/feature_flags/components/strategy_parameters.vue'; import { ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_ALL_USERS, ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_PERCENT_ROLLOUT, ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_USER_ID, ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_GITLAB_USER_LIST, } from '~/feature_flags/constants'; import { allUsersStrategy } from '../mock_data'; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { strategy: allUsersStrategy, }; describe('~/feature_flags/components/strategy_parameters.vue', () => { let wrapper; const factory = (props = {}) => shallowMount(StrategyParameters, { propsData: { ...DEFAULT_PROPS, ...props, }, }); afterEach(() => { if (wrapper?.destroy) { wrapper.destroy(); } }); describe.each` name | component ${ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_ALL_USERS} | ${Default} ${ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_PERCENT_ROLLOUT} | ${PercentRollout} ${ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_USER_ID} | ${UsersWithId} ${ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_GITLAB_USER_LIST} | ${GitlabUserList} `('with $name', ({ name, component }) => { let strategy; beforeEach(() => { strategy = { name, parameters: {} }; wrapper = factory({ strategy }); }); it('should show the correct component', () => { expect(wrapper.findComponent(component).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should emit changes from the lower component', () => { const strategyParameterWrapper = wrapper.findComponent(component); strategyParameterWrapper.vm.$emit('change', { parameters: { foo: 'bar' } }); expect(last(wrapper.emitted('change'))).toEqual([ { name, parameters: { foo: 'bar' }, }, ]); }); }); describe('pass through props', () => { it('should pass through any extra props that might be needed', () => { const strategy = { name: ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_USER_ID, }; wrapper = factory({ strategy, }); expect(wrapper.findComponent(UsersWithId).props('strategy')).toEqual(strategy); }); }); });