import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import ReviewBar from '~/batch_comments/components/review_bar.vue'; import { REVIEW_BAR_VISIBLE_CLASS_NAME } from '~/batch_comments/constants'; import createStore from '../create_batch_comments_store'; describe('Batch comments review bar component', () => { let store; let wrapper; const createComponent = (propsData = {}) => { store = createStore(); wrapper = shallowMount(ReviewBar, { store, propsData, }); }; beforeEach(() => { document.body.className = ''; }); it('adds review-bar-visible class to body when review bar is mounted', async () => { expect(document.body.classList.contains(REVIEW_BAR_VISIBLE_CLASS_NAME)).toBe(false); createComponent(); expect(document.body.classList.contains(REVIEW_BAR_VISIBLE_CLASS_NAME)).toBe(true); }); it('removes review-bar-visible class to body when review bar is destroyed', async () => { createComponent(); wrapper.destroy(); expect(document.body.classList.contains(REVIEW_BAR_VISIBLE_CLASS_NAME)).toBe(false); }); });