- @hide_search_settings = true %main{ role: 'main' } .gl-max-w-80.gl-mx-auto.gl-mt-6 = render Pajamas::CardComponent.new do |c| - c.header do %h4.gl-m-0= s_('SlackIntegration|Authorize GitLab for Slack app (%{user}) to use your account?').html_safe % { user: @chat_name_params[:chat_name] } - c.body do %p = s_('SlackIntegration|An application called GitLab for Slack app is requesting access to your GitLab account. This application was created by GitLab Inc.') %p = _('This application will be able to:') %ul %li= s_('SlackIntegration|Create and read issue data and comments.') %li= s_('SlackIntegration|Perform deployments.') %li= s_('SlackIntegration|Run ChatOps jobs.') %p.gl-mb-0 = s_("SlackIntegration|You don't have to reauthorize this application if the permission scope changes in future releases.") - c.footer do .gl-display-flex = form_tag profile_chat_names_path, method: :post do = hidden_field_tag :token, @chat_name_token.token = render Pajamas::ButtonComponent.new(type: :submit, variant: :danger) do = _('Authorize') = form_tag deny_profile_chat_names_path, method: :delete do = hidden_field_tag :token, @chat_name_token.token = render Pajamas::ButtonComponent.new(type: :submit, button_options: { class: 'gl-ml-3' }) do = _('Deny')