.base-image-build: extends: .use-kaniko variables: GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE: 1 # disable pulling objects from lfs retry: 2 .base-image-build-buildx: extends: .use-buildx variables: GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE: 1 # disable pulling objects from lfs retry: 2 # This image is used by: # - The `review-qa-*` jobs # - The `e2e:package-and-test` child pipeline test stage jobs # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/index.html#testing-code-in-merge-requests for more details. build-qa-image: extends: - .base-image-build-buildx - .build-images:rules:build-qa-image stage: build-images needs: [] script: - run_timed_command "scripts/build_qa_image" build-qa-image as-if-foss: extends: - build-qa-image - .as-if-foss - .build-images:rules:build-qa-image-as-if-foss # Prepares an image with GDK configured based on code in master. This saves some time in MRs because some installation # and complilation will have already been performed. build-qa-on-gdk-master-image: extends: - .base-image-build-buildx - .build-images:rules:build-qa-on-gdk-master-image tags: - e2e stage: build-images needs: [] variables: QA_GDK_IMAGE: "${CI_REGISTRY}/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}/gitlab-qa-gdk" before_script: - !reference [.use-buildx, before_script] - sysctl -n -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 script: - | docker buildx build \ --cache-to=type=inline \ --cache-from ${QA_GDK_IMAGE}:master \ --platform=${ARCH:-amd64} \ --add-host gdk.test: \ --tag ${QA_GDK_IMAGE}:master \ --file="qa/gdk/Dockerfile" \ --push \ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} build-assets-image: extends: - .base-image-build - .build-images:rules:build-assets-image stage: build-images needs: ["compile-production-assets"] script: - skopeo login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY - run_timed_command "scripts/build_assets_image" artifacts: expire_in: 7 days paths: # The `cached-assets-hash.txt` file is used in `review-build-cng-env` (`.gitlab/ci/review-apps/main.gitlab-ci.yml`) # to pass the assets image tag to the CNG downstream pipeline. - cached-assets-hash.txt