# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ContainerRepository do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:group) { create(:group, name: 'group') } let(:project) { create(:project, path: 'test', group: group) } let(:repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', project: project) end before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true, api_url: 'http://registry.gitlab', host_port: 'registry.gitlab') stub_request(:get, 'http://registry.gitlab/v2/group/test/my_image/tags/list') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => ContainerRegistry::Client::ACCEPTED_TYPES.join(', ') }) .to_return( status: 200, body: Gitlab::Json.dump(tags: ['test_tag']), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end describe 'associations' do it 'belongs to the project' do expect(repository).to belong_to(:project) end end describe '#tag' do it 'has a test tag' do expect(repository.tag('test')).not_to be_nil end end describe '#path' do context 'when project path does not contain uppercase letters' do it 'returns a full path to the repository' do expect(repository.path).to eq('group/test/my_image') end end context 'when path contains uppercase letters' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, path: 'MY_PROJECT', group: group) } it 'returns a full path without capital letters' do expect(repository.path).to eq('group/my_project/my_image') end end end describe '#manifest' do it 'returns non-empty manifest' do expect(repository.manifest).not_to be_nil end end describe '#valid?' do it 'is a valid repository' do expect(repository).to be_valid end end describe '#tags' do it 'returns non-empty tags list' do expect(repository.tags).not_to be_empty end end describe '#tags_count' do it 'returns the count of tags' do expect(repository.tags_count).to eq(1) end end describe '#has_tags?' do it 'has tags' do expect(repository).to have_tags end end describe '#delete_tags!' do let(:repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', tags: { latest: '123', rc1: '234' }, project: project) end context 'when action succeeds' do it 'returns status that indicates success' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_digest) .twice .and_return(true) expect(repository.delete_tags!).to be_truthy end end context 'when action fails' do it 'returns status that indicates failure' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_digest) .twice .and_return(false) expect(repository.delete_tags!).to be_falsey end end end describe '#delete_tag_by_name' do let(:repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', tags: { latest: '123', rc1: '234' }, project: project) end context 'when action succeeds' do it 'returns status that indicates success' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_name) .with(repository.path, "latest") .and_return(true) expect(repository.delete_tag_by_name('latest')).to be_truthy end end context 'when action fails' do it 'returns status that indicates failure' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_name) .with(repository.path, "latest") .and_return(false) expect(repository.delete_tag_by_name('latest')).to be_falsey end end end describe '#location' do context 'when registry is running on a custom port' do before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true, api_url: 'http://registry.gitlab:5000', host_port: 'registry.gitlab:5000') end it 'returns a full location of the repository' do expect(repository.location) .to eq 'registry.gitlab:5000/group/test/my_image' end end end describe '#root_repository?' do context 'when repository is a root repository' do let(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :root) } it 'returns true' do expect(repository).to be_root_repository end end context 'when repository is not a root repository' do it 'returns false' do expect(repository).not_to be_root_repository end end end describe '#start_expiration_policy!' do subject { repository.start_expiration_policy! } it 'sets the expiration policy started at to now' do freeze_time do expect { subject } .to change { repository.expiration_policy_started_at }.from(nil).to(Time.zone.now) end end end describe '#reset_expiration_policy_started_at!' do subject { repository.reset_expiration_policy_started_at! } before do repository.start_expiration_policy! end it 'resets the expiration policy started at' do started_at = repository.expiration_policy_started_at expect(started_at).not_to be_nil expect { subject } .to change { repository.expiration_policy_started_at }.from(started_at).to(nil) end end describe '.build_from_path' do let(:registry_path) do ContainerRegistry::Path.new(project.full_path + '/some/image') end let(:repository) do described_class.build_from_path(registry_path) end it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with a correct name' do expect(repository.name).to eq 'some/image' end it 'is not persisted' do expect(repository).not_to be_persisted end end describe '.create_from_path!' do let(:repository) do described_class.create_from_path!(ContainerRegistry::Path.new(path)) end let(:repository_path) { ContainerRegistry::Path.new(path) } context 'when received multi-level repository path' do let(:path) { project.full_path + '/some/image' } it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with a correct name' do expect(repository.name).to eq 'some/image' end end context 'when path is too long' do let(:path) do project.full_path + '/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/n/o/p/s/t/u/x/y/z' end it 'does not create repository and raises error' do expect { repository }.to raise_error( ContainerRegistry::Path::InvalidRegistryPathError) end end context 'when received multi-level repository with nested groups' do let(:group) { create(:group, :nested, name: 'nested') } let(:path) { project.full_path + '/some/image' } it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with a correct name' do expect(repository.name).to eq 'some/image' end it 'has path including a nested group' do expect(repository.path).to include 'nested/test/some/image' end end context 'when received root repository path' do let(:path) { project.full_path } it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with an empty name' do expect(repository.name).to be_empty end end end describe '.build_root_repository' do let(:repository) do described_class.build_root_repository(project) end it 'fabricates a root repository object' do expect(repository).to be_root_repository end it 'assignes it to the correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'does not persist it' do expect(repository).not_to be_persisted end end describe '.for_group_and_its_subgroups' do subject { described_class.for_group_and_its_subgroups(test_group) } context 'in a group' do let(:test_group) { group } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository) } end context 'with a subgroup' do let(:test_group) { create(:group) } let(:another_project) { create(:project, path: 'test', group: test_group) } let(:another_repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', project: another_project) end before do group.parent = test_group group.save end it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository, another_repository) } end context 'group without container_repositories' do let(:test_group) { create(:group) } it { is_expected.to eq([]) } end end describe '.search_by_name' do let!(:another_repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_foo_bar', project: project) end subject { described_class.search_by_name('my_image') } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository) } end describe '.for_project_id' do subject { described_class.for_project_id(project.id) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository) } end describe '.expiration_policy_started_at_nil_or_before' do let_it_be(:repository1) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: nil) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: 1.day.ago) } let_it_be(:repository3) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: 2.hours.ago) } let_it_be(:repository4) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: 1.week.ago) } subject { described_class.expiration_policy_started_at_nil_or_before(3.hours.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository1, repository2, repository4) } end describe '.waiting_for_cleanup' do let_it_be(:repository_cleanup_scheduled) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_scheduled) } let_it_be(:repository_cleanup_unfinished) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_unfinished) } let_it_be(:repository_cleanup_ongoing) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_ongoing) } subject { described_class.waiting_for_cleanup } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository_cleanup_scheduled, repository_cleanup_unfinished) } end describe '.exists_by_path?' do it 'returns true for known container repository paths' do path = ContainerRegistry::Path.new("#{project.full_path}/#{repository.name}") expect(described_class.exists_by_path?(path)).to be_truthy end it 'returns false for unknown container repository paths' do path = ContainerRegistry::Path.new('you/dont/know/me') expect(described_class.exists_by_path?(path)).to be_falsey end end describe '.with_enabled_policy' do let_it_be(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository) } subject { described_class.with_enabled_policy } before do repository.project.container_expiration_policy.update!(enabled: true) end it { is_expected.to eq([repository]) } end context 'with repositories' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_unscheduled) } let_it_be(:other_repository) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_unscheduled) } let(:policy) { repository.project.container_expiration_policy } before do ContainerExpirationPolicy.update_all(enabled: true) end describe '.requiring_cleanup' do subject { described_class.requiring_cleanup } context 'with next_run_at in the future' do before do policy.update_column(:next_run_at, 10.minutes.from_now) end it { is_expected.to eq([]) } end context 'with next_run_at in the past' do before do policy.update_column(:next_run_at, 10.minutes.ago) end it { is_expected.to eq([repository]) } end end describe '.with_unfinished_cleanup' do subject { described_class.with_unfinished_cleanup } it { is_expected.to eq([]) } context 'with an unfinished repository' do before do repository.cleanup_unfinished! end it { is_expected.to eq([repository]) } end end end end