import { GlBadge } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import ActivityBar from '~/ide/components/activity_bar.vue'; import { leftSidebarViews } from '~/ide/constants'; import { createStore } from '~/ide/stores'; describe('IDE ActivityBar component', () => { let wrapper; let store; const findChangesBadge = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlBadge); const mountComponent = (state) => { store = createStore(); store.replaceState({, projects: { abcproject: { web_url: 'testing' } }, currentProjectId: 'abcproject', ...state, }); wrapper = shallowMount(ActivityBar, { store }); }; describe('updateActivityBarView', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent(); jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'updateActivityBarView').mockImplementation(() => {}); }); it('calls updateActivityBarView with edit value on click', () => { wrapper.find('.js-ide-edit-mode').trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.updateActivityBarView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; }); it('calls updateActivityBarView with commit value on click', () => { wrapper.find('.js-ide-commit-mode').trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.updateActivityBarView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; }); it('calls updateActivityBarView with review value on click', () => { wrapper.find('.js-ide-review-mode').trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.updateActivityBarView).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; }); }); describe('active item', () => { it('sets edit item active', () => { mountComponent(); expect(wrapper.find('.js-ide-edit-mode').classes()).toContain('active'); }); it('sets commit item active', () => { mountComponent({ currentActivityView: }); expect(wrapper.find('.js-ide-commit-mode').classes()).toContain('active'); }); }); describe('changes badge', () => { it('is rendered when files are staged', () => { mountComponent({ stagedFiles: [{ path: '/path/to/file' }] }); expect(findChangesBadge().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findChangesBadge().text()).toBe('1'); }); it('is not rendered when no changes are present', () => { mountComponent(); expect(findChangesBadge().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); });