import axios from 'axios'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import * as actions from '~/cycle_analytics/store/actions'; import * as getters from '~/cycle_analytics/store/getters'; import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import { allowedStages, selectedStage, selectedValueStream } from '../mock_data'; const mockRequestPath = 'some/cool/path'; const mockFullPath = '/namespace/-/analytics/value_stream_analytics/value_streams'; const mockStartDate = 30; const mockEndpoints = { fullPath: mockFullPath, requestPath: mockRequestPath }; const mockSetDateActionCommit = { payload: { startDate: mockStartDate }, type: 'SET_DATE_RANGE' }; const defaultState = { ...getters, selectedValueStream }; describe('Project Value Stream Analytics actions', () => { let state; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); state = {}; }); const mutationTypes = (arr) =>{ type }) => type); const mockFetchStageDataActions = [ { type: 'setLoading', payload: true }, { type: 'fetchCycleAnalyticsData' }, { type: 'fetchStageData' }, { type: 'fetchStageMedians' }, { type: 'setLoading', payload: false }, ]; describe.each` action | payload | expectedActions | expectedMutations ${'setLoading'} | ${true} | ${[]} | ${[{ type: 'SET_LOADING', payload: true }]} ${'setDateRange'} | ${{ startDate: mockStartDate }} | ${mockFetchStageDataActions} | ${[mockSetDateActionCommit]} ${'setFilters'} | ${[]} | ${mockFetchStageDataActions} | ${[]} ${'setSelectedStage'} | ${{ selectedStage }} | ${[{ type: 'fetchStageData' }]} | ${[{ type: 'SET_SELECTED_STAGE', payload: { selectedStage } }]} ${'setSelectedValueStream'} | ${{ selectedValueStream }} | ${[{ type: 'fetchValueStreamStages' }, { type: 'fetchCycleAnalyticsData' }]} | ${[{ type: 'SET_SELECTED_VALUE_STREAM', payload: { selectedValueStream } }]} `('$action', ({ action, payload, expectedActions, expectedMutations }) => { const types = mutationTypes(expectedMutations); it(`will dispatch ${expectedActions} and commit ${types}`, () => testAction({ action: actions[action], state, payload, expectedMutations, expectedActions, })); }); describe('initializeVsa', () => { let mockDispatch; let mockCommit; const payload = { endpoints: mockEndpoints }; beforeEach(() => { mockDispatch = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()); mockCommit = jest.fn(); }); it('will dispatch the setLoading and fetchValueStreams actions and commit INITIALIZE_VSA', async () => { await actions.initializeVsa( { ...state, dispatch: mockDispatch, commit: mockCommit, }, payload, ); expect(mockCommit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('INITIALIZE_VSA', { endpoints: mockEndpoints }); expect(mockDispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setLoading', true); expect(mockDispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fetchValueStreams'); expect(mockDispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setLoading', false); }); }); describe('fetchCycleAnalyticsData', () => { beforeEach(() => { state = { endpoints: mockEndpoints }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockRequestPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK); }); it(`dispatches the 'setSelectedStage' and 'fetchStageData' actions`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchCycleAnalyticsData, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA_SUCCESS' }, ], expectedActions: [], })); describe('with a failing request', () => { beforeEach(() => { state = { endpoints: mockEndpoints }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockRequestPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA_ERROR' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchCycleAnalyticsData, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA_ERROR' }, ], expectedActions: [], })); }); }); describe('fetchStageData', () => { const mockStagePath = /value_streams\/\w+\/stages\/\w+\/records/; beforeEach(() => { state = { ...defaultState, endpoints: mockEndpoints, startDate: mockStartDate, selectedStage, }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockStagePath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_SUCCESS' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchStageData, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [{ type: 'REQUEST_STAGE_DATA' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_SUCCESS' }], expectedActions: [], })); describe('with a successful request, but an error in the payload', () => { const tooMuchDataError = 'Too much data'; beforeEach(() => { state = { ...defaultState, endpoints: mockEndpoints, startDate: mockStartDate, selectedStage, }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockStagePath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, { error: tooMuchDataError }); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_ERROR' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchStageData, state, payload: { error: tooMuchDataError }, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_STAGE_DATA' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_ERROR', payload: tooMuchDataError }, ], expectedActions: [], })); }); describe('with a failing request', () => { beforeEach(() => { state = { ...defaultState, endpoints: mockEndpoints, startDate: mockStartDate, selectedStage, }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockStagePath).reply(httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_ERROR' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchStageData, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [{ type: 'REQUEST_STAGE_DATA' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_ERROR' }], expectedActions: [], })); }); }); describe('fetchValueStreams', () => { const mockValueStreamPath = /\/analytics\/value_stream_analytics\/value_streams/; beforeEach(() => { state = { endpoints: mockEndpoints, }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockValueStreamPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK); }); it(`commits the 'REQUEST_VALUE_STREAMS' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchValueStreams, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [{ type: 'REQUEST_VALUE_STREAMS' }], expectedActions: [ { type: 'receiveValueStreamsSuccess' }, { type: 'setSelectedStage' }, { type: 'fetchStageMedians' }, { type: 'fetchStageCountValues' }, ], })); describe('with a failing request', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockValueStreamPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_ERROR' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchValueStreams, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_VALUE_STREAMS' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_ERROR', payload: httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST }, ], expectedActions: [], })); }); }); describe('receiveValueStreamsSuccess', () => { const mockValueStream = { id: 'mockDefault', name: 'mock default', }; const mockValueStreams = [mockValueStream, selectedValueStream]; it('with data, will set the first value stream', () => { testAction({ action: actions.receiveValueStreamsSuccess, state, payload: mockValueStreams, expectedMutations: [{ type: 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_SUCCESS', payload: mockValueStreams }], expectedActions: [{ type: 'setSelectedValueStream', payload: mockValueStream }], }); }); it('without data, will set the default value stream', () => { testAction({ action: actions.receiveValueStreamsSuccess, state, payload: [], expectedMutations: [{ type: 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_SUCCESS', payload: [] }], expectedActions: [{ type: 'setSelectedValueStream', payload: selectedValueStream }], }); }); }); describe('fetchValueStreamStages', () => { const mockValueStreamPath = /\/analytics\/value_stream_analytics\/value_streams/; beforeEach(() => { state = { endpoints: mockEndpoints, selectedValueStream, }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockValueStreamPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK); }); it(`commits the 'REQUEST_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES' and 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES_SUCCESS' mutations`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchValueStreamStages, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES_SUCCESS' }, ], expectedActions: [], })); describe('with a failing request', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockValueStreamPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES_ERROR' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchValueStreamStages, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES_ERROR', payload: httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST }, ], expectedActions: [], })); }); }); describe('fetchStageMedians', () => { const mockValueStreamPath = /median/; const stageMediansPayload = [ { id: 'issue', value: null }, { id: 'plan', value: null }, { id: 'code', value: null }, ]; const stageMedianError = new Error( `Request failed with status code ${httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST}`, ); beforeEach(() => { state = { fullPath: mockFullPath, selectedValueStream, stages: allowedStages, }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockValueStreamPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK); }); it(`commits the 'REQUEST_STAGE_MEDIANS' and 'RECEIVE_STAGE_MEDIANS_SUCCESS' mutations`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchStageMedians, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_STAGE_MEDIANS' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_STAGE_MEDIANS_SUCCESS', payload: stageMediansPayload }, ], expectedActions: [], })); describe('with a failing request', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockValueStreamPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES_ERROR' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchStageMedians, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_STAGE_MEDIANS' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_STAGE_MEDIANS_ERROR', payload: stageMedianError }, ], expectedActions: [], })); }); }); describe('fetchStageCountValues', () => { const mockValueStreamPath = /count/; const stageCountsPayload = [ { id: 'issue', count: 1 }, { id: 'plan', count: 2 }, { id: 'code', count: 3 }, ]; const stageCountError = new Error( `Request failed with status code ${httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST}`, ); beforeEach(() => { state = { fullPath: mockFullPath, selectedValueStream, stages: allowedStages, }; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock .onGet(mockValueStreamPath) .replyOnce(httpStatusCodes.OK, { count: 1 }) .onGet(mockValueStreamPath) .replyOnce(httpStatusCodes.OK, { count: 2 }) .onGet(mockValueStreamPath) .replyOnce(httpStatusCodes.OK, { count: 3 }); }); it(`commits the 'REQUEST_STAGE_COUNTS' and 'RECEIVE_STAGE_COUNTS_SUCCESS' mutations`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchStageCountValues, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_STAGE_COUNTS' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_STAGE_COUNTS_SUCCESS', payload: stageCountsPayload }, ], expectedActions: [], })); describe('with a failing request', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockValueStreamPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }); it(`commits the 'RECEIVE_STAGE_COUNTS_ERROR' mutation`, () => testAction({ action: actions.fetchStageCountValues, state, payload: {}, expectedMutations: [ { type: 'REQUEST_STAGE_COUNTS' }, { type: 'RECEIVE_STAGE_COUNTS_ERROR', payload: stageCountError }, ], expectedActions: [], })); }); }); });