import { s__, __ } from '~/locale'; export const FETCH_SETTINGS_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Something went wrong while fetching the cleanup policy.', ); export const UPDATE_SETTINGS_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Something went wrong while updating the cleanup policy.', ); export const UPDATE_SETTINGS_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Cleanup policy successfully saved.', ); export const NAME_REGEX_LENGTH = 255; export const ENABLED_TEXT = __('Enabled'); export const DISABLED_TEXT = __('Disabled'); export const ENABLE_TOGGLE_LABEL = s__('ContainerRegistry|Cleanup policy:'); export const ENABLE_TOGGLE_DESCRIPTION = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|%{toggleStatus} - Tags matching the patterns defined below will be scheduled for deletion', ); export const TEXT_AREA_INVALID_FEEDBACK = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|The value of this input should be less than 256 characters', ); export const EXPIRATION_INTERVAL_LABEL = s__('ContainerRegistry|Expiration interval:'); export const EXPIRATION_SCHEDULE_LABEL = s__('ContainerRegistry|Expiration schedule:'); export const KEEP_N_LABEL = s__('ContainerRegistry|Number of tags to retain:'); export const NAME_REGEX_LABEL = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Tags with names matching this regex pattern will %{italicStart}expire:%{italicEnd}', ); export const NAME_REGEX_PLACEHOLDER = ''; export const NAME_REGEX_DESCRIPTION = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Wildcards such as %{codeStart}.*-test%{codeEnd} or %{codeStart}dev-.*%{codeEnd} are supported. To select all tags, use %{codeStart}.*%{codeEnd}', ); export const NAME_REGEX_KEEP_LABEL = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Tags with names matching this regex pattern will %{italicStart}be preserved:%{italicEnd}', ); export const NAME_REGEX_KEEP_PLACEHOLDER = ''; export const NAME_REGEX_KEEP_DESCRIPTION = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Wildcards such as %{codeStart}.*-master%{codeEnd} or %{codeStart}release-.*%{codeEnd} are supported', ); export const KEEP_N_OPTIONS = [ { variable: 1, key: 'ONE_TAG', default: false }, { variable: 5, key: 'FIVE_TAGS', default: false }, { variable: 10, key: 'TEN_TAGS', default: true }, { variable: 25, key: 'TWENTY_FIVE_TAGS', default: false }, { variable: 50, key: 'FIFTY_TAGS', default: false }, { variable: 100, key: 'ONE_HUNDRED_TAGS', default: false }, ]; export const CADENCE_OPTIONS = [ { key: 'EVERY_DAY', label: __('Every day'), default: true }, { key: 'EVERY_WEEK', label: __('Every week'), default: false }, { key: 'EVERY_TWO_WEEKS', label: __('Every two weeks'), default: false }, { key: 'EVERY_MONTH', label: __('Every month'), default: false }, { key: 'EVERY_THREE_MONTHS', label: __('Every three months'), default: false }, ]; export const OLDER_THAN_OPTIONS = [ { key: 'SEVEN_DAYS', variable: 7, default: false }, { key: 'FOURTEEN_DAYS', variable: 14, default: false }, { key: 'THIRTY_DAYS', variable: 30, default: false }, { key: 'NINETY_DAYS', variable: 90, default: true }, ];