/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ import { gql, execute, ApolloLink, Observable } from '@apollo/client/core'; import { testApolloLink } from 'helpers/test_apollo_link'; import { getPersistLink } from '~/lib/apollo/persist_link'; const DEFAULT_QUERY = gql` query { foo { bar } } `; const QUERY_WITH_DIRECTIVE = gql` query { foo @persist { bar } } `; const QUERY_WITH_PERSIST_FIELD = gql` query { foo @persist { bar __persist } } `; const terminatingLink = new ApolloLink(() => Observable.of({ data: { foo: { bar: 1 } } })); describe('~/lib/apollo/persist_link', () => { let subscription; afterEach(() => { if (subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } }); it('removes `@persist` directive from the operation', async () => { const operation = await testApolloLink(getPersistLink(), {}, QUERY_WITH_DIRECTIVE); const { selections } = operation.query.definitions[0].selectionSet; expect(selections[0].directives).toEqual([]); }); it('removes `__persist` fields from the operation with `@persist` directive', async () => { const operation = await testApolloLink(getPersistLink(), {}, QUERY_WITH_PERSIST_FIELD); const { selections } = operation.query.definitions[0].selectionSet; const childFields = selections[0].selectionSet.selections; expect(childFields).toHaveLength(1); expect(childFields.some((field) => field.name.value === '__persist')).toBe(false); }); it('decorates the response with `__persist: true` is there is `__persist` field in the query', () => { const link = getPersistLink().concat(terminatingLink); subscription = execute(link, { query: QUERY_WITH_PERSIST_FIELD }).subscribe(({ data }) => { expect(data.foo.__persist).toBe(true); }); }); it('does not decorate the response with `__persist: true` is there if query is not persistent', () => { const link = getPersistLink().concat(terminatingLink); subscription = execute(link, { query: DEFAULT_QUERY }).subscribe(({ data }) => { expect(data.foo.__persist).toBe(undefined); }); }); });