import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import Api from '~/api'; import * as actions from '~/deploy_freeze/store/actions'; import * as types from '~/deploy_freeze/store/mutation_types'; import getInitialState from '~/deploy_freeze/store/state'; import { createAlert } from '~/alert'; import * as logger from '~/lib/logger'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { freezePeriodsFixture } from '../helpers'; import { timezoneDataFixture } from '../../vue_shared/components/timezone_dropdown/helpers'; jest.mock('~/api.js'); jest.mock('~/alert'); describe('deploy freeze store actions', () => { const freezePeriodFixture = freezePeriodsFixture[0]; let mock; let state; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); state = getInitialState({ projectId: '8', timezoneData: timezoneDataFixture, }); Api.freezePeriods.mockResolvedValue({ data: freezePeriodsFixture }); Api.createFreezePeriod.mockResolvedValue(); Api.updateFreezePeriod.mockResolvedValue(); Api.deleteFreezePeriod.mockResolvedValue(); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); describe('setSelectedFreezePeriod', () => { it('commits SET_SELECTED_TIMEZONE mutation', () => { testAction( actions.setFreezePeriod, { id: 3, cronTimezone: 'UTC', freezeStart: 'start', freezeEnd: 'end', }, {}, [ { payload: 3, type: types.SET_SELECTED_ID, }, { payload: 'UTC', type: types.SET_SELECTED_TIMEZONE, }, { payload: 'start', type: types.SET_FREEZE_START_CRON, }, { payload: 'end', type: types.SET_FREEZE_END_CRON, }, ], ); }); }); describe('setSelectedTimezone', () => { it('commits SET_SELECTED_TIMEZONE mutation', () => { testAction(actions.setSelectedTimezone, {}, {}, [ { payload: {}, type: types.SET_SELECTED_TIMEZONE, }, ]); }); }); describe('setFreezeStartCron', () => { it('commits SET_FREEZE_START_CRON mutation', () => { testAction(actions.setFreezeStartCron, {}, {}, [ { type: types.SET_FREEZE_START_CRON, }, ]); }); }); describe('setFreezeEndCron', () => { it('commits SET_FREEZE_END_CRON mutation', () => { testAction(actions.setFreezeEndCron, {}, {}, [ { type: types.SET_FREEZE_END_CRON, }, ]); }); }); describe('addFreezePeriod', () => { it('dispatch correct actions on adding a freeze period', async () => { await testAction( actions.addFreezePeriod, {}, state, [{ type: 'RESET_MODAL' }], [ { type: 'requestFreezePeriod' }, { type: 'receiveFreezePeriodSuccess' }, { type: 'fetchFreezePeriods' }, ], ); expect(Api.createFreezePeriod).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state.projectId, { freeze_start: state.freezeStartCron, freeze_end: state.freezeEndCron, cron_timezone: state.selectedTimezoneIdentifier, }); }); it('should show alert and set error in state on add failure', async () => { Api.createFreezePeriod.mockRejectedValue(); await testAction( actions.addFreezePeriod, {}, state, [], [{ type: 'requestFreezePeriod' }, { type: 'receiveFreezePeriodError' }], ); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('updateFreezePeriod', () => { it('dispatch correct actions on updating a freeze period', async () => { await testAction( actions.updateFreezePeriod, {}, state, [{ type: 'RESET_MODAL' }], [ { type: 'requestFreezePeriod' }, { type: 'receiveFreezePeriodSuccess' }, { type: 'fetchFreezePeriods' }, ], ); expect(Api.updateFreezePeriod).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state.projectId, { id: state.selectedId, freeze_start: state.freezeStartCron, freeze_end: state.freezeEndCron, cron_timezone: state.selectedTimezoneIdentifier, }); }); it('should show alert and set error in state on add failure', async () => { Api.updateFreezePeriod.mockRejectedValue(); await testAction( actions.updateFreezePeriod, {}, state, [], [{ type: 'requestFreezePeriod' }, { type: 'receiveFreezePeriodError' }], ); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('fetchFreezePeriods', () => { it('dispatch correct actions on fetchFreezePeriods', () => { return testAction( actions.fetchFreezePeriods, {}, state, [ { type: types.REQUEST_FREEZE_PERIODS }, { type: types.RECEIVE_FREEZE_PERIODS_SUCCESS, payload: freezePeriodsFixture }, ], [], ); }); it('should show alert and set error in state on fetch variables failure', async () => { Api.freezePeriods.mockRejectedValue(); await testAction( actions.fetchFreezePeriods, {}, state, [{ type: types.REQUEST_FREEZE_PERIODS }], [], ); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: 'There was an error fetching the deploy freezes.', }); }); }); describe('deleteFreezePeriod', () => { it('dispatch correct actions on deleting a freeze period', async () => { await testAction( actions.deleteFreezePeriod, freezePeriodFixture, state, [ { type: 'REQUEST_DELETE_FREEZE_PERIOD', payload: }, { type: 'RECEIVE_DELETE_FREEZE_PERIOD_SUCCESS', payload: }, ], [], ); expect(Api.deleteFreezePeriod).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state.projectId,; }); it('should show alert and set error in state on delete failure', async () => { jest.spyOn(logger, 'logError').mockImplementation(); const error = new Error(); Api.deleteFreezePeriod.mockRejectedValue(error); await testAction( actions.deleteFreezePeriod, freezePeriodFixture, state, [ { type: 'REQUEST_DELETE_FREEZE_PERIOD', payload: }, { type: 'RECEIVE_DELETE_FREEZE_PERIOD_ERROR', payload: }, ], [], ); expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(logger.logError).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Unable to delete deploy freeze', error); }); }); });