# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::UpdateInstanceVariablesService do let(:params) { { variables_attributes: variables_attributes } } subject { described_class.new(params) } describe '#execute' do context 'without variables' do let(:variables_attributes) { [] } it { expect(subject.execute).to be_truthy } end context 'with insert only variables' do let(:variables_attributes) do [ { key: 'var_a', secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_a', protected: true }, { key: 'var_b', secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_b', protected: false } ] end it { expect(subject.execute).to be_truthy } it 'persists all the records' do expect { subject.execute } .to change { Ci::InstanceVariable.count } .by variables_attributes.size end it 'persists attributes' do subject.execute expect(Ci::InstanceVariable.all).to contain_exactly( have_attributes(key: 'var_a', secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_a', protected: true), have_attributes(key: 'var_b', secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_b', protected: false) ) end end context 'with update only variables' do let!(:var_a) { create(:ci_instance_variable) } let!(:var_b) { create(:ci_instance_variable, protected: false) } let(:variables_attributes) do [ { id: var_a.id, key: var_a.key, secret_value: 'new_dummy_value_for_a', protected: var_a.protected?.to_s }, { id: var_b.id, key: 'var_b_key', secret_value: 'new_dummy_value_for_b', protected: 'true' } ] end it { expect(subject.execute).to be_truthy } it 'does not change the count' do expect { subject.execute } .not_to change { Ci::InstanceVariable.count } end it 'updates the records in place', :aggregate_failures do subject.execute expect(var_a.reload).to have_attributes(secret_value: 'new_dummy_value_for_a') expect(var_b.reload).to have_attributes( key: 'var_b_key', secret_value: 'new_dummy_value_for_b', protected: true) end end context 'with insert and update variables' do let!(:var_a) { create(:ci_instance_variable) } let(:variables_attributes) do [ { id: var_a.id, key: var_a.key, secret_value: 'new_dummy_value_for_a', protected: var_a.protected?.to_s }, { key: 'var_b', secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_b', protected: true } ] end it { expect(subject.execute).to be_truthy } it 'inserts only one record' do expect { subject.execute } .to change { Ci::InstanceVariable.count }.by 1 end it 'persists all the records', :aggregate_failures do subject.execute var_b = Ci::InstanceVariable.find_by(key: 'var_b') expect(var_a.reload.secret_value).to eq('new_dummy_value_for_a') expect(var_b.secret_value).to eq('dummy_value_for_b') end end context 'with insert, update, and destroy variables' do let!(:var_a) { create(:ci_instance_variable) } let!(:var_b) { create(:ci_instance_variable) } let(:variables_attributes) do [ { id: var_a.id, key: var_a.key, secret_value: 'new_dummy_value_for_a', protected: var_a.protected?.to_s }, { id: var_b.id, key: var_b.key, secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_b', protected: var_b.protected?.to_s, '_destroy' => 'true' }, { key: 'var_c', secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_c', protected: true } ] end it { expect(subject.execute).to be_truthy } it 'persists all the records', :aggregate_failures do subject.execute var_c = Ci::InstanceVariable.find_by(key: 'var_c') expect(var_a.reload.secret_value).to eq('new_dummy_value_for_a') expect { var_b.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect(var_c.secret_value).to eq('dummy_value_for_c') end end context 'with invalid variables' do let!(:var_a) { create(:ci_instance_variable, secret_value: 'dummy_value_for_a') } let(:variables_attributes) do [ { key: '...?', secret_value: 'nice_value' }, { id: var_a.id, key: var_a.key, secret_value: 'new_dummy_value_for_a', protected: var_a.protected?.to_s }, { key: var_a.key, secret_value: 'other_value' } ] end it { expect(subject.execute).to be_falsey } it 'does not insert any records' do expect { subject.execute } .not_to change { Ci::InstanceVariable.count } end it 'does not update existing records' do subject.execute expect(var_a.reload.secret_value).to eq('dummy_value_for_a') end it 'returns errors' do subject.execute expect(subject.errors).to match_array( [ "Key (#{var_a.key}) has already been taken", "Key can contain only letters, digits and '_'." ]) end end context 'when deleting non existing variables' do let(:variables_attributes) do [ { id: 'some-id', key: 'some_key', secret_value: 'other_value', '_destroy' => 'true' } ] end it { expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) } end context 'when updating non existing variables' do let(:variables_attributes) do [ { id: 'some-id', key: 'some_key', secret_value: 'other_value' } ] end it { expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) } end end end