# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe API::Helpers::PaginationStrategies do subject { Class.new.include(described_class).new } let(:expected_result) { double("result") } let(:relation) { double("relation", klass: "SomeClass") } let(:params) { {} } before do allow(subject).to receive(:params).and_return(params) end describe '#paginate_with_strategies' do let(:paginator) { double("paginator", paginate: expected_result, finalize: nil) } before do allow(subject).to receive(:paginator).with(relation, nil).and_return(paginator) end it 'yields paginated relation' do expect { |b| subject.paginate_with_strategies(relation, nil, &b) }.to yield_with_args(expected_result) end it 'calls #finalize with first value returned from block' do return_value = double expect(paginator).to receive(:finalize).with(return_value) subject.paginate_with_strategies(relation, nil) do |records| some_options = {} [return_value, some_options] end end it 'returns whatever the block returns' do return_value = [double, double] result = subject.paginate_with_strategies(relation, nil) do |records| return_value end expect(result).to eq(return_value) end end describe '#paginator' do context 'offset pagination' do let(:plan_limits) { Plan.default.actual_limits } let(:offset_limit) { plan_limits.offset_pagination_limit } let(:paginator) { double("paginator") } before do allow(subject).to receive(:keyset_pagination_enabled?).and_return(false) end context 'when keyset pagination is available for the relation' do before do allow(Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset).to receive(:available_for_type?).and_return(true) end context 'when a request scope is given' do let(:params) { { per_page: 100, page: offset_limit / 100 + 1 } } let(:request_scope) { double("scope", actual_limits: plan_limits) } context 'when the scope limit is exceeded' do it 'renders a 405 error' do expect(subject).to receive(:error!).with(/maximum allowed offset/, 405) subject.paginator(relation, request_scope) end end context 'when the scope limit is not exceeded' do let(:params) { { per_page: 100, page: offset_limit / 100 } } it 'delegates to OffsetPagination' do expect(Gitlab::Pagination::OffsetPagination).to receive(:new).with(subject).and_return(paginator) expect(subject.paginator(relation, request_scope)).to eq(paginator) end end end context 'when a request scope is not given' do context 'when the default limits are exceeded' do let(:params) { { per_page: 100, page: offset_limit / 100 + 1 } } it 'renders a 405 error' do expect(subject).to receive(:error!).with(/maximum allowed offset/, 405) subject.paginator(relation) end end context 'when the default limits are not exceeded' do let(:params) { { per_page: 100, page: offset_limit / 100 } } it 'delegates to OffsetPagination' do expect(Gitlab::Pagination::OffsetPagination).to receive(:new).with(subject).and_return(paginator) expect(subject.paginator(relation)).to eq(paginator) end end end end context 'when keyset pagination is not available for the relation' do let(:params) { { per_page: 100, page: offset_limit / 100 + 1 } } before do allow(Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset).to receive(:available_for_type?).and_return(false) end it 'delegates to OffsetPagination' do expect(Gitlab::Pagination::OffsetPagination).to receive(:new).with(subject).and_return(paginator) expect(subject.paginator(relation)).to eq(paginator) end end end context 'for keyset pagination' do let(:params) { { pagination: 'keyset' } } let(:request_context) { double('request context') } let(:pager) { double('pager') } before do allow(subject).to receive(:keyset_pagination_enabled?).and_return(true) allow(Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::RequestContext).to receive(:new).with(subject).and_return(request_context) end context 'when keyset pagination is available' do before do allow(Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset).to receive(:available?).and_return(true) allow(Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset::Pager).to receive(:new).with(request_context).and_return(pager) end it 'delegates to Pager' do expect(subject.paginator(relation)).to eq(pager) end end context 'when keyset pagination is not available' do before do allow(Gitlab::Pagination::Keyset).to receive(:available?).with(request_context, relation).and_return(false) end it 'renders a 501 error' do expect(subject).to receive(:error!).with(/not yet available/, 405) subject.paginator(relation) end end end end end