import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'; import CompareVersionsDropdown from '~/diffs/components/compare_versions_dropdown.vue'; import diffsMockData from '../mock_data/merge_request_diffs'; import TimeAgo from '~/vue_shared/components/time_ago_tooltip.vue'; const localVue = createLocalVue(); const targetBranch = { branchName: 'tmp-wine-dev', versionIndex: -1 }; const startVersion = { version_index: 4 }; const mergeRequestVersion = { version_path: '123', }; const baseVersionPath = '/gnuwget/wget2/-/merge_requests/6/diffs?diff_id=37'; describe('CompareVersionsDropdown', () => { let wrapper; const findSelectedVersion = () => wrapper.find('.dropdown-menu-toggle'); const findVersionsListElements = () => wrapper.findAll('li'); const findLinkElement = index => findVersionsListElements() .at(index) .find('a'); const findLastLink = () => findLinkElement(findVersionsListElements().length - 1); const createComponent = (props = {}) => { wrapper = shallowMount(localVue.extend(CompareVersionsDropdown), { localVue, propsData: { ...props }, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('selected version name', () => { it('shows latest version when latest is selected', () => { createComponent({ mergeRequestVersion, startVersion, otherVersions: diffsMockData, }); expect(findSelectedVersion().text()).toBe('latest version'); }); it('shows target branch name for base branch', () => { createComponent({ targetBranch, }); expect(findSelectedVersion().text()).toBe('tmp-wine-dev'); }); it('shows correct version for non-base and non-latest branches', () => { createComponent({ startVersion, targetBranch, }); expect(findSelectedVersion().text()).toBe(`version ${startVersion.version_index}`); }); }); describe('target versions list', () => { it('should have the same length as otherVersions if merge request version is present', () => { createComponent({ mergeRequestVersion, otherVersions: diffsMockData, }); expect(findVersionsListElements().length).toEqual(diffsMockData.length); }); it('should have an otherVersions length plus 1 if no merge request version is present', () => { createComponent({ targetBranch, otherVersions: diffsMockData, }); expect(findVersionsListElements().length).toEqual(diffsMockData.length + 1); }); it('should have base branch link as active on base branch', () => { createComponent({ targetBranch, otherVersions: diffsMockData, }); expect(findLastLink().classes()).toContain('is-active'); }); it('should have correct branch link as active if start version present', () => { createComponent({ targetBranch, startVersion, otherVersions: diffsMockData, }); expect(findLinkElement(0).classes()).toContain('is-active'); }); it('should render a correct base version link', () => { createComponent({ baseVersionPath, otherVersions: diffsMockData.slice(1), targetBranch, }); expect(findLastLink().attributes('href')).toEqual(baseVersionPath); expect(findLastLink().text()).toContain('(base)'); }); it('should not render commits count if no showCommitsCount is passed', () => { createComponent({ otherVersions: diffsMockData, targetBranch, }); const commitsCount = diffsMockData[0].commits_count; expect(findLinkElement(0).text()).not.toContain(`${commitsCount} commit`); }); it('should render correct commits count if showCommitsCount is passed', () => { createComponent({ otherVersions: diffsMockData, targetBranch, showCommitCount: true, }); const commitsCount = diffsMockData[0].commits_count; expect(findLinkElement(0).text()).toContain(`${commitsCount} commit`); }); it('should render correct commit sha', () => { createComponent({ otherVersions: diffsMockData, targetBranch, }); const commitShaElement = findLinkElement(0).find('.commit-sha'); expect(commitShaElement.text()).toBe(diffsMockData[0].short_commit_sha); }); it('should render correct time-ago ', () => { createComponent({ otherVersions: diffsMockData, targetBranch, }); const timeAgoElement = findLinkElement(0).find(TimeAgo); expect(timeAgoElement.exists()).toBe(true); expect(timeAgoElement.props('time')).toBe(diffsMockData[0].created_at); }); }); });