require 'pry-nav' require 'kaminari' require 'kaminari/version' require 'will_paginate' require 'will_paginate/collection' require 'elasticsearch/model' require 'hashie/version' require 'active_model' require 'mongoid' require 'yaml' require 'active_record' unless defined?(ELASTICSEARCH_URL) ELASTICSEARCH_URL = ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_URL'] || "localhost:#{(ENV['TEST_CLUSTER_PORT'] || 9200)}" end RSpec.configure do |config| config.formatter = 'documentation' config.color = true config.before(:suite) do require 'ansi' tracer = tracer.formatter = lambda { |s, d, p, m| "#{m.gsub(/^.*$/) { |n| ' ' + n }.ansi(:faint)}\n" } Elasticsearch::Model.client = host: ELASTICSEARCH_URL, tracer: (ENV['QUIET'] ? nil : tracer) unless ActiveRecord::Base.connected? ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => ":memory:" ) end require 'support/app' if ::ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?(:raise_in_transactional_callbacks) && ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR.to_s < '5' ::ActiveRecord::Base.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true end end config.after(:all) do drop_all_tables! delete_all_indices! end end # Is the ActiveRecord version at least 4.0? # # @return [ true, false ] Whether the ActiveRecord version is at least 4.0. # # @since 6.0.1 def active_record_at_least_4? defined?(::ActiveRecord) && ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 end # Delete all documents from the indices of the provided list of models. # # @param [ Array ] models The list of models. # # @return [ true ] # # @since 6.0.1 def clear_indices(*models) models.each do |model| begin; Elasticsearch::Model.client.delete_by_query(index: model.index_name, q: '*'); rescue; end end and true end # Delete all documents from the tables of the provided list of models. # # @param [ Array ] models The list of models. # # @return [ true ] # # @since 6.0.1 def clear_tables(*models) begin;; rescue; end and true end # Drop all tables of models registered as subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base. # # @return [ true ] # # @since 6.0.1 def drop_all_tables! ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model| begin ActiveRecord::Schema.define do drop_table model end if model.table_exists? rescue end end and true end # Drop all indices of models registered as subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base. # # @return [ true ] # # @since 6.0.1 def delete_all_indices! client = Elasticsearch::Model.client ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model| begin client.indices.delete(index: model.index_name) if model.__elasticsearch__.index_exists? rescue end end and true end # Remove all classes. # # @param [ Array ] classes The list of classes to remove. # # @return [ true ] # # @since 6.0.1 def remove_classes(*classes) classes.each do |_class| Object.send(:remove_const, if defined?(_class) end and true end # Determine whether the tests with Mongoid should be run. # Depends on whether MongoDB is running on the default host and port, `localhost:27017`. # # @return [ true, false ] # # @since 6.0.1 def test_mongoid? $mongoid_available ||= begin require 'mongoid' if defined?(Mongo) # older versions of Mongoid use the driver, Moped client =['localhost:27017']) Timeout.timeout(1) do client.database.command(ping: 1) && true end end and true rescue Timeout::Error, LoadError, Mongo::Error => e client.close $stderr.puts("MongoDB not installed or running: #{e}") end end # Connect Mongoid and set up its Logger if Mongoid tests should be run. # # @since 6.0.1 def connect_mongoid(source) if test_mongoid? $stderr.puts "Mongoid #{Mongoid::VERSION}", '-'*80 if !ENV['QUIET'] == 'true' logger =$stderr) logger.formatter = lambda { |s, d, p, m| " #{m.ansi(:faint, :cyan)}\n" } logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG Mongoid.logger = logger Mongo::Logger.logger = logger else Mongo::Logger.logger.level = ::Logger::WARN end Mongoid.connect_to(source) end end