- ssh_info = @instance_configuration.settings[:ssh_algorithms_hashes] - content_for :table_content do %li = link_to _('SSH host key fingerprints'), '#ssh-host-keys-fingerprints' - content_for :settings_content do %h2#ssh-host-keys-fingerprints = _('SSH host key fingerprints') - if ssh_info.blank? %p = _('SSH host keys are not available on this system. Please use ssh-keyscan command or contact your GitLab administrator for more information.').html_safe - else %p = _('Below are the fingerprints for the current instance SSH host keys.') .table-responsive %table %thead %tr %th = _('Algorithm') %th = _('MD5') %th = _('SHA256') %tbody - ssh_info.each do |algorithm| %tr %td= algorithm[:name] %td %code= instance_configuration_cell_html(algorithm[:md5]) %td %code= instance_configuration_cell_html(algorithm[:sha256])