import { GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { merge } from 'lodash'; import { nextTick } from 'vue'; import VueApollo, { ApolloMutation } from 'vue-apollo'; import { useFakeDate } from 'helpers/fake_date'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import GetSnippetQuery from 'shared_queries/snippet/snippet.query.graphql'; import UnsolvedCaptchaError from '~/captcha/unsolved_captcha_error'; import { deprecatedCreateFlash as Flash } from '~/flash'; import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import SnippetEditApp from '~/snippets/components/edit.vue'; import SnippetBlobActionsEdit from '~/snippets/components/snippet_blob_actions_edit.vue'; import SnippetDescriptionEdit from '~/snippets/components/snippet_description_edit.vue'; import SnippetVisibilityEdit from '~/snippets/components/snippet_visibility_edit.vue'; import { SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_INTERNAL, SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, } from '~/snippets/constants'; import CreateSnippetMutation from '~/snippets/mutations/createSnippet.mutation.graphql'; import UpdateSnippetMutation from '~/snippets/mutations/updateSnippet.mutation.graphql'; import FormFooterActions from '~/vue_shared/components/form/form_footer_actions.vue'; import TitleField from '~/vue_shared/components/form/title.vue'; import { testEntries, createGQLSnippetsQueryResponse, createGQLSnippet } from '../test_utils'; jest.mock('~/flash'); const TEST_UPLOADED_FILES = ['foo/bar.txt', 'alpha/beta.js']; const TEST_API_ERROR = new Error('TEST_API_ERROR'); const TEST_CAPTCHA_ERROR = new UnsolvedCaptchaError(); const TEST_MUTATION_ERROR = 'Test mutation error'; const TEST_ACTIONS = { NO_CONTENT: merge({}, testEntries.created.diff, { content: '' }), NO_PATH: merge({}, testEntries.created.diff, { filePath: '' }), VALID: merge({}, testEntries.created.diff), }; const TEST_WEB_URL = '/snippets/7'; const TEST_SNIPPET_GID = 'gid://gitlab/PersonalSnippet/42'; const createSnippet = () => merge(createGQLSnippet(), { webUrl: TEST_WEB_URL, visibilityLevel: SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, }); const createQueryResponse = (obj = {}) => createGQLSnippetsQueryResponse([merge(createSnippet(), obj)]); const createMutationResponse = (key, obj = {}) => ({ data: { [key]: merge( { errors: [], snippet: { __typename: 'Snippet', webUrl: TEST_WEB_URL, }, }, obj, ), }, }); const createMutationResponseWithErrors = (key) => createMutationResponse(key, { errors: [TEST_MUTATION_ERROR] }); const getApiData = ({ id, title = '', description = '', visibilityLevel = SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, } = {}) => ({ id, title, description, visibilityLevel, blobActions: [], }); const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(VueApollo); describe('Snippet Edit app', () => { useFakeDate(); let wrapper; let getSpy; // Mutate spy receives a "key" so that we can: // - Use the same spy whether we are creating or updating. // - Build the correct response object // - Assert which mutation was sent let mutateSpy; const relativeUrlRoot = '/foo/'; const originalRelativeUrlRoot = gon.relative_url_root; beforeEach(() => { getSpy = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(createQueryResponse()); // See `mutateSpy` declaration comment for why we send a key mutateSpy = jest.fn().mockImplementation((key) => Promise.resolve(createMutationResponse(key))); gon.relative_url_root = relativeUrlRoot; jest.spyOn(urlUtils, 'redirectTo').mockImplementation(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; gon.relative_url_root = originalRelativeUrlRoot; }); const findBlobActions = () => wrapper.find(SnippetBlobActionsEdit); const findSubmitButton = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="snippet-submit-btn"]'); const findCancelButton = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="snippet-cancel-btn"]'); const hasDisabledSubmit = () => Boolean(findSubmitButton().attributes('disabled')); const clickSubmitBtn = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="snippet-edit-form"]').trigger('submit'); const triggerBlobActions = (actions) => findBlobActions().vm.$emit('actions', actions); const setUploadFilesHtml = (paths) => { wrapper.vm.$el.innerHTML = paths .map((path) => ``) .join(''); }; const setTitle = (val) => wrapper.find(TitleField).vm.$emit('input', val); const setDescription = (val) => wrapper.find(SnippetDescriptionEdit).vm.$emit('input', val); const createComponent = ({ props = {}, selectedLevel = SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE } = {}) => { if (wrapper) { throw new Error('wrapper already created'); } const requestHandlers = [ [GetSnippetQuery, getSpy], // See `mutateSpy` declaration comment for why we send a key [UpdateSnippetMutation, (...args) => mutateSpy('updateSnippet', ...args)], [CreateSnippetMutation, (...args) => mutateSpy('createSnippet', ...args)], ]; const apolloProvider = createMockApollo(requestHandlers); wrapper = shallowMount(SnippetEditApp, { apolloProvider, localVue, stubs: { ApolloMutation, FormFooterActions, }, provide: { selectedLevel, }, propsData: { snippetGid: TEST_SNIPPET_GID, markdownPreviewPath: '', markdownDocsPath: '', ...props, }, }); }; // Creates comopnent and waits for gql load const createComponentAndLoad = async (...args) => { createComponent(...args); await waitForPromises(); }; // Creates loaded component and submits form const createComponentAndSubmit = async (...args) => { await createComponentAndLoad(...args); clickSubmitBtn(); await waitForPromises(); }; describe('when loading', () => { it('renders loader', () => { createComponent(); expect(wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon).exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe.each` snippetGid | expectedQueries ${TEST_SNIPPET_GID} | ${[[{ ids: [TEST_SNIPPET_GID] }]]} ${''} | ${[]} `('when loaded with snippetGid=$snippetGid', ({ snippetGid, expectedQueries }) => { beforeEach(() => createComponentAndLoad({ props: { snippetGid } })); it(`queries with ${JSON.stringify(expectedQueries)}`, () => { expect(getSpy.mock.calls).toEqual(expectedQueries); }); it('should render components', () => { expect(wrapper.find(TitleField).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(SnippetDescriptionEdit).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(SnippetVisibilityEdit).exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(FormFooterActions).exists()).toBe(true); expect(findBlobActions().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should hide loader', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon).exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('default', () => { it.each` title | actions | shouldDisable ${''} | ${[]} | ${true} ${''} | ${[TEST_ACTIONS.VALID]} | ${true} ${'foo'} | ${[]} | ${false} ${'foo'} | ${[TEST_ACTIONS.VALID]} | ${false} ${'foo'} | ${[TEST_ACTIONS.VALID, TEST_ACTIONS.NO_CONTENT]} | ${true} ${'foo'} | ${[TEST_ACTIONS.VALID, TEST_ACTIONS.NO_PATH]} | ${false} `( 'should handle submit disable (title="$title", actions="$actions", shouldDisable="$shouldDisable")', async ({ title, actions, shouldDisable }) => { getSpy.mockResolvedValue(createQueryResponse({ title })); await createComponentAndLoad(); triggerBlobActions(actions); await nextTick(); expect(hasDisabledSubmit()).toBe(shouldDisable); }, ); it.each` projectPath | snippetGid | expectation ${''} | ${''} | ${urlUtils.joinPaths('/', relativeUrlRoot, '-', 'snippets')} ${'project/path'} | ${''} | ${urlUtils.joinPaths('/', relativeUrlRoot, 'project/path/-', 'snippets')} ${''} | ${TEST_SNIPPET_GID} | ${TEST_WEB_URL} ${'project/path'} | ${TEST_SNIPPET_GID} | ${TEST_WEB_URL} `( 'should set cancel href (projectPath="$projectPath", snippetGid="$snippetGid")', async ({ projectPath, snippetGid, expectation }) => { await createComponentAndLoad({ props: { projectPath, snippetGid, }, }); expect(findCancelButton().attributes('href')).toBe(expectation); }, ); it.each([SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE, SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_INTERNAL, SNIPPET_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC])( 'marks %s visibility by default', async (visibility) => { createComponent({ props: { snippetGid: '' }, selectedLevel: visibility, }); expect(wrapper.find(SnippetVisibilityEdit).props('value')).toBe(visibility); }, ); describe('form submission handling', () => { it.each` snippetGid | projectPath | uploadedFiles | input | mutationType ${''} | ${'project/path'} | ${[]} | ${{ ...getApiData(), projectPath: 'project/path', uploadedFiles: [] }} | ${'createSnippet'} ${''} | ${''} | ${[]} | ${{ ...getApiData(), projectPath: '', uploadedFiles: [] }} | ${'createSnippet'} ${''} | ${''} | ${TEST_UPLOADED_FILES} | ${{ ...getApiData(), projectPath: '', uploadedFiles: TEST_UPLOADED_FILES }} | ${'createSnippet'} ${TEST_SNIPPET_GID} | ${'project/path'} | ${[]} | ${getApiData(createSnippet())} | ${'updateSnippet'} ${TEST_SNIPPET_GID} | ${''} | ${[]} | ${getApiData(createSnippet())} | ${'updateSnippet'} `( 'should submit mutation $mutationType (snippetGid=$snippetGid, projectPath=$projectPath, uploadedFiles=$uploadedFiles)', async ({ snippetGid, projectPath, uploadedFiles, mutationType, input }) => { await createComponentAndLoad({ props: { snippetGid, projectPath, }, }); setUploadFilesHtml(uploadedFiles); await nextTick(); clickSubmitBtn(); expect(mutateSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mutateSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationType, { input, }); }, ); it('should redirect to snippet view on successful mutation', async () => { await createComponentAndSubmit(); expect(urlUtils.redirectTo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(TEST_WEB_URL); }); it.each` snippetGid | projectPath | mutationRes | expectMessage ${''} | ${'project/path'} | ${createMutationResponseWithErrors('createSnippet')} | ${`Can't create snippet: ${TEST_MUTATION_ERROR}`} ${''} | ${''} | ${createMutationResponseWithErrors('createSnippet')} | ${`Can't create snippet: ${TEST_MUTATION_ERROR}`} ${TEST_SNIPPET_GID} | ${'project/path'} | ${createMutationResponseWithErrors('updateSnippet')} | ${`Can't update snippet: ${TEST_MUTATION_ERROR}`} ${TEST_SNIPPET_GID} | ${''} | ${createMutationResponseWithErrors('updateSnippet')} | ${`Can't update snippet: ${TEST_MUTATION_ERROR}`} `( 'should flash error with (snippet=$snippetGid, projectPath=$projectPath)', async ({ snippetGid, projectPath, mutationRes, expectMessage }) => { mutateSpy.mockResolvedValue(mutationRes); await createComponentAndSubmit({ props: { projectPath, snippetGid, }, }); expect(urlUtils.redirectTo).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectMessage); }, ); describe.each([TEST_API_ERROR, TEST_CAPTCHA_ERROR])('with apollo network error', (error) => { beforeEach(async () => { jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(); mutateSpy.mockRejectedValue(error); await createComponentAndSubmit(); }); it('should not redirect', () => { expect(urlUtils.redirectTo).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should flash', () => { // Apollo automatically wraps the resolver's error in a NetworkError expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Can't update snippet: Network error: ${error.message}`, ); }); it('should console error', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '[gitlab] unexpected error while updating snippet', expect.objectContaining({ message: `Network error: ${error.message}` }), ); }); }); }); }); describe('on before unload', () => { it.each([ ['there are no actions', false, () => triggerBlobActions([])], ['there is an empty action', false, () => triggerBlobActions([testEntries.empty.diff])], ['there are actions', true, () => triggerBlobActions([testEntries.updated.diff])], [ 'the title is set', true, () => { triggerBlobActions([testEntries.empty.diff]); setTitle('test'); }, ], [ 'the description is set', true, () => { triggerBlobActions([testEntries.empty.diff]); setDescription('test'); }, ], [ 'the snippet is being saved', false, () => { triggerBlobActions([testEntries.updated.diff]); clickSubmitBtn(); }, ], ])( 'handles before unload prevent when %s (expectPrevented=%s)', async (_, expectPrevented, action) => { await createComponentAndLoad({ props: { snippetGid: '', }, }); action(); const event = new Event('beforeunload'); const returnValueSetter = jest.spyOn(event, 'returnValue', 'set'); window.dispatchEvent(event); if (expectPrevented) { expect(returnValueSetter).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Are you sure you want to lose unsaved changes?', ); } else { expect(returnValueSetter).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }, ); }); });