# frozen_string_literal: true require 'openssl' module Gitlab module Email module Smime # Tooling for signing and verifying data with SMIME class Signer # The `ca_certs` parameter, if provided, is an array of CA certificates # that will be attached in the signature together with the main `cert`. # This will be typically intermediate CAs def self.sign(cert:, key:, ca_certs: nil, data:) signed_data = OpenSSL::PKCS7.sign(cert, key, data, Array.wrap(ca_certs), OpenSSL::PKCS7::DETACHED) OpenSSL::PKCS7.write_smime(signed_data) end # Return nil if data cannot be verified, otherwise the signed content data # # Be careful with the `ca_certs` parameter, it will implicitly trust all the CAs # in the array by creating a trusted store, stopping validation at the first match # This is relevant when using intermediate CAs, `ca_certs` should only # include the trusted, root CA def self.verify_signature(ca_certs: nil, signed_data:) store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new store.set_default_paths Array.wrap(ca_certs).compact.each { |ca_cert| store.add_cert(ca_cert) } signed_smime = OpenSSL::PKCS7.read_smime(signed_data) # The S/MIME certificate(s) are included in the message and the trusted # CAs are in the store parameter, so we pass no certs as parameters # to `PKCS7.verify` # See https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man3/PKCS7_verify.html signed_smime if signed_smime.verify(nil, store) end end end end end