# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe RemoteMirror, :mailer do include GitHelpers describe 'URL validation' do context 'with a valid URL' do it 'is valid' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror) expect(remote_mirror).to be_valid end end context 'with an invalid URL' do it 'is not valid' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror, url: 'ftp://invalid.invalid') expect(remote_mirror).not_to be_valid end it 'does not allow url with an invalid user' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror, url: 'http://$user:password@invalid.invalid') expect(remote_mirror).to be_invalid expect(remote_mirror.errors[:url].first).to include('Username needs to start with an alphanumeric character') end it 'does not allow url pointing to localhost' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror, url: '') expect(remote_mirror).to be_invalid expect(remote_mirror.errors[:url].first).to include('Requests to loopback addresses are not allowed') end it 'does not allow url pointing to the local network' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror, url: '') expect(remote_mirror).to be_invalid expect(remote_mirror.errors[:url].first).to include('Requests to the local network are not allowed') end it 'returns a nil safe_url' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror, url: 'http://[0:0:0:0:ffff:]/foo.git') expect(remote_mirror.url).to eq('http://[0:0:0:0:ffff:]/foo.git') expect(remote_mirror.safe_url).to be_nil end end end describe 'encrypting credentials' do context 'when setting URL for a first time' do it 'stores the URL without credentials' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://foo:bar@test.com') expect(mirror.read_attribute(:url)).to eq('http://test.com') end it 'stores the credentials on a separate field' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://foo:bar@test.com') expect(mirror.credentials).to eq({ user: 'foo', password: 'bar' }) end it 'handles credentials with large content' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://bxnhm8dote33ct932r3xavslj81wxmr7o8yux8do10oozckkif:9ne7fuvjn40qjt35dgt8v86q9m9g9essryxj76sumg2ccl2fg26c0krtz2gzfpyq4hf22h328uhq6npuiq6h53tpagtsj7vsrz75@test.com') expect(mirror.credentials).to eq({ user: 'bxnhm8dote33ct932r3xavslj81wxmr7o8yux8do10oozckkif', password: '9ne7fuvjn40qjt35dgt8v86q9m9g9essryxj76sumg2ccl2fg26c0krtz2gzfpyq4hf22h328uhq6npuiq6h53tpagtsj7vsrz75' }) end end context 'when updating the URL' do it 'allows a new URL without credentials' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://foo:bar@test.com') mirror.update_attribute(:url, 'http://test.com') expect(mirror.url).to eq('http://test.com') expect(mirror.credentials).to eq({ user: nil, password: nil }) end it 'allows a new URL with credentials' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://test.com') mirror.update_attribute(:url, 'http://foo:bar@test.com') expect(mirror.url).to eq('http://foo:bar@test.com') expect(mirror.credentials).to eq({ user: 'foo', password: 'bar' }) end it 'does not update the repository config if credentials changed' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://foo:bar@test.com') repo = mirror.project.repository old_config = rugged_repo(repo).config mirror.update_attribute(:url, 'http://foo:baz@test.com') expect(rugged_repo(repo).config.to_hash).to eq(old_config.to_hash) end end end describe '#bare_url' do it 'returns the URL without any credentials' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror, url: 'http://user:pass@example.com/foo') expect(remote_mirror.bare_url).to eq('http://example.com/foo') end it 'returns an empty string when the URL is nil' do remote_mirror = build(:remote_mirror, url: nil) expect(remote_mirror.bare_url).to eq('') end end describe '#update_repository' do it 'performs update including options' do git_remote_mirror = stub_const('Gitlab::Git::RemoteMirror', spy) mirror = build(:remote_mirror) expect(mirror).to receive(:options_for_update).and_return(keep_divergent_refs: true) mirror.update_repository expect(git_remote_mirror).to have_received(:new).with( mirror.project.repository.raw, mirror.url, keep_divergent_refs: true ) expect(git_remote_mirror).to have_received(:update) end end describe '#options_for_update' do it 'includes the `keep_divergent_refs` option' do mirror = build_stubbed(:remote_mirror, keep_divergent_refs: true) options = mirror.options_for_update expect(options).to include(keep_divergent_refs: true) end it 'includes the `only_branches_matching` option' do branch = create(:protected_branch) mirror = build_stubbed(:remote_mirror, project: branch.project, only_protected_branches: true) options = mirror.options_for_update expect(options).to include(only_branches_matching: [branch.name]) end it 'includes the `ssh_key` option' do mirror = build(:remote_mirror, :ssh, ssh_private_key: 'private-key') options = mirror.options_for_update expect(options).to include(ssh_key: 'private-key') end it 'includes the `known_hosts` option' do mirror = build(:remote_mirror, :ssh, ssh_known_hosts: 'known-hosts') options = mirror.options_for_update expect(options).to include(known_hosts: 'known-hosts') end end describe '#safe_url' do context 'when URL contains credentials' do it 'masks the credentials' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://foo:bar@test.com') expect(mirror.safe_url).to eq('http://*****:*****@test.com') end end context 'when URL does not contain credentials' do it 'shows the full URL' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://test.com') expect(mirror.safe_url).to eq('http://test.com') end end end describe '#mark_as_failed!' do let(:remote_mirror) { create(:remote_mirror) } let(:error_message) { 'http://user:pass@test.com/root/repoC.git/' } let(:sanitized_error_message) { 'http://*****:*****@test.com/root/repoC.git/' } subject do remote_mirror.update_start remote_mirror.mark_as_failed!(error_message) end it 'sets the update_status to failed' do subject expect(remote_mirror.reload.update_status).to eq('failed') end it 'saves the sanitized error' do subject expect(remote_mirror.last_error).to eq(sanitized_error_message) end context 'notifications' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do remote_mirror.project.add_maintainer(user) end it 'notifies the project maintainers', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do perform_enqueued_jobs { subject } should_email(user) end end end describe '#hard_retry!' do let(:remote_mirror) { create(:remote_mirror).tap {|mirror| mirror.update_column(:url, 'invalid') } } it 'transitions an invalid mirror to the to_retry state' do remote_mirror.hard_retry!('Invalid') expect(remote_mirror.update_status).to eq('to_retry') expect(remote_mirror.last_error).to eq('Invalid') end end describe '#hard_fail!' do let(:remote_mirror) { create(:remote_mirror).tap {|mirror| mirror.update_column(:url, 'invalid') } } it 'transitions an invalid mirror to the failed state' do remote_mirror.hard_fail!('Invalid') expect(remote_mirror.update_status).to eq('failed') expect(remote_mirror.last_error).to eq('Invalid') expect(remote_mirror.last_update_at).not_to be_nil expect(RemoteMirrorNotificationWorker.jobs).not_to be_empty end end context 'when remote mirror gets destroyed' do it 'does not remove the remote' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://foo:bar@test.com') mirror.destroy! end end context 'stuck mirrors' do it 'includes mirrors that were started over an hour ago' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://cantbeblank', update_status: 'started', last_update_started_at: 3.hours.ago, last_update_at: 2.hours.ago) expect(described_class.stuck.last).to eq(mirror) end it 'includes mirrors started over 3 hours ago for their first sync' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://cantbeblank', update_status: 'started', last_update_at: nil, last_update_started_at: 4.hours.ago) expect(described_class.stuck.last).to eq(mirror) end end describe '#sync' do let(:remote_mirror) { create(:project, :repository, :remote_mirror).remote_mirrors.first } around do |example| freeze_time { example.run } end context 'with remote mirroring disabled' do it 'returns nil' do remote_mirror.update!(enabled: false) expect(remote_mirror.sync).to be_nil end end context 'with remote mirroring enabled' do it 'defaults to disabling only protected branches' do expect(remote_mirror.only_protected_branches?).to be_falsey end context 'with only protected branches enabled' do before do remote_mirror.only_protected_branches = true end context 'when it did not update in the last minute' do it 'schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run now' do expect(RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(remote_mirror.id, Time.current) remote_mirror.sync end end context 'when it did update in the last minute' do it 'schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run in the next minute' do remote_mirror.last_update_started_at = Time.current - 30.seconds expect(RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker).to receive(:perform_in).with(RemoteMirror::PROTECTED_BACKOFF_DELAY, remote_mirror.id, Time.current) remote_mirror.sync end end end context 'with only protected branches disabled' do before do remote_mirror.only_protected_branches = false end context 'when it did not update in the last 5 minutes' do it 'schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run now' do expect(RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(remote_mirror.id, Time.current) remote_mirror.sync end end context 'when it did update within the last 5 minutes' do it 'schedules a RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker to run in the next 5 minutes' do remote_mirror.last_update_started_at = Time.current - 30.seconds expect(RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker).to receive(:perform_in).with(RemoteMirror::UNPROTECTED_BACKOFF_DELAY, remote_mirror.id, Time.current) remote_mirror.sync end end end end end describe '#url=' do let(:remote_mirror) { create(:project, :repository, :remote_mirror).remote_mirrors.first } it 'resets all the columns when URL changes' do remote_mirror.update!(last_error: Time.current, last_update_at: Time.current, last_successful_update_at: Time.current, update_status: 'started', error_notification_sent: true) expect { remote_mirror.update_attribute(:url, 'http://new.example.com') } .to change { remote_mirror.last_error }.to(nil) .and change { remote_mirror.last_update_at }.to(nil) .and change { remote_mirror.last_successful_update_at }.to(nil) .and change { remote_mirror.update_status }.to('finished') .and change { remote_mirror.error_notification_sent }.to(false) end end describe '#updated_since?' do let(:remote_mirror) { create(:project, :repository, :remote_mirror).remote_mirrors.first } let(:timestamp) { Time.current - 5.minutes } around do |example| freeze_time { example.run } end before do remote_mirror.update!(last_update_started_at: Time.current) end context 'when remote mirror does not have status failed' do it 'returns true when last update started after the timestamp' do expect(remote_mirror.updated_since?(timestamp)).to be true end it 'returns false when last update started before the timestamp' do expect(remote_mirror.updated_since?(Time.current + 5.minutes)).to be false end end context 'when remote mirror has status failed' do it 'returns false when last update started after the timestamp' do remote_mirror.update!(update_status: 'failed') expect(remote_mirror.updated_since?(timestamp)).to be false end end end context 'no project' do it 'includes mirror with a project in pending_delete' do mirror = create_mirror(url: 'http://cantbeblank', update_status: 'finished', enabled: true, last_update_at: nil, updated_at: 25.hours.ago) project = mirror.project project.pending_delete = true project.save! mirror.reload expect(mirror.sync).to be_nil expect(mirror.valid?).to be_truthy expect(mirror.update_status).to eq('finished') end end describe '#disabled?' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } subject { remote_mirror.disabled? } context 'when disabled' do let(:remote_mirror) { build(:remote_mirror, project: project, enabled: false) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when enabled' do let(:remote_mirror) { build(:remote_mirror, project: project, enabled: true) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end def create_mirror(params) project = FactoryBot.create(:project, :repository) project.remote_mirrors.create!(params) end end