import { editor as monacoEditor } from 'monaco-editor'; import { EDITOR_EXTENSION_NAMING_CONFLICT_ERROR, EDITOR_EXTENSION_NO_DEFINITION_ERROR, EDITOR_EXTENSION_DEFINITION_TYPE_ERROR, EDITOR_EXTENSION_NOT_REGISTERED_ERROR, EDITOR_EXTENSION_NOT_SPECIFIED_FOR_UNUSE_ERROR, } from '~/editor/constants'; import SourceEditorInstance from '~/editor/source_editor_instance'; import { sprintf } from '~/locale'; import { SEClassExtension, conflictingExtensions, SEFnExtension, SEConstExt, SEWithSetupExt, } from './helpers'; describe('Source Editor Instance', () => { let seInstance; const defSetupOptions = { foo: 'bar' }; const fullExtensionsArray = [ { definition: SEClassExtension }, { definition: SEFnExtension }, { definition: SEConstExt }, ]; const fullExtensionsArrayWithOptions = [ { definition: SEClassExtension, setupOptions: defSetupOptions }, { definition: SEFnExtension, setupOptions: defSetupOptions }, { definition: SEConstExt, setupOptions: defSetupOptions }, ]; const fooFn = jest.fn(); const fooProp = 'foo'; class DummyExt { // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this get extensionName() { return 'DummyExt'; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this provides() { return { fooFn, fooProp, }; } } afterEach(() => { seInstance = undefined; }); it('sets up the registry for the methods coming from extensions', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); expect(seInstance.methods).toBeDefined(); seInstance.use({ definition: SEClassExtension }); expect(seInstance.methods).toEqual({ shared: 'SEClassExtension', classExtMethod: 'SEClassExtension', }); seInstance.use({ definition: SEFnExtension }); expect(seInstance.methods).toEqual({ shared: 'SEClassExtension', classExtMethod: 'SEClassExtension', fnExtMethod: 'SEFnExtension', }); }); describe('proxy', () => { it('returns a method from an extension if extension provides it', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); seInstance.use({ definition: DummyExt }); expect(fooFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); seInstance.fooFn(); expect(fooFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('returns a prop from an extension if extension provides it', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); seInstance.use({ definition: DummyExt }); expect(seInstance.fooProp).toBe('foo'); }); it.each` stringPropToPass | objPropToPass | setupOptions ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} ${'prop'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} ${'prop'} | ${[]} | ${undefined} ${'prop'} | ${{}} | ${undefined} ${'prop'} | ${{ alpha: 'beta' }} | ${undefined} ${'prop'} | ${{ alpha: 'beta' }} | ${defSetupOptions} ${'prop'} | ${undefined} | ${defSetupOptions} ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${defSetupOptions} ${''} | ${{}} | ${defSetupOptions} `( 'correctly passes arguments ("$stringPropToPass", "$objPropToPass") and instance (with "$setupOptions" setupOptions) to extension methods', ({ stringPropToPass, objPropToPass, setupOptions }) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); seInstance.use({ definition: SEWithSetupExt, setupOptions }); const [stringProp, objProp, instance] = seInstance.returnInstanceAndProps( stringPropToPass, objPropToPass, ); const expectedObjProps = objPropToPass || {}; expect(instance).toBe(seInstance); expect(stringProp).toBe(stringPropToPass); expect(objProp).toEqual(expectedObjProps); if (setupOptions) { Object.keys(setupOptions).forEach((key) => { expect(instance[key]).toBe(setupOptions[key]); }); } }, ); it('correctly passes instance to the methods even if no additional props have been passed', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); seInstance.use({ definition: SEWithSetupExt }); const instance = seInstance.returnInstance(); expect(instance).toBe(seInstance); }); it("correctly sets the context of the 'this' keyword for the extension's methods", () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); const extension = seInstance.use({ definition: SEWithSetupExt }); expect(seInstance.giveMeContext()).toEqual(extension.obj); }); it('returns props from SE instance itself if no extension provides the prop', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance({ use: fooFn, }); const spy = jest.spyOn(seInstance.constructor.prototype, 'use').mockImplementation(() => {}); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(fooFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); seInstance.use(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(fooFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('returns props from Monaco instance when the prop does not exist on the SE instance', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance({ fooFn, }); expect(fooFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); seInstance.fooFn(); expect(fooFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('public API', () => { it.each(['use', 'unuse'], 'provides "%s" as public method by default', (method) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); expect(seInstance[method]).toBeDefined(); }); describe('use', () => { it('extends the SE instance with methods provided by an extension', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); seInstance.use({ definition: DummyExt }); expect(fooFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); seInstance.fooFn(); expect(fooFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it.each` extensions | expectedProps ${{ definition: SEClassExtension }} | ${['shared', 'classExtMethod']} ${{ definition: SEFnExtension }} | ${['fnExtMethod']} ${{ definition: SEConstExt }} | ${['constExtMethod']} ${fullExtensionsArray} | ${['shared', 'classExtMethod', 'fnExtMethod', 'constExtMethod']} ${fullExtensionsArrayWithOptions} | ${['shared', 'classExtMethod', 'fnExtMethod', 'constExtMethod']} `( 'Should register $expectedProps when extension is "$extensions"', ({ extensions, expectedProps }) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); expect(seInstance.extensionsAPI).toHaveLength(0); seInstance.use(extensions); expect(seInstance.extensionsAPI).toEqual(expectedProps); }, ); it.each` definition | preInstalledExtDefinition | expectedErrorProp ${conflictingExtensions.WithInstanceExt} | ${SEClassExtension} | ${'use'} ${conflictingExtensions.WithInstanceExt} | ${null} | ${'use'} ${conflictingExtensions.WithAnotherExt} | ${null} | ${undefined} ${conflictingExtensions.WithAnotherExt} | ${SEClassExtension} | ${'shared'} ${SEClassExtension} | ${conflictingExtensions.WithAnotherExt} | ${'shared'} `( 'logs the naming conflict error when registering $definition', ({ definition, preInstalledExtDefinition, expectedErrorProp }) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); if (preInstalledExtDefinition) { seInstance.use({ definition: preInstalledExtDefinition }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console expect(console.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } seInstance.use({ definition }); if (expectedErrorProp) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console expect(console.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.stringContaining( sprintf(EDITOR_EXTENSION_NAMING_CONFLICT_ERROR, { prop: expectedErrorProp }), ), ); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console expect(console.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }, ); it.each` extensions | thrownError ${''} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NO_DEFINITION_ERROR} ${undefined} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NO_DEFINITION_ERROR} ${{}} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NO_DEFINITION_ERROR} ${{ foo: 'bar' }} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NO_DEFINITION_ERROR} ${{ definition: '' }} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NO_DEFINITION_ERROR} ${{ definition: undefined }} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NO_DEFINITION_ERROR} ${{ definition: [] }} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_DEFINITION_TYPE_ERROR} ${{ definition: {} }} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_DEFINITION_TYPE_ERROR} ${{ definition: { foo: 'bar' } }} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_DEFINITION_TYPE_ERROR} `( 'Should throw $thrownError when extension is "$extensions"', ({ extensions, thrownError }) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); const useExtension = () => { seInstance.use(extensions); }; expect(useExtension).toThrowError(thrownError); }, ); describe('global extensions registry', () => { let extensionStore; beforeEach(() => { extensionStore = new Map(); seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance({}, extensionStore); }); it('stores _instances_ of the used extensions in a global registry', () => { const extension = seInstance.use({ definition: SEClassExtension }); expect(extensionStore.size).toBe(1); expect(extensionStore.entries().next().value).toEqual(['SEClassExtension', extension]); }); it('does not duplicate entries in the registry', () => { jest.spyOn(extensionStore, 'set'); const extension1 = seInstance.use({ definition: SEClassExtension }); seInstance.use({ definition: SEClassExtension }); expect(extensionStore.set).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(extensionStore.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith('SEClassExtension', extension1); }); it('correctly registers methods from the existing extension on an instance', () => { const seInstance2 = new SourceEditorInstance({}, extensionStore); seInstance.use({ definition: SEClassExtension }); const val1 = seInstance.classExtMethod(); seInstance2.use({ definition: SEClassExtension }); expect(seInstance2.classExtMethod).toBeDefined(); expect(seInstance2.classExtMethod()).toBe(val1); // from helpers.js we know classExtMethod()returns a string. Hence `toBe` }); it.each` desc | currentSetupOptions | newSetupOptions | expectedCallTimes ${'updates'} | ${undefined} | ${defSetupOptions} | ${2} ${'updates'} | ${defSetupOptions} | ${undefined} | ${2} ${'updates'} | ${{ foo: 'bar' }} | ${{ foo: 'new' }} | ${2} ${'does not update'} | ${undefined} | ${undefined} | ${1} ${'does not update'} | ${{}} | ${{}} | ${1} ${'does not update'} | ${defSetupOptions} | ${defSetupOptions} | ${1} `( '$desc the extensions entry when setupOptions "$currentSetupOptions" get changed to "$newSetupOptions"', ({ currentSetupOptions, newSetupOptions, expectedCallTimes }) => { jest.spyOn(extensionStore, 'set'); const extension1 = seInstance.use({ definition: SEClassExtension, setupOptions: currentSetupOptions, }); const extension2 = seInstance.use({ definition: SEClassExtension, setupOptions: newSetupOptions, }); expect(extensionStore.size).toBe(1); expect(extensionStore.set).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(expectedCallTimes); if (expectedCallTimes > 1) { expect(extensionStore.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith('SEClassExtension', extension2); } else { expect(extensionStore.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith('SEClassExtension', extension1); } }, ); }); }); describe('unuse', () => { it.each` unuseExtension | thrownError ${undefined} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NOT_SPECIFIED_FOR_UNUSE_ERROR} ${''} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NOT_SPECIFIED_FOR_UNUSE_ERROR} ${{}} | ${sprintf(EDITOR_EXTENSION_NOT_REGISTERED_ERROR, { name: '' })} ${[]} | ${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NOT_SPECIFIED_FOR_UNUSE_ERROR} `( `Should throw "${EDITOR_EXTENSION_NOT_SPECIFIED_FOR_UNUSE_ERROR}" when extension is "$unuseExtension"`, ({ unuseExtension, thrownError }) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); const unuse = () => { seInstance.unuse(unuseExtension); }; expect(unuse).toThrowError(thrownError); }, ); it.each` initExtensions | unuseExtensionIndex | remainingAPI ${{ definition: SEClassExtension }} | ${0} | ${[]} ${{ definition: SEFnExtension }} | ${0} | ${[]} ${{ definition: SEConstExt }} | ${0} | ${[]} ${fullExtensionsArray} | ${0} | ${['fnExtMethod', 'constExtMethod']} ${fullExtensionsArray} | ${1} | ${['shared', 'classExtMethod', 'constExtMethod']} ${fullExtensionsArray} | ${2} | ${['shared', 'classExtMethod', 'fnExtMethod']} `( 'un-registers properties introduced by single extension $unuseExtension', ({ initExtensions, unuseExtensionIndex, remainingAPI }) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); const extensions = seInstance.use(initExtensions); if (Array.isArray(initExtensions)) { seInstance.unuse(extensions[unuseExtensionIndex]); } else { seInstance.unuse(extensions); } expect(seInstance.extensionsAPI).toEqual(remainingAPI); }, ); it.each` unuseExtensionIndex | remainingAPI ${[0, 1]} | ${['constExtMethod']} ${[0, 2]} | ${['fnExtMethod']} ${[1, 2]} | ${['shared', 'classExtMethod']} `( 'un-registers properties introduced by multiple extensions $unuseExtension', ({ unuseExtensionIndex, remainingAPI }) => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); const extensions = seInstance.use(fullExtensionsArray); const extensionsToUnuse = extensions.filter((ext, index) => unuseExtensionIndex.includes(index), ); seInstance.unuse(extensionsToUnuse); expect(seInstance.extensionsAPI).toEqual(remainingAPI); }, ); it('it does not remove entry from the global registry to keep for potential future re-use', () => { const extensionStore = new Map(); seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance({}, extensionStore); const extensions = seInstance.use(fullExtensionsArray); const verifyExpectations = () => { const entries = extensionStore.entries(); const mockExtensions = ['SEClassExtension', 'SEFnExtension', 'SEConstExt']; expect(extensionStore.size).toBe(mockExtensions.length); mockExtensions.forEach((ext, index) => { expect([ext, extensions[index]]); }); }; verifyExpectations(); seInstance.unuse(extensions); verifyExpectations(); }); }); describe('updateModelLanguage', () => { let instanceModel; beforeEach(() => { instanceModel = monacoEditor.createModel(''); seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance({ getModel: () => instanceModel, }); }); it.each` path | expectedLanguage ${'foo.js'} | ${'javascript'} ${''} | ${'markdown'} ${'foo.rb'} | ${'ruby'} ${''} | ${'plaintext'} ${undefined} | ${'plaintext'} ${'test.nonexistingext'} | ${'plaintext'} `( 'changes language of an attached model to "$expectedLanguage" when filepath is "$path"', ({ path, expectedLanguage }) => { seInstance.updateModelLanguage(path); expect(instanceModel.getLanguageIdentifier().language).toBe(expectedLanguage); }, ); }); describe('extensions life-cycle callbacks', () => { const onSetup = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {}); const onUse = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {}); const onBeforeUnuse = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {}); const onUnuse = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {}); const MyFullExtWithCallbacks = () => { return { onSetup, onUse, onBeforeUnuse, onUnuse, }; }; it('passes correct arguments to callback fns when using an extension', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); seInstance.use({ definition: MyFullExtWithCallbacks, setupOptions: defSetupOptions, }); expect(onSetup).toHaveBeenCalledWith(seInstance, defSetupOptions); expect(onUse).toHaveBeenCalledWith(seInstance); }); it('passes correct arguments to callback fns when un-using an extension', () => { seInstance = new SourceEditorInstance(); const extension = seInstance.use({ definition: MyFullExtWithCallbacks, setupOptions: defSetupOptions, }); seInstance.unuse(extension); expect(onBeforeUnuse).toHaveBeenCalledWith(seInstance); expect(onUnuse).toHaveBeenCalledWith(seInstance); }); }); }); });