import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import testActionFn from './vuex_action_helper'; const testActionFnWithOptionsArg = (...args) => { const [action, payload, state, expectedMutations, expectedActions] = args; return testActionFn({ action, payload, state, expectedMutations, expectedActions }); }; describe.each([testActionFn, testActionFnWithOptionsArg])( 'VueX test helper (testAction)', (testAction) => { let originalExpect; let assertion; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); /** * In order to test the helper properly, we need to overwrite the Jest * `expect` helper. We test that the testAction helper properly passes the * dispatched actions/committed mutations to the Jest helper. */ originalExpect = expect; assertion = null; global.expect = (actual) => ({ toEqual: () => { originalExpect(actual).toEqual(assertion); }, }); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); global.expect = originalExpect; }); it('properly passes state and payload to action', () => { const exampleState = { FOO: 12, BAR: 3 }; const examplePayload = { BAZ: 73, BIZ: 55 }; const action = ({ state }, payload) => { originalExpect(state).toEqual(exampleState); originalExpect(payload).toEqual(examplePayload); }; assertion = { mutations: [], actions: [] }; return testAction(action, examplePayload, exampleState); }); describe('given a sync action', () => { it('mocks committing mutations', () => { const action = ({ commit }) => { commit('MUTATION'); }; assertion = { mutations: [{ type: 'MUTATION' }], actions: [] }; return testAction(action, null, {}, assertion.mutations, assertion.actions); }); it('mocks dispatching actions', () => { const action = ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch('ACTION'); }; assertion = { actions: [{ type: 'ACTION' }], mutations: [] }; return testAction(action, null, {}, assertion.mutations, assertion.actions); }); it('returns a promise', () => { assertion = { mutations: [], actions: [] }; const promise = testAction(() => {}, null, {}, assertion.mutations, assertion.actions); originalExpect(promise instanceof Promise).toBeTruthy(); return promise; }); }); describe('given an async action (returning a promise)', () => { const data = { FOO: 'BAR' }; const asyncAction = ({ commit, dispatch }) => { dispatch('ACTION'); return axios .get(TEST_HOST) .catch((error) => { commit('ERROR'); throw error; }) .then(() => { commit('SUCCESS'); return data; }); }; it('returns original data of successful promise while checking actions/mutations', async () => { mock.onGet(TEST_HOST).replyOnce(200, 42); assertion = { mutations: [{ type: 'SUCCESS' }], actions: [{ type: 'ACTION' }] }; const res = await testAction(asyncAction, null, {}, assertion.mutations, assertion.actions); originalExpect(res).toEqual(data); }); it('returns original error of rejected promise while checking actions/mutations', async () => { mock.onGet(TEST_HOST).replyOnce(500, ''); assertion = { mutations: [{ type: 'ERROR' }], actions: [{ type: 'ACTION' }] }; const err = testAction(asyncAction, null, {}, assertion.mutations, assertion.actions); await originalExpect(err).rejects.toEqual(new Error('Request failed with status code 500')); }); }); it('works with actions not returning promises', () => { const data = { FOO: 'BAR' }; const asyncAction = ({ commit, dispatch }) => { dispatch('ACTION'); axios .get(TEST_HOST) .then(() => { commit('SUCCESS'); return data; }) .catch((error) => { commit('ERROR'); throw error; }); }; mock.onGet(TEST_HOST).replyOnce(200, 42); assertion = { mutations: [{ type: 'SUCCESS' }], actions: [{ type: 'ACTION' }] }; return testAction(asyncAction, null, {}, assertion.mutations, assertion.actions); }); }, );