# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Import::FogbugzController do include ImportSpecHelper let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:token) { FFaker::Lorem.characters(8) } let(:uri) { 'https://example.com' } before do sign_in(user) end describe 'POST #callback' do let(:xml_response) { %Q() } it 'attempts to contact Fogbugz server' do stub_request(:post, "https://example.com/api.asp").to_return(status: 200, body: xml_response, headers: {}) post :callback, params: { uri: uri, email: 'test@example.com', password: 'mypassword' } expect(session[:fogbugz_token]).to eq(token) expect(session[:fogbugz_uri]).to eq(uri) expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_map_import_fogbugz_path) end context 'verify url' do shared_examples 'denies local request' do |reason| it 'does not allow requests' do post :callback, params: { uri: uri, email: 'test@example.com', password: 'mypassword' } expect(response).to redirect_to(new_import_fogbugz_url) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("Specified URL cannot be used: \"#{reason}\"") end end context 'when host is localhost' do let(:uri) { 'https://localhost:3000' } include_examples 'denies local request', 'Requests to localhost are not allowed' end context 'when host is on local network' do let(:uri) { '' } include_examples 'denies local request', 'Requests to the local network are not allowed' end context 'when host is ftp protocol' do let(:uri) { 'ftp://testing' } include_examples 'denies local request', 'Only allowed schemes are http, https' end end end describe 'POST #create_user_map' do let(:user_map) do { "2" => { "name" => "Test User", "email" => "testuser@example.com", "gitlab_user" => "3" } } end it 'stores the user map in the session' do client = double(user_map: {}) expect(controller).to receive(:client).and_return(client) post :create_user_map, params: { users: user_map } expect(session[:fogbugz_user_map]).to eq(user_map) expect(response).to redirect_to(status_import_fogbugz_path) end end describe 'GET status' do let(:repo) do instance_double(Gitlab::FogbugzImport::Repository, id: 'demo', name: 'vim', safe_name: 'vim', path: 'vim') end before do stub_client(valid?: true) end it_behaves_like 'import controller status' do let(:repo_id) { repo.id } let(:import_source) { repo.name } let(:provider_name) { 'fogbugz' } let(:client_repos_field) { :repos } end end describe 'POST create' do let(:repo_id) { 'FOGBUGZ_REPO_ID' } let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:client) { instance_double(Gitlab::FogbugzImport::Client, user_map: {}) } before do allow(controller).to receive(:client).and_return(client) end it 'returns the new project' do expect(Import::FogbugzService).to receive(:new).and_return( instance_double(Import::FogbugzService, execute: ServiceResponse.success) ) post :create, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) end it 'returns an error when service reports an error' do message = 'Error message' status = :unprocessable_entity expect(Import::FogbugzService).to receive(:new).and_return( instance_double(Import::FogbugzService, execute: ServiceResponse.error(message: message, http_status: status)) ) post :create, format: :json expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(status) expect(json_response).to eq({ 'errors' => message }) end it_behaves_like 'project import rate limiter' end end