--- stage: Verify group: Runner info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # SaaS runners on macOS (Limited Availability) **(PREMIUM SAAS)** SaaS runners on macOS are in [Limited Availability](../../../policy/alpha-beta-support.md#limited-availability-la) for approved open source programs and customers in Premium and Ultimate plans. SaaS runners on macOS provide an on-demand macOS build environment integrated with GitLab SaaS [CI/CD](../../../ci/index.md). Use these runners to build, test, and deploy apps for the Apple ecosystem (macOS, iOS, tvOS). You can take advantage of all the capabilities of the GitLab single DevOps platform and not have to manage or operate a build environment. CI/CD minutes used on GitLab SaaS macOS runners are included in your CI/CD minute consumption totals. CI jobs that run on macOS **will** consume CI minutes at a faster rate than CI jobs on the GitLab SaaS runners on Linux. Refer to the CI/CD minutes [cost factor](../../../ci/pipelines/cicd_minutes.md#cost-factor) for the cost factor applied to the GitLab SaaS macOS runners. ## Access request process While in limited availability, to run CI jobs on the macOS runners, GitLab SaaS customer namespaces must be explicitly added to the macOS `allow-list`. Customers who participated in the beta have already been added. After you have been added, you can use the macOS runners for any projects in your namespace. To request access, open a [limited availability access request](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/runner-saas-macos-limited-availability/-/issues/new). The expected turnaround for activation is two business days. ## Quickstart To start using SaaS runners on macOS, you must be an active GitLab SaaS Premium or Ultimate customer. Participants in the GitLab Open Source program are also eligible to use the service. ### Configuring your pipeline To start using the SaaS runners on macOS to run your CI jobs, you must configure your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file: 1. Add a `.gitlab-ci.yml` file to your project repository. 1. Specify the [image](macos/environment.md#vm-images) you want to use. 1. Commit a change to your repository. The runners automatically run your build. ### Example `.gitlab-ci.yml` file The following sample `.gitlab-ci.yml` file shows how to start using the SaaS runners on macOS: ```yaml .macos_saas_runners: tags: - shared-macos-amd64 image: macos-11-xcode-12 stages: - build - test before_script: - echo "started by ${GITLAB_USER_NAME}" build: extends: - .macos_saas_runners stage: build script: - echo "running scripts in the build job" test: extends: - .macos_saas_runners stage: test script: - echo "running scripts in the test job" ``` NOTE: You can specify a different Xcode image to run a job. To do so, replace the value for the `image` keyword with the value of the [virtual machine image name](macos/environment.md#vm-images) from the list of available images. ## SaaS runners on macOS service level objective In SaaS runners on macOS, the objective is to make 90% of CI jobs start executing in 120 seconds or less. The error rate should be less than 0.5%. ## Known Limitations and Usage Constraints - If the VM image does not include the specific software version you need for your job, then the job execution time will increase as the required software needs to be fetched and installed. - At this time, it is not possible to bring your own OS image.